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Top 10 Jobs Shunned By Thais


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In other words all the jobs that require hard dirty , physical work, and engineering knowledge, cleaning, handcrafting.., is what makes rich Bangkokians in particular, shun away "from making their hands dirty!"

Edited by MaxLee
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Probably all of Thailand which does have an incredibly low unemployment rate.

If only the statistics were in any way reliable.

Thailand has hundreds of thousands of people sitting about doing little or nothing, who are not interested in bettering themselves or working in gainful employment.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Thai unemployment figures are as reliable as anywhere else where it is calculated by the number of people without a job but looking for one ... which is the way most countries calculate an unemployment rate. It has absolutely nothing to do with people who are able or choose not to work.

In most countries unemployment figures are calculated from the number of people registered for benefits at the social security or registered with an employment agency.

Thailand has neither of those.

Maybe they get the figures from the snooker table operators ?

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??? your point being besides appearing to try to find a cloud in a silver lining

I am always surprised when people talk about how hard the Thai's work compared to anyone else. Do these people own businesses in Thailand? I own a couple of places in the BKK area and I can say without a doubt the average Thai worker is the laziest I have ever employed in any country I have employed people. They spend way too much business time on their personal phone calls, need to eat every 45 minutes and are incapable it seems of going to the washroom or do virtually anything without doing it in a committee. Sorry if that ruffles anyone's feathers but it is my direct personal experience..

Plus as the person said that you replied to with the above quote, Having a low employment rate is really moot when you consider part of the reason Thai's are so under paid is that they are over employed..

Perfect example, a few nights ago my wife son and I were shopping at Tops, on the way out the door there is a Dunkin Donuts there and my son likes that dam_n little donut holes or whatever they are called here. There were THREE staff members working in this little tiny kiosk. Yet the kiosk was self serve. So we picked up a tray, put the paper lining on it, picked up the tongs and picked up two of those little donuts for my son and one each for my wife and I. Then we walked it to the cashier.

Girl one took the tray from us and removed the tongs and put them back on the rack. She passed the tray to girl two, who put our donuts in a box, she then slide the box across the counter to girl three who looked in the box and rang up our total of under 100 baht. I tried to hand the note to girl three, but girl one was closer so she grabbed it and passed it to girl two who passed it to girl three, the change of course went in the exact reverse fashion. Of course that was after girl three counted ot the 3 twenty baht notes for change at least five times, just making sure she got it right I am sure.

Then girl three passed my box to girl two, who put it in a bag and she then passed it to girl one who handed it to us...

A couple of observations, it was a long long proces to grab four donuts.....

My wife commented that each of those girls likely made in the 5k to 6500 baht a month range...

Imagine if the company there hired ONE girl who could have easily done the job required at this little kiosk for 15k, the company would save money on salaries, would likely have a more motivated employee for the greater income (relative to Thai wages) and the poor customer would not have to sit through all that nonsense to get a simple order.

The downside of course is that we now have two unemployed spaceholders....

There in lies one of the biggest issues in Thailand... you see it in every store anywhere I've ever been, totally over staffed beyond belief with a staff that is so poorly paid they don't really give a crap about doing any work...

But the business owners (like I do) feel the need to hire so much extra staff as the Thai employees as a general rule simply don't care about their jobs that much as they pay so little....

Hmmmmm seems like some catch 22 stuff going on there...

Would love to see how to solve that one.. but like so many other things in Thailand that's the way they do it, I'm a farang I don't understand Thai way... to that all I can say is Thank goodness...

Not having a go at you. But why dont you take your own advice?

"Imagine if the company there hired ONE girl who could have easily done the job required at this little kiosk for 15k, the company would save money on salaries, would likely have a more motivated employee for the greater income (relative to Thai wages).... "

But the business owners (like I do) feel the need to hire so much extra staff as the Thai employees as a general rule simply don't care about their jobs that much as they pay so little...."

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Well if they applied for Numbers 5,7,8,10. on the original post in the mines in OZ. If qualified in any of these fields they would get a job no problems. The mines are screaming for employees and the lazy ones on the dole back home wont travel to the outback too hot. What a crock, it's too easy back in the city on the dole.

Yes there are plenty of dole bludgers in the city but you left out that many on the dole do not have the qualifications. Accomodation is unavalaible. married people have to uproot and move which is difficult when they own or have a morgage. The mines have training but also need certain education requirements and work history.

