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Coming To Thailand With 5Grand


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doable and enjoy the trip smile.png i cycled from sg to hatyai 2 years back when i was 22. didnt really spent alot and i only sleep in aircon rooms. i could still remember the terrible humidity, 2nd degree sunburn and groin abrasion! crazy shit back then, and then i got grounded here and put on 50lbs partying all day sad.png

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Why not try a month in Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia ?

I've spent time in 3 of these and they are all as nice as Thailand IMHO - Malaysia in particular is fab.

Have a good trip and post again when you're about to go home - if I remember your previous postings, you were quite depressed at going back to the UK.

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No problem,when i was your age i travelled all over Europe on far less(by todays standards) stay away from the bar girls, thats where the money goes.

At his age, he may be able to shack up with a sponsored bar girl that will pay for everything.

... or just make friends with (and stay with) normal (non-sex-worker) people.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Believe it or not thats why i fist came for a holiday here,my daughters boyfriend had been here backpacking and said what a great place it was ,no mention of bargirls or anything like that ,he said how good the beaches were and how cheap everything was.

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No problem,when i was your age i travelled all over Europe on far less(by todays standards) stay away from the bar girls, thats where the money goes.

At his age, he may be able to shack up with a sponsored bar girl that will pay for everything.

... or just make friends with (and stay with) normal (non-sex-worker) people.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Believe it or not thats why i fist came for a holiday here,my daughters boyfriend had been here backpacking and said what a great place it was ,no mention of bargirls or anything like that ,he said how good the beaches were and how cheap everything was.

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1999 I came to Thailand for 11 weeks and ended up staying 18 months. Total cost not including the 20,000 Baht overstay fine and flight home (PIA £179) I spent a total of £1768. Fishing on the beach in the morning and picking fruit/veg in the hills around Lamai when the sun was high in the sky. Small rice steamer and electric wok in my beach hut, fan only and 1800 Baht a month rent. Only lady tourists because they were free, aplenty and other farangs wouldn't put in the hard yards when they could just pop over the road and y'know. Fantastic time.

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Good Luck,why don't you get some work while you are here to help pay for your trip? I think it will be hard to do if you are just bumming around doing nothing much,and also teh south or other tourist areas are expensive to what a lot of posters here have revealed years ago.

Go north and travel around from town to town on cheap buses and meet the local people. Hospitality is still wonderful and get used to sticky rice and nam prick smile.png Couch surfing is really getting big in Thailand but be careful of the scammers here also.Best Wishes.

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  • 1 month later...

sure, you can rent tents in the national parks for a couple bucks a day if you have to. it is possible.

Exactly. Which is why these threads asking "whether I can get by on XXX budget" is so silly. And we seem to get a new one every couple of weeks.

your life must be soo hard
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been said already, bar girls are a waste of money.

clubs, markets, shopping malls, the street, anywhere you will pick up here easily for free.

so easy, save you money and enjoy the hunt.


Surely in light of your posting elsewhere, you cannot be so judgemental of thai women, nor make such a sweeping generalisation? You appear to suggesting that thai women are easy, without qualifying your stereotyping.

OP, thai people are generally amazingly friendly and welcoming. Just try hard to resist the "hansum man" calls you're going to find in some areas. There are many "good" thai women, who you should treat with the respect they deserve, and ypou will find it returned 10-fold.

You lucky wee brat.... I envy you!! laugh.png I hope you'll post on this thread, so we can all hear how you're getting on.

Good luck and take care!

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been said already, bar girls are a waste of money.

clubs, markets, shopping malls, the street, anywhere you will pick up here easily for free.

so easy, save you money and enjoy the hunt.


Surely in light of your posting elsewhere, you cannot be so judgemental of thai women, nor make such a sweeping generalisation? You appear to suggesting that thai women are easy, without qualifying your stereotyping.

OP, thai people are generally amazingly friendly and welcoming. Just try hard to resist the "hansum man" calls you're going to find in some areas. There are many "good" thai women, who you should treat with the respect they deserve, and ypou will find it returned 10-fold.

You lucky wee brat.... I envy you!! laugh.png I hope you'll post on this thread, so we can all hear how you're getting on.

Good luck and take care!

It is what it is, its not an attack on thai woman, he can pick up easily anywhere.

thats not my fault, thats not saying there are not a multitude of good woman in thailand,

and saying he can and will pick them up is not aimed at all thai woman.

show me were i wrote all thai woman, or judged them, i simply stated a fact about the oneshe can get and thats that

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Judging by the screams from the gogo girls when a 17 year ole boy went in,

and the following attention without any comments on a ladydrink?

i'd say he can stay with a group of gogo girls sharing a room free,

and thus extend the holiday for a year or more

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Very easy my friend.

- No western Fast food

- less beers and more sharing wiskey like the thais

- share rooms when you can or want to

- share taxi

- no iphone

- share big meals like the Thais

- stay away from leaches

i am sure you lived pretty frugal somewhere when you are saving, just live about like that over here.

Don't try to save money trying to barter down hard some little handmade items you fall in love with at the market, that is where

you should say, oh gee, this is wonderful and it is $2, dont' embarrass yourself that way..

Save money on the basics but try no be a unhappy bum everytime you feel you could have gotten a slight better price on something.

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ps - stay away from any sort of hooker crap of course...

If your single find another western girl that pays her on way and you can save ALOT of money that way.

Two can travel sometimes for the price of 1 !

You can save 50% just by being with a friend or a girlfriend that shares rooms and stuff with you.

