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Anyone Up For A Drink Tonight?


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Hi Everyone,

I just arrived in Chiang Mai on Wednesday and was hoping to meet some other expats... Went out solo last night and it's pretty lame going out alone.. ended up at some beer bars and that got pretty tiring after 20 mins.. Looking at maybe hitting up some live music... maybe a club? not sure... If anyone is interested... Please, let me know..



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If you can't find a mate, then you may like to try :

The Olde Bell on the Loi Kroh road (see banner on the right side of this page)

No. 1 bar on the Loi Kroh road

Mad Dog on the Moon Muang Road, close to soi 2.

Bamboo bar : https://www.facebook...3620402/?ref=ts and http://maps.google.c...2C0.053644&z=14

This just out of my head, others may like to add other places.

Edited by Nienke
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Hi Jeff and welcome to the smog.

You mention the beer bars which sort of puts you on the map so you could try the Olde Bell (next door to the Ramming Lodge Hotel on Loh Kroh road) where the owner Pedr is a friendly chap and talks to anyone :-)

If you like cricket then the sixes are just about to start and again you can get details from Pedr.

Have fun drunk.gif

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Hey soi chang khain has a temple festival on tonight for a bit of light entertainment it finishes at 12 midnight i had a really good time last night and the whole road came alive the last night is tonight but maybe it's not your thing but i like mixing my self within the culture just drop me a pm if you wanna go .

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Thanks for all the great suggestions... I'm sorry and shouldn't have said the beer bars are tiring... Just going to them by myself gets tiring... Can only handle the same coversations with them in small doses.... So, I'm pretty much up for whatever... Would just be nice to network with some expats that have been here a while... Also, I hear there are some night clubs out here... any good ones?

Thanks again for the warm welcome and if anyone is out for some drinks tonight... let me know where and when... and I'll see you there :)


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Hi Jeff,

Welcome to C.M.!

Ignore the jokers. There is some good advice here though. Maybe start at The Olde Bell or Number 1 bar as there are many ex-pats at both and the environment is friendly. I would pass on Mad Dog. I've never been there but have walked by at least 200 times and it looks as though some of the old men in there died at the bar and have been propped up like movie props. Bamboo bar (if it's the same place I'm thinking of) is out in the sticks and not very comfortable although the people are friendly. More of a place for Sansai locals.

Have fun wherever you go!

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Well, sounds like Olde Belle for a drink or 2...

I want to thank everyone again for being so helpful! Just out of curiosity... Where are the best beer bars? I'm sure after a few drinks I'll be wanting to check out some new ones... The only one I've been to is near the night Bazaar where there's a boxing ring at the end... Are there any other strips of bars like that?

Also, any thoughts on night-clubs? discos? I heard Spicy can be a little rough but Discovery can be decent? I think Discovery is also called the Chiang Mai nightclub?



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Hi Rakchaingmai!

Is it a street party? Or more of a festival? Hoping to have a few drinks tonight and wouldn't want to embarass myself at a cultural event... Also, I imagine that would be pretty disrespectful... However, I'm up for checking it out for a while... before I get any drinks in me... I will PM you my number :)


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Hey soi chang khain has a temple festival on tonight for a bit of light entertainment it finishes at 12 midnight i had a really good time last night and the whole road came alive the last night is tonight but maybe it's not your thing but i like mixing my self within the culture just drop me a pm if you wanna go .

Is that the Burmese Festival? I can't picture Soi Chang Khain. Can you give some rough directions? Thanks.

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Go to the Zoe / Babylon complex on Ratchwithi road. Its the road that runs parrallel to the Sunday walking street, and is on a corner with Indian restaurants in front.

Go after 10pm. Its a place full of travellers, hippies,backpackers....no bar girls.

Discovery isnt really good for going by yourself, nor is Warm Up.

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Go to the Zoe / Babylon complex on Ratchwithi road. Its the road that runs parrallel to the Sunday walking street, and is on a corner with Indian restaurants in front.