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The Department of Employment conducted a survey unemployed individuals in Thailand. There're approximately 171,000 people who are unemployed as of December, 2011. At the same time, there are as many as 75,000 employment vacancies in various business sectors that have been shunned by the Thais without jobs.

171,000 unemployed? 75,000 job vacancies?

Are these figures supposed to be for the whole of Thailand, or just one small district, of Bangkok?


Probably all of Thailand which does have an incredibly low unemployment rate.

Yes, very low. They are very good at employing scores of annoying shop keepers and the like who stand around or incessantly follow foreigners while practicing their English by announcing every item touched and its price. Or hiring a person for every individual task a boss can think up. 1 person on the cash register. 1 person to put the purchase in the bag. 1 cleaning lady/man to do her/his best to mop or sweep invisible spots by customer's feet. 1 person "security" to stand at the door and say sawasdee khrap. etc. Everyone is poor, but, hey, at least they have jobs, right?

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Probably all of Thailand which does have an incredibly low unemployment rate.

If only the statistics were in any way reliable.

Thailand has hundreds of thousands of people sitting about doing little or nothing, who are not interested in bettering themselves or working in gainful employment.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Thai unemployment figures are as reliable as anywhere else where it is calculated by the number of people without a job but looking for one ... which is the way most countries calculate an unemployment rate. It has absolutely nothing to do with people who are able or choose not to work.

Yes, yes, Nisa. The numbers here in Thailand are as reliable as any other numbers from other countries. To extend your thinking, numbers in general are always as reliable as any others.

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Probably all of Thailand which does have an incredibly low unemployment rate.

If only the statistics were in any way reliable.

Thailand has hundreds of thousands of people sitting about doing little or nothing, who are not interested in bettering themselves or working in gainful employment.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Thai unemployment figures are as reliable as anywhere else where it is calculated by the number of people without a job but looking for one ... which is the way most countries calculate an unemployment rate. It has absolutely nothing to do with people who are able or choose not to work.

In most countries unemployment figures are calculated from the number of people registered for benefits at the social security or registered with an employment agency.

Thailand has neither of those.

Maybe they get the figures from the snooker table operators ?

You are wrong on a number of counts.

Unemployment benefits are not the same as being unemployed. Few countries have lifetime and unlimited benefits for all (no eligibility requirements) people seeking work but cannot find it. The most accepted way unemployment is calculated through surveys.

Thailand also has social security and has employment agencies and workers are entitled to benefits if laid off depending on how long they have worked for the company.

Why read a topic when you don't believe the most basic part of the topic and/or don't have an understanding of the topic and are unwilling to search out facts about the topic?

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Probably all of Thailand which does have an incredibly low unemployment rate.

If only the statistics were in any way reliable.

Thailand has hundreds of thousands of people sitting about doing little or nothing, who are not interested in bettering themselves or working in gainful employment.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Thai unemployment figures are as reliable as anywhere else where it is calculated by the number of people without a job but looking for one ... which is the way most countries calculate an unemployment rate. It has absolutely nothing to do with people who are able or choose not to work.

Yes, yes, Nisa. The numbers here in Thailand are as reliable as any other numbers from other countries. To extend your thinking, numbers in general are always as reliable as any others.

If you know what unemployment rates actually measure and how the data is collected then it is statistically (small margin of error) accurate and an important economic gauge. If you don't understand what unemployment measures or the difference between those getting unemployment related benefits or the difference between those of working age able to work but who don't then it can be a bit confusing and make some folks believe conspiracies about the numbers or distrust them.

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Probably all of Thailand which does have an incredibly low unemployment rate.

If only the statistics were in any way reliable.

Thailand has hundreds of thousands of people sitting about doing little or nothing, who are not interested in bettering themselves or working in gainful employment.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Thai unemployment figures are as reliable as anywhere else where it is calculated by the number of people without a job but looking for one ... which is the way most countries calculate an unemployment rate. It has absolutely nothing to do with people who are able or choose not to work.

Maybe as reliable as some countries in Africa, but not as accurate as developed countries. Reporting on everything in Thailand is unreliable and apparently some regions dint even gather and report government data.

Haha, even a high level politician has admitted they lie when reporting data to make the people of Thailand, like Niss, feel all warm and cozy. So they admit they lie, but Nisa still wants to believe.

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Maybe as reliable as some countries in Africa, but not as accurate as developed countries. Reporting on everything in Thailand is unreliable and apparently some regions dint even gather and report government data.