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the biggest secret to budget travel is finding good places and staying put as long as you are enjoying it.

People spend a fortune trying to see everything, do everything.. but when you stay somewhere for a big, it save all the travel costs (huge) and then you get to really see the pace, meet locals, and explore things that are not on the tourist map.

zooming around from place to place might be your thing, and that can be a great thing to, but if you are really enjoying a place, meeting friends that are staying, finding out about things you wanted to... STAY PUT and enjoy it.

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been said already, bar girls are a waste of money.

clubs, markets, shopping malls, the street, anywhere you will pick up here easily for free.

so easy, save you money and enjoy the hunt.


Surely in light of your posting elsewhere, you cannot be so judgemental of thai women, nor make such a sweeping generalisation? You appear to suggesting that thai women are easy, without qualifying your stereotyping.

OP, thai people are generally amazingly friendly and welcoming. Just try hard to resist the "hansum man" calls you're going to find in some areas. There are many "good" thai women, who you should treat with the respect they deserve, and ypou will find it returned 10-fold.

You lucky wee brat.... I envy you!! laugh.png I hope you'll post on this thread, so we can all hear how you're getting on.

Good luck and take care!

It is what it is, its not an attack on thai woman, he can pick up easily anywhere.

thats not my fault, thats not saying there are not a multitude of good woman in thailand,

and saying he can and will pick them up is not aimed at all thai woman.

show me were i wrote all thai woman, or judged them, i simply stated a fact about the oneshe can get and thats that

yawn, lets talk about the op's trip instead...

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been said already, bar girls are a waste of money.

clubs, markets, shopping malls, the street, anywhere you will pick up here easily for free.

so easy, save you money and enjoy the hunt.


Surely in light of your posting elsewhere, you cannot be so judgemental of thai women, nor make such a sweeping generalisation? You appear to suggesting that thai women are easy, without qualifying your stereotyping.

OP, thai people are generally amazingly friendly and welcoming. Just try hard to resist the "hansum man" calls you're going to find in some areas. There are many "good" thai women, who you should treat with the respect they deserve, and ypou will find it returned 10-fold.

You lucky wee brat.... I envy you!! laugh.png I hope you'll post on this thread, so we can all hear how you're getting on.

Good luck and take care!

It is what it is, its not an attack on thai woman, he can pick up easily anywhere.

thats not my fault, thats not saying there are not a multitude of good woman in thailand,

and saying he can and will pick them up is not aimed at all thai woman.

show me were i wrote all thai woman, or judged them, i simply stated a fact about the oneshe can get and thats that

yawn, lets talk about the op's trip instead...

tell that to rob88921, after all thats what i was originaly doing.

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the biggest secret to budget travel is finding good places and staying put as long as you are enjoying it.

People spend a fortune trying to see everything, do everything.. but when you stay somewhere for a big, it save all the travel costs (huge) and then you get to really see the pace, meet locals, and explore things that are not on the tourist map.

zooming around from place to place might be your thing, and that can be a great thing to, but if you are really enjoying a place, meeting friends that are staying, finding out about things you wanted to... STAY PUT and enjoy it.

+1 Sounds like really good advice to me.

Edited by londoedan
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My son did six weeks on 3500AUD just recently. He absolutely loved it. Had the odd night out, ate welll, stayed in cheap but comfortable places. Split his trip in the middle and taught some english & did some farm work at a Cambodian orphanage for a week - free room and food - just gave them a few hundred donation when he left. He also hopped on a bus and went to HoChiMinh for a couple of days.

He's got the bug now and is presently saving for his next one.

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I once staied at a 150bht a night hotel, if you can call it that.

Never again, worse hangover of my life.

5 grand is plenty.

With the worst hangover in your life, I'm surprised you were in a condition to bother where you slept. wink.png

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Why not try a month in Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia ?

I've spent time in 3 of these and they are all as nice as Thailand IMHO - Malaysia in particular is fab.

Have a good trip and post again when you're about to go home - if I remember your previous postings, you were quite depressed at going back to the UK.

Malaysia is absolutely awful and in the city centre in Muddy River it's GBP8-9/USD 15 a pint!w00t.gif

Any bill anywhere means nothing as it's all ++ up to 25% extra!w00t.gif

Laos and Cambodia are much better options on a budget,I've just been in Vientiane and I just love it there.The food is incredible,better than Thailand at a fraction of the cost,if they had better internet I would probably be going there to live!biggrin.png

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Why not try a month in Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia ?

I've spent time in 3 of these and they are all as nice as Thailand IMHO - Malaysia in particular is fab.

Have a good trip and post again when you're about to go home - if I remember your previous postings, you were quite depressed at going back to the UK.

Malaysia is absolutely awful and in the city centre in Muddy River it's GBP8-9/USD 15 a pint!w00t.gif

Any bill anywhere means nothing as it's all ++ up to 25% extra!w00t.gif

Laos and Cambodia are much better options on a budget,I've just been in Vientiane and I just love it there.The food is incredible,better than Thailand at a fraction of the cost,if they had better internet I would probably be going there to live!biggrin.png

We have got better internet here wink.png Laos isn't cheaper than Thailand for food or rent, on average it's slightly more expensive. Of course beer and women are cheaper thumbsup.gif If I were the OP I would stay in Thailand and like someone else said, don't spend all your time and money travelling, find a place you like and stay there for a while. That place for me 20 years ago was Koh Samui, quiet beaches, a bevvy of beautiful local and cheap as chips.....oh the memories smile.pngwub.png

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