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Do Expats Slim Down Eating Only Thai Food?


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Ok we see plenty of rotund expats eating their hearts out at Sizzler & other western restaurants.

How about those expats who eat only Thai street food for months & months on end, without touching western food? ooh, those juicy tender mouth watering imported steaks, pizzas with melting cheese etc

Do they actually lose weight eating spicy som tam & fried rice & other delicious thai street food?


I arrived one month ago in bangkok (we will stay here for 2 years). My family and I don't want to buy imported products or eat what you call western food (which is american food, IMO) all the time. we especially eat : veggies, chicken, pork, rice and fruits. In thailand we eat more rice than in france. In france, we used to eat more red meat, which is fatter than the white one. I also eat more cream than here. But, here, lots of dishes with various curry are cooked with coconut cream, coconut milk, palm sugar, white sugar. But here, we eat more fruits than in france!

My husband and I have lost maybe 2 or 3 Kg but my son didn't lose anything! (ouf!).

Sorry for my english, I tried to do my best.

Bienvenue en Thailande.

May be time to start a forum for french speakers.

Not sure it is a good idea though.

Beware of coconut <deleted>, I was said that there is plenty of saturated fat in there.

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High Carbohydrate vegetables potatoes, rice, etc you will put on weight if you eat enough.

I’m not talking about the green vegetables that are very low in Carbohydrates.

Meat and animal fat contain no Carbohydrates there for you cannot get overweight (see Eskimos) Iceland had no diabetes until after ww2 and the introduction of high carb food, north American Indians, the same

Lesson 1.

Carbohydrates are ingested and turned into glucose, not sugar, or calories, a calorie is a unit of heat.

Your pancreas produces insulin and it is used to transport the glucose to the parts of the body that uses glucose ie muscles the brain, any extra glucose the insulin stores as body fat.

Then the problems of over consumption of Carbohydrates start, your pancreas cant produce enough insulin and the glucose remains in the blood the kidneys do their bit but its not enough, you are always thirsty, you pee all the time, you feel weak and tired, so of to the doctor and you are then diagnosed as a diabetic or the very wrong diagnosis “pre-diabetic”

Then the fun really starts, the diabetes doctors/nurses advise a low fat high carb diet, the very freekin diet that has caused the western worlds very high incidents of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes should not be confused with type1 there is no cure for type1, type 2 is curable.

Based on my fairly extensive research and analysis, I think you are right about all of that.

The only time I lost weight is when I was on Atkins or South Beach (both "low carb", the difference being that on South Beach you could eat as much veggies and peanuts, etc. as you want - or at least that's how I did it.) Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stay on either for very long at all (a week or two!).

I feel like I'm addicted to sugar - seems I gotta have some sugary, fatty desert at least once a day. And I'm experiencing the symptoms you mention. And I can't seem to stop myself. So what is the solution? I really think it's an addiction. While I was on the low-carb diets I felt better and slept much better, but still all I could think about was chocolate-chip cookie dough, etc.

I'm only about 20 lbs. overweight (on a 6' frame), yet it's the damndest thing to take it off. Other than the daily desert, I eat pretty healthy, and hardly drink. I do have a cup of coffee every morning though, and suspect that may be part of the problem - I hear it raises insulin levels?

Oh, and I was exercising very regularly and rather rigorously for over a year (weight lifting for ~ 45 minutes, 3x/week; jog/run 3 other days a week) - didn't seem to make any difference. And then I hurt my knee, so replace vigorous exercise w/ 1 hour walks most days of the week. This at least seems to prevent gaining weight, but does nothing to take it off.

Any advice?

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if you are able to eat breakfast, you didn't drink enough chang.

3 more bottles in the evening and skip the breakfast, or alternative replace the breakfast with 3 bottle chang.

I know one farang who is doing like that and basically he is now only skin and bone......

(can be also considered as vegetarien diet, or?)

For even faster results you can try the mekong/sangsom diet

Or the gravehoper diet based on lao kao (you may not only loose the fat, as well the liver and the rest of your body)

Drank Chang/Singha nonstop and skipped meals - seem to lost weight after 3 weeks? (new diet trend?????)


Thats working for me too .

I have been drinking Chang almost everyday for 6 weeks and I have lost 2 pant sizes . I eat a good breakfast and some Thai food ( Issan stlye ) here and there the rest of the day . I am alot more active here than back in the U.S. Also I am offered alot of food that I would not touch .

This sums it up nicely . A conversion I had with with my wife yesterday :

Me - Do we have any food in the house ?

Her - I have alot of things to eat but you , well your pretty much screwed !


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I've been back here for 3 months now and have lost everything I put on whilst in the UK for a year, about 12lbs or 5Kg? I try to eat thai everyday and have no problems with Thai portions, the heat as has been mentioned, seems to quell my appetite quite a bit. Unfortunately it has the reverse of effect on my beer brain. All i need is for someone to invent no-cal booze....

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