Haha, even a high level politician has admitted they lie when reporting data to make the people of Thailand, like Niss, feel all warm and cozy. So they admit they lie, but Nisa still wants to believe.

Well lets take one of the most developed countries in the world ... Unemployment figures are revised almost each time they are put out in the US and after being looked at. Politicians lie all the time in the US. Unemployment and the related economy is the number one concern of voters in the upcoming election and Thailand it rates near zero among concerns of the public.

A couple other things .. You state factually data collected is is wrong because it could show something in Thailand positively. Yet, you have absolutely no source to say differently and no credible organization questioning the number and countless global organizations who don't question them or the way they are gathered as some countries do of UK unemployment figures. You have never taken a poll yourself and anyone actually in Thailand knows unemployment is without a doubt not a concern here.

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Maybe as reliable as some countries in Africa, but not as accurate as developed countries. Reporting on everything in Thailand is unreliable and apparently some regions dint even gather and report government data.

Haha, even a high level politician has admitted they lie when reporting data to make the people of Thailand, like Niss, feel all warm and cozy. So they admit they lie, but Nisa still wants to believe.

Well lets take one of the most developed countries in the world ... Unemployment figures are revised almost each time they are put out in the US and after being looked at. Politicians lie all the time in the US. Unemployment and the related economy is the number one concern of voters in the upcoming election and Thailand it rates near zero among concerns of the public.

A couple other things .. You state factually data collected is is wrong because it could show something in Thailand positively. Yet, you have absolutely no source to say differently and no credible organization questioning the number and countless global organizations who don't question them or the way they are gathered as some countries do of UK unemployment figures. You have never taken a poll yourself and anyone actually in Thailand knows unemployment is without a doubt not a concern here.

Open your eyes my man. Thais own politicians say Thai data is fudged. WHO says Thai data unreliable and incomplete because many areas either dint report or report incorrectly. We all know homicide rate is grossly under reported and we know why, tourism dollar. We also know auto accident deaths are understated as they don't count those pronounced dead on way to or at hospital.

Look at Thailand GDP per capita. Per capita is key here. That is a good indication of real picture and even that is overstated according to Thai official in charge.

No doubt America has a real problem with employing it's middle class where jobs have been eliminates due to technology, in the name if efficiency and EPS which keeps executives' salaries very high. Those middle class are very resistant to taking on lower paid less skilled positions which are many here in my area anyway.

Nonetheless, why infuse US unless very insecure about something. I am more than willing to acknowledge US faults and shortcomings as I don't have my personal worth and identity attached to same.

You can still like Thailand even if it is not perfect. It's really okay man.

Edited by ttelise
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In most countries unemployment figures are calculated from the number of people registered for benefits at the social security or registered with an employment agency.

Thailand has neither of those.

Maybe they get the figures from the snooker table operators ?

You are wrong on a number of counts.

Unemployment benefits are not the same as being unemployed. Few countries have lifetime and unlimited benefits for all (no eligibility requirements) people seeking work but cannot find it. The most accepted way unemployment is calculated through surveys.

Thailand also has social security and has employment agencies and workers are entitled to benefits if laid off depending on how long they have worked for the company.

Why read a topic when you don't believe the most basic part of the topic and/or don't have an understanding of the topic and are unwilling to search out facts about the topic?

Now let me tell you that in the 2 decades I'm living in Thailand I have spend a lot of time in the North east.Whenever I go there I stay at private houses and notice that almost every neighbour as far as I can see is sitting at home during day time.When i drive into which is one of the biggest city's of the NE I see the loads and loads of people of employable age sitting around and the game and snooker centers full of people in their late teens and early twenties.From the 3 brothers and 2 sisters my ex gf has none have been employed one day in their live.

I believe you that the statistics are correct and that there are less than 1% of unemployed in Thailand, but I must have met them all than.

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In most countries unemployment figures are calculated from the number of people registered for benefits at the social security or registered with an employment agency.

Thailand has neither of those.

Maybe they get the figures from the snooker table operators ?

You are wrong on a number of counts.

Unemployment benefits are not the same as being unemployed. Few countries have lifetime and unlimited benefits for all (no eligibility requirements) people seeking work but cannot find it. The most accepted way unemployment is calculated through surveys.

Thailand also has social security and has employment agencies and workers are entitled to benefits if laid off depending on how long they have worked for the company.

Why read a topic when you don't believe the most basic part of the topic and/or don't have an understanding of the topic and are unwilling to search out facts about the topic?