Go after 10pm. Its a place full of travellers, hippies,backpackers....no bar girls.

Discovery isnt really good for going by yourself, nor is Warm Up.

I second this recommendation. However, the "no bar girls" thing is not true. The place is full of them, especially Zoe. They tend to stay out of Babylon and Roots, Rock, Reggae... But they all migrate to Zoe.


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Go to the Zoe / Babylon complex on Ratchwithi road. Its the road that runs parrallel to the Sunday walking street, and is on a corner with Indian restaurants in front.

Go after 10pm. Its a place full of travellers, hippies,backpackers....no bar girls.

Discovery isnt really good for going by yourself, nor is Warm Up.

I second this recommendation. However, the "no bar girls" thing is not true. The place is full of them, especially Zoe. They tend to stay out of Babylon and Roots, Rock, Reggae... But they all migrate to Zoe.


They must get there late? I've never noticed them there.

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Hey soi chang khain has a temple festival on tonight for a bit of light entertainment it finishes at 12 midnight i had a really good time last night and the whole road came alive the last night is tonight but maybe it's not your thing but i like mixing my self within the culture just drop me a pm if you wanna go .

Is that the Burmese Festival? I can't picture Soi Chang Khain. Can you give some rough directions? Thanks.

Poy Sang Long Festival - Shan (Tai Yai) ordination of novice monks is running this weekend at Wat Ku Tao Very colourful: see the pics here on citynow http://www.city-now.com/comment.php?cid=351312〈=English&page=1#rank351312 Not a drinking festival of course as alcohol is not allowed in the Temple grounds, but plenty goes on in the surrounding streets.rolleyes.gif

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If you can't find a mate, then you may like to try :

The Olde Bell on the Loi Kroh road (see banner on the right side of this page)

No. 1 bar on the Loi Kroh road

Mad Dog on the Moon Muang Road, close to soi 2.

Bamboo bar : https://www.facebook...3620402/?ref=ts and http://maps.google.c...2C0.053644&z=14

This just out of my head, others may like to add other places.

you've got to be kidding.

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So what is the deal ?

here on Holiday ?

Just moved here ?

Working or what ??

Where are you from ?

I not a big drinker but the food is good and the music wonderful at tigerkingdom in the city and the price is very reasonable.

Living and working here my budget is much less than those on holiday

Anything else you want to try or see while your here ? Or is drinking and clubbing your thing ?

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Hi Jeffrey,

I'm from Vancouver, BC and am here working... However, I work online as an internet marketer and my hours are pretty flexible... I just got here Wednesday and don't know anyone here... I lived in Phuket before from 2001-2004 with a few friends from back home and loved it... but decided to go back to Canada to earn more money.... now, I finally make my living online and can travel... but my other friends are stuck working back in Canada... I am now starting to realize even the nicest places in the world can get boring if you dont have people to hang out with,

Whether you drink or not is fine with me :) a good meal and live music works is always a good choice.

While I like to go out and have a few drinks every now and then... I would love to get out and see everything Chiang Mai has to offer... Shoot me a pm with your number and I'll shoot you a text.



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Hey soi chang khain has a temple festival on tonight for a bit of light entertainment it finishes at 12 midnight i had a really good time last night and the whole road came alive the last night is tonight but maybe it's not your thing but i like mixing my self within the culture just drop me a pm if you wanna go .

Is that the Burmese Festival? I can't picture Soi Chang Khain. Can you give some rough directions? Thanks.

Poy Sang Long Festival - Shan (Tai Yai) ordination of novice monks is running this weekend at Wat Ku Tao Very colourful: see the pics here on citynow http://www.city-now....ge=1#rank351312 Not a drinking festival of course as alcohol is not allowed in the Temple grounds, but plenty goes on in the surrounding streets.rolleyes.gif

Thanks for that Paagai. I thought that was the festival. Went last year. Does it still run Sunday night? Actually I'm wrong we went to Wat Pa Pao last year but it was not very good. I've heard Wat Ku Tao is better.

