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Rainy Season Started?


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The rainy season starts when the hot season ends. So that's late May or early June.

Of course it's only when getting into August and September that regular tropical storms moving across the South China sea and into Vietnam and Thailand will have a regular impact on the weather, resulting in bouts of more prolonged rain.

(That's the white stuff moving over the Philippines towards Thailand: http://www.sattmet.tmd.go.th/newversion/mergesat.html

Of course what starts out as a typhoon over water and over the Philippines is not even a tropical storm anymore when it hits the Chiang Mai valley, but it can still chuck down a lot of water over a period of a couple days in a row.)

It looks pretty quiet right now actually. http://www.tmd.go.th/weather_map.php

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Thank you both thats exactly the answers i was looking for, as i recall last year it didnt really stay wet until around August-October.

Around this time last year it was like it was raining every single day...so rainy season starts in May , but around Aug-Oct is when its really bad.


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Yeah we have several unusual years lately so now it's become the usual. Anyway official Rainy Season started according to many Thais is after the Khao Phansa holiday which according to this year calendar is 3rd Aug 2012. So we are now officially in the rainy season.

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Last year was very unusual. Actually, this year was unusual too as the rainy season started very early, but the rainfall has been pretty light.

why was it unusual from previous years?
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Usually the rain does not start in earnest until the middle or end of May and every day until then is broiling hot. The last two years it started raining much earlier and "hot' season was cooler than normal. .

ok thats probably because i got into town.cool.png
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No rain today. Had to wash the dust off the car. Parked up since Monday afternoon, not a drop of rain since then at least. Rainy season? 'Occasional dark cloud threatening to rainy season' more like.

Dry as a bone this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Living near Chiang Mai Land, and allways worried, I notice from the Ping web site there must have been a lot of rain to the north of us, as the river figures have risen significantly for the first time this year. No fllod worries from this one so far.

Amazing how, just like the flood last year we are dry here, and only a few kms to the north it can rain enough to flood us.

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