Now let me tell you that in the 2 decades I'm living in Thailand I have spend a lot of time in the North east.Whenever I go there I stay at private houses and notice that almost every neighbour as far as I can see is sitting at home during day time.When i drive into which is one of the biggest city's of the NE I see the loads and loads of people of employable age sitting around and the game and snooker centers full of people in their late teens and early twenties.From the 3 brothers and 2 sisters my ex gf has none have been employed one day in their live.

I believe you that the statistics are correct and that there are less than 1% of unemployed in Thailand, but I must have met them all than.

You are welcome to both look back at posts as well as searching the internet or find some other way to educate yourself on what unemployment rate means because you clearly don't know what an unemployment rate means or what it represents.

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Maybe as reliable as some countries in Africa, but not as accurate as developed countries. Reporting on everything in Thailand is unreliable and apparently some regions dint even gather and report government data.

Haha, even a high level politician has admitted they lie when reporting data to make the people of Thailand, like Niss, feel all warm and cozy. So they admit they lie, but Nisa still wants to believe.

Well lets take one of the most developed countries in the world ... Unemployment figures are revised almost each time they are put out in the US and after being looked at. Politicians lie all the time in the US. Unemployment and the related economy is the number one concern of voters in the upcoming election and Thailand it rates near zero among concerns of the public.

A couple other things .. You state factually data collected is is wrong because it could show something in Thailand positively. Yet, you have absolutely no source to say differently and no credible organization questioning the number and countless global organizations who don't question them or the way they are gathered as some countries do of UK unemployment figures. You have never taken a poll yourself and anyone actually in Thailand knows unemployment is without a doubt not a concern here.

Open your eyes my man. Thais own politicians say Thai data is fudged. WHO says Thai data unreliable and incomplete because many areas either dint report or report incorrectly. We all know homicide rate is grossly under reported and we know why, tourism dollar. We also know auto accident deaths are understated as they don't count those pronounced dead on way to or at hospital.

Look at Thailand GDP per capita. Per capita is key here. That is a good indication of real picture and even that is overstated according to Thai official in charge.

No doubt America has a real problem with employing it's middle class where jobs have been eliminates due to technology, in the name if efficiency and EPS which keeps executives' salaries very high. Those middle class are very resistant to taking on lower paid less skilled positions which are many here in my area anyway.

Nonetheless, why infuse US unless very insecure about something. I am more than willing to acknowledge US faults and shortcomings as I don't have my personal worth and identity attached to same.

You can still like Thailand even if it is not perfect. It's really okay man.

I am not going to debate you on all the wrong facts you have quoted but will ask you to back up just one claim and that is to back up with fact that the unemployment rates in Thailand are not accurate ... these are the same rates excepted globally by governments and investors ... by the way, there is no reporting done to get unemployment figures as it is done by polling and surveys just like most other places who want to present a clear picture on unemployment. Again, just one fact to show that these figures are grossly inaccurate. The bottom line is Thailand has an incredibly low unemployment rate the last decade (one of the lowest in the world) and you are welcome to speculate as to why this is but it makes no sense to dispute this as not being fact because you don't understand what unemployment is or how the data is collected or simply because you just can't accept something that may be perceived as a positive for Thailand.

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In most countries unemployment figures are calculated from the number of people registered for benefits at the social security or registered with an employment agency.

Thailand has neither of those.

Maybe they get the figures from the snooker table operators ?

You are wrong on a number of counts.

Unemployment benefits are not the same as being unemployed. Few countries have lifetime and unlimited benefits for all (no eligibility requirements) people seeking work but cannot find it. The most accepted way unemployment is calculated through surveys.

Thailand also has social security and has employment agencies and workers are entitled to benefits if laid off depending on how long they have worked for the company.

Why read a topic when you don't believe the most basic part of the topic and/or don't have an understanding of the topic and are unwilling to search out facts about the topic?

Now let me tell you that in the 2 decades I'm living in Thailand I have spend a lot of time in the North east.Whenever I go there I stay at private houses and notice that almost every neighbour as far as I can see is sitting at home during day time.When i drive into which is one of the biggest city's of the NE I see the loads and loads of people of employable age sitting around and the game and snooker centers full of people in their late teens and early twenties.From the 3 brothers and 2 sisters my ex gf has none have been employed one day in their live.

I believe you that the statistics are correct and that there are less than 1% of unemployed in Thailand, but I must have met them all than.

You are welcome to both look back at posts as well as searching the internet or find some other way to educate yourself on what unemployment rate means because you clearly don't know what an unemployment rate means or what it represents.