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Hi Jeff

Chiang Mai is not a good place if you’re solo.

Most of your fellow ex-pats will either snub you or are in their own clique. Some can be rude and just plain anti social.

Some of the farangey type restaurants are all right providing you keep spending the money, because although the proprietors can be friendly enough, these are business owner/customer relationships and are not social clubs.

The so-called nightlife of Chiang Mai is pretty grim; the beer bars few and far between and for what there are, is a load of grot and it`s going to cost you.

My advice is; try and find yourself a decent Thai girl or boy friend if you`re gay, to stay with you as a companion while you’re here and even that treat with caution as many are only in it for your money. You sound like a young guy so finding a Thai partner either temporary or permanent shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Sorry old chap, but this is Chiang Mai.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Yes OP, be careful, this is Chiang Mai. It may leave you bitter and twisted. Take the time to be friendly to people, and you will find most humans (expats, farang, Thai, tourists etc etc), will reciprocate and you find friends, and a good crowd. Be wary around people that try to discourage this... See quote below...

Hi Jeff

Chiang Mai is not a good place if you’re solo.

Most of your fellow ex-pats will either snub you or are in their own clique. Some can be rude and just plain anti social.

Some of the farangey type restaurants are all right providing you keep spending the money, because although the proprietors can be friendly enough, these are business owner/customer relationships and are not social clubs.

The so-called nightlife of Chiang Mai is pretty grim; the beer bars few and far between and for what there are, is a load of grot and it`s going to cost you.

My advice is; try and find yourself a decent Thai girl or boy friend if you`re gay, to stay with you as a companion while you’re here and even that treat with caution as many are only in it for your money. You sound like a young guy so finding a Thai partner either temporary or permanent shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Sorry old chap, but this is Chiang Mai.

Edited by mallmagician
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Hi Jeff

Chiang Mai is not a good place if you’re solo.

Most of your fellow ex-pats will either snub you or are in their own clique. Some can be rude and just plain anti social.

Some of the farangey type restaurants are all right providing you keep spending the money, because although the proprietors can be friendly enough, these are business owner/customer relationships and are not social clubs.

The so-called nightlife of Chiang Mai is pretty grim; the beer bars few and far between and for what there are, is a load of grot and it`s going to cost you.

My advice is; try and find yourself a decent Thai girl or boy friend if you`re gay, to stay with you as a companion while you’re here and even that treat with caution as many are only in it for your money. You sound like a young guy so finding a Thai partner either temporary or permanent shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Sorry old chap, but this is Chiang Mai.

I wonder why your fellow expats snub you? You sound such a positive fun person.

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Yes OP, be careful, this is Chiang Mai. It may leave you bitter and twisted. Take the time to be friendly to people, and you will find most humans (expats, farang, Thai, tourists etc etc), will reciprocate and you find friends, and a good crowd. Be wary around people that try to discourage this... See quote below...

Hi Jeff

Chiang Mai is not a good place if you're solo.

Most of your fellow ex-pats will either snub you or are in their own clique. Some can be rude and just plain anti social.

Some of the farangey type restaurants are all right providing you keep spending the money, because although the proprietors can be friendly enough, these are business owner/customer relationships and are not social clubs.

The so-called nightlife of Chiang Mai is pretty grim; the beer bars few and far between and for what there are, is a load of grot and it`s going to cost you.

My advice is; try and find yourself a decent Thai girl or boy friend if you`re gay, to stay with you as a companion while you're here and even that treat with caution as many are only in it for your money. You sound like a young guy so finding a Thai partner either temporary or permanent shouldn't be much of a problem.

Sorry old chap, but this is Chiang Mai.

I totally agree with mallmagician. The poster he refers to is always bitter and negative.

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Hey soi chang khain has a temple festival on tonight for a bit of light entertainment it finishes at 12 midnight i had a really good time last night and the whole road came alive the last night is tonight but maybe it's not your thing but i like mixing my self within the culture just drop me a pm if you wanna go .