Could you please educate me as I and obviously a lot of other posters in this thread have no idea about the meanings.My understanding is that people who have no job and have the time to hang around in snooker places or gambling dens all day all year should be classified as unemployed.Not?
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Could you please educate me as I and obviously a lot of other posters in this thread have no idea about the meanings.My understanding is that people who have no job and have the time to hang around in snooker places or gambling dens all day all year should be classified as unemployed.Not?

The folks you describe would not be counted as unemployed when it comes to calculating the unemployment rate and rightly so as it doesn't sound like these people either need or want a job but certainly are not actively looking for one. They also wouldn't even be considered part of the labor force if they had no job and were not looking for one.

The Unemployment Rate in a nut shell is "those people unemployed who are actively seeking work" divided by the number of in the labor force (which would be people employed and those seeking employment).

A house wife, a retired person, somebody who comes from wealth or others who simply have found ways to survive without a job (legally or otherwise) are neither counted as unemployed as they have no interest in getting a job or are they counted as part of the overall labor force.

And this makes sense. An example as to why is it wouldn't help Stiggy or the many other business or potential business owners to know total people not working but it would be helpful to know the number of people without jobs who want and need a job.

Edited by Nisa
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It is relevant to point out that the Thai unemployment rate for the last 5+ years has basically been between .05 to 1.5%. Thailand's economy continues to boom compared to much of the world as even new investments poor in .. especially those that might previously have gone to China.

Much better to have a workforce able to "shun" certain jobs than be in a country with near double digit unemployment rate whose displaced workers average more 6+ months (while having no medical benefits) before they are able to find a new job even at significantly less pay.

But no doubt the Doom and Gloomers brigade will find some hatred to share toward Thais to find clouds in silver linings.

The unemployment rate you quote is laughable, but posting such ultra-Thai statements is what you always bring to the discussion. Do you actually really believe the stuff you post?

Edited by chaoyang
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Could you please educate me as I and obviously a lot of other posters in this thread have no idea about the meanings.My understanding is that people who have no job and have the time to hang around in snooker places or gambling dens all day all year should be classified as unemployed.Not?

The folks you describe would not be counted as unemployed when it comes to calculating the unemployment rate and rightly so as it doesn't sound like these people either need or want a job but certainly are not actively looking for one. They also wouldn't even be considered part of the labor force if they had no job and were not looking for one.

The Unemployment Rate in a nut shell is "those people unemployed who are actively seeking work" divided by the number of in the labor force (which would be people employed and those seeking employment).

A house wife, a retired person, somebody who comes from wealth or others who simply have found ways to survive without a job (legally or otherwise) are neither counted as unemployed as they have no interest in getting a job or are they counted as part of the overall labor force.

And this makes sense. An example as to why is it wouldn't help Stiggy or the many other business or potential business owners to know total people not working but it would be helpful to know the number of people without jobs who want and need a job.

Ooooh, but that would make it easy for any country in the world to solve their unempoyment issues.

Just pay them enough money that they DON'T WANT to work anymore, and there will be no unemployment anymore.

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Could you please educate me as I and obviously a lot of other posters in this thread have no idea about the meanings.My understanding is that people who have no job and have the time to hang around in snooker places or gambling dens all day all year should be classified as unemployed.Not?

The folks you describe would not be counted as unemployed when it comes to calculating the unemployment rate and rightly so as it doesn't sound like these people either need or want a job but certainly are not actively looking for one. They also wouldn't even be considered part of the labor force if they had no job and were not looking for one.

The Unemployment Rate in a nut shell is "those people unemployed who are actively seeking work" divided by the number of in the labor force (which would be people employed and those seeking employment).

A house wife, a retired person, somebody who comes from wealth or others who simply have found ways to survive without a job (legally or otherwise) are neither counted as unemployed as they have no interest in getting a job or are they counted as part of the overall labor force.

And this makes sense. An example as to why is it wouldn't help Stiggy or the many other business or potential business owners to know total people not working but it would be helpful to know the number of people without jobs who want and need a job.

Ooooh, but that would make it easy for any country in the world to solve their unempoyment issues.

Just pay them enough money that they DON'T WANT to work anymore, and there will be no unemployment anymore.

What would make sense? The way the globally accepted unemployment rates are currently defined around the globe?

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LoL, all them jobs could lead to international work with a little English.

Whats wrong with being a sparky?

They make a killing back home. But sadly most sparkys are business dumb and continue the rat race.

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