Is that the Burmese Festival? I can't picture Soi Chang Khain. Can you give some rough directions? Thanks.

Poy Sang Long Festival - Shan (Tai Yai) ordination of novice monks is running this weekend at Wat Ku Tao Very colourful: see the pics here on citynow http://www.city-now....ge=1#rank351312 Not a drinking festival of course as alcohol is not allowed in the Temple grounds, but plenty goes on in the surrounding streets.rolleyes.gif

Thanks for that Paagai. I thought that was the festival. Went last year. Does it still run Sunday night? Actually I'm wrong we went to Wat Pa Pao last year but it was not very good. I've heard Wat Ku Tao is better.

I'm not certain about the dates, though have seen posters saying 30/3 - 1/4 so something should be happening today, might be winding down by the evening though. Was on my way over last night and aborted due to the rain (which, as it turned out, was the wrong decision :( ). I heard Wat Ku Tao was packed!

Believe Wat Pa Pao Poy Sang long is around 5-6 April and agree, IMO not as good too.

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Yes OP, be careful, this is Chiang Mai. It may leave you bitter and twisted. Take the time to be friendly to people, and you will find most humans (expats, farang, Thai, tourists etc etc), will reciprocate and you find friends, and a good crowd. Be wary around people that try to discourage this... See quote below...

Hi Jeff

Chiang Mai is not a good place if you're solo.

Most of your fellow ex-pats will either snub you or are in their own clique. Some can be rude and just plain anti social.

Some of the farangey type restaurants are all right providing you keep spending the money, because although the proprietors can be friendly enough, these are business owner/customer relationships and are not social clubs.

The so-called nightlife of Chiang Mai is pretty grim; the beer bars few and far between and for what there are, is a load of grot and it`s going to cost you.

My advice is; try and find yourself a decent Thai girl or boy friend if you`re gay, to stay with you as a companion while you're here and even that treat with caution as many are only in it for your money. You sound like a young guy so finding a Thai partner either temporary or permanent shouldn't be much of a problem.

Sorry old chap, but this is Chiang Mai.

I totally agree with mallmagician. The poster he refers to is always bitter and negative.

Certainly not bitter or being negative, but my middle name is cynical.

No point in having a pop at me, I’m just giving my opinion and if anyone can pinpoint the OP in the directions of the social delights of Chiang Mai, especially where all the ex-pat brotherhoods meet and he will be made welcome with open arms, than lets hear it from you?

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Hello everyone!

I lived in Phuket from 2001-2004 and understand that not all expats are great and not all are bad :) Just like anywhere... the good comes with the bad :)

I've dated Thai women in the past and love them... However, I'm now dating a Filipina that is on her internship in West Virginia for 3 months and that's not really my idea of a 'fun time' there... Thats why I decided to hang out in Thailand until she's done or until we decide long distance wont work.

I just spent 3 months in the Phils and it was great... Most of the foreigners there are working for companies overseas or running their own call centers... So it was easy to get out and meet lots of fellow expats and go for a beer and a laugh...

The reason I came to Thailand was to save a little as the Phils can be VERY expensive if you go out too often... and that's what I was doing... I figured a month or 2 in Chiang Mai would be good to settle me down and get me focusing more on work than partying...

I'm confident I will meet some great expats here and have even had a lot of nice PM's from expats offering to show me around or hang out.

I'm actually at the airport right now as my buddy from Canada is going to meet me in BKK... Then I'll be back Thursday...

Does this community ever organize social events? Times and places to grab a bite to eat? Have a beer and just hang out... Maybe some people here would be on board for next Friday? I tried to find the Olde Bell last night at about 11:30... but the rain started coming down and I got suckered into a beer bar where I hung out until the rain let up... by that time everything was closed and I just went home... Would you guys like to meet there Friday? Maybe another venue?

Let me know and have a great week!


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