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What Is With Thai Men!


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Im a farang living & working in Bangkok......

Ive been here for nearly 2 years.

Ive dated farang men since being here but it seems like the farang men Ive dated here have been two timing, self aborbed scum bags or similar.

Ive never really been attracted to THAI men although I do find some THAI men quite handsome but have never had the thought to date one.

That was until recently.........

I went against my better judgment and decided to date a guy who I work with who has been quite keen on me for a while.

He is very handsome, a swimming pro and a uni grad. ( I like a guy with some brainz!)

All was good until the end of our first week of dating.

Started seeing him on a Tuesday and by Sunday he was wanting us to have babies, move in together & think about looking at property to buy!

Oh............did I forget to mention the Mr Jealous, in your face thing!

My God!

After all this, I decided this was not for me..... if this is any indication of what being with a THAI man is all about, then its ByE - ByE & not for me.

By the way....if anyone know where the NICE, decent farang men are in Bangkok?

let me know!.......

Love to hear your opinion on this.

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Hmm, first start by saying you dont like Thai guys coz they just like farang guys in Bangkok, ie. two timing etc. and then have a bad experience with a Thai guy so think a change of race back to farang guys would be a good move? :o

I think overall you just need to pick you're men better, farang or Thai. :D

I asked this be moved to the ladies forum by the way, you'll get better responses there.

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I dont think so my friend......

I apart from many woman have standards when it comes to dating a man.

Jealousy, possessiveness & cheaters do not fit into my criteria.

Is that asking for too much? Or better still.........Is that having bad taste in men? :o

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Maybe you just have bad taste in men?

ah jbowman, you coward, I much prefered your original response. :D

ps. must have first misread your original post coz you don't start off slagging off Thai guys. Hasn't been a mod edit has there? :o

Still, sentiments count, forget the race, try to pick a better guy. Lots of ladies on this forum have.

Edited by bkkmadness
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I totally understand where she is coming from and the reason I have never dated a Thai man is because I have heard many a similar experience relayed to me.

I can't stand posessive men whatever their race, and I've met quite a few in my time who have become obsessed and it can make a girls life very difficult so please don't criticise yahana just because she is new here, she's only telling you her experience as I am telling mine.

It is a fact that Thai's in general are possesive, especially over a farang as we are a novelty catch to them, but let's not forget that this is just the majority. I do know people who have great Thai boyfriends but I know more who don't.

Correction - I have heard of more that don't.

Edited by Uma~~
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Thankyou Uma....

From what Ive experienced & seen, THAI men seem to be the worst (so far) when it comes to possessiveness, etc......

Maybe it has something to do with their up bringing as alot of THAI men are brought up as little spoit bratz!

I don't know.......

There are probably guys all over Aus like that too.......

Im simply saying that this is my experience with THAI men.

This does not mean that I have bad taste in men at all.

I think only the gal's here can really understand what Im saying.

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so please don't criticise yahana just because she is new here, she's only telling you her experience as I am telling mine.

Don't make the assumption that I criticised her coz she's new, I only criticised on the comments she made.

I guess she should just try to date more guys until she finds one she likes, but if she avoids the whole of the Thai male population because of this one experience then she's selling herself short I think.

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Im a farang living & working in Bangkok......

Ive been here for nearly 2 years.

Ive dated farang men since being here but it seems like the farang men Ive dated here have been two timing, self aborbed scum bags or similar.

Ive never really been attracted to THAI men although I do find some THAI men quite handsome but have never had the thought to date one.

That was until recently.........

I went against my better judgment and decided to date a guy who I work with who has been quite keen on me for a while.

He is very handsome, a swimming pro and a uni grad. ( I like a guy with some brainz!)

All was good until the end of our first week of dating.

Started seeing him on a Tuesday and by Sunday he was wanting us to have babies, move in together & think about looking at property to buy!

Oh............did I forget to mention the Mr Jealous, in your face thing!

My God!

After all this, I decided this was not for me..... if this is any indication of what being with a THAI man is all about, then its ByE - ByE & not for me.

By the way....if anyone know where the NICE, decent farang men are in Bangkok?

let me know!.......

Love to hear your opinion on this.

Like Topsy, when I'm good, I'm very good but when I'm bad, I'm horrid! Would that be ok?

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God! Any negative comment about a 'male' whatever race or even species and the punches come thick and fast.

We are more than aware there are some wonderful Thai men out there, I have met some myself who have been snapped up by equally decent women, but in terms of yahana's situation its understandably a case of once bitten twice shy, that's all.

The topic is titled 'What is it with Thai men?' and so far most of the answers have been from men who can't absorb what they read on screen.

I do like men, really I do but boy they can be hard work sometimes as this topic proves. :o

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Whatever you may think of my comments, in no way was I generalizing all THAI men.

Now.....I would really prefer to hear what the gals have to say about this.

I totally understand why a male like yourself would give a response like you gave to me...... :o

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God! Any negative comment about a 'male' whatever race or even species and the punches come thick and fast.

We are more than aware there are some wonderful Thai men out there, I have met some myself who have been snapped up by equally decent women, but in terms of yahana's situation its understandably a case of once bitten twice shy, that's all.

The same style topic in the general forum about Thai women would have got you the same kind of responses.

The fact that she was 'bitten' by a Thai guy, and then asked if there was any nice farang guys out there instead makes me think that she has given up on the whole race of guys coz of this one experience which is a crying shame.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is once bitten, don't be shy, try again. :D

I totally understand why a male like yourself would give a response like you gave to me...... :D

A male like myself? And how am I?

I see you've got no 'prejudice issues' have you. :o

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To BKK Madness, good point about not giving up because of one bad experience, but I had a bad pizza at a restaurant yesterday so I will be sticking to Thai food for the time being, but not nescessarily the rest of my life.

Am I clear dear? :o

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I think it totally depends on what you will tolerate. The first sign of something I don't like, I lay it out straight away. I just don't put up with crap so my man doen's t give me any. Easy innit. :D

Generally thai men are less commitment phobic than their farang counterparts early on in relationships but I think that has a lot to do with thai society as a whole. The casual relationship mentality hasn't penetrated most parts of the country as extensivyly as in the west, so if your sleeping with a guy then you are to all intents & purposes married in most thai eyes. If you can't handle that then don't date thai guys full stop but if the farang guys you are meeting arent much better then mabye enforced celibacy might be your only option. :o

But I do agree with the guys who have already posted, you can't judge all thai men on 1 experience. I had thai bfs numbering in the double digits before I met my husband & he isnt' a perfect man but he aint jelous, he aint possesive & he aint a chauvanist or a cheater, so close enough for me :D

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I guess I could generalize and say that Russian men, Greek men, French men, Italian men, Chinese men, Canadian men and Thai men are no good since I was disppointed in one way or another with every relationship I had with them, otherwise, I was still be in the relationship.

We all have our share of bad apples.

However, I am very happy married to my husband who happens to be Thai. He had us married with children the second day we knew each other, it didn't bother me. Is it better if the guy says right away that he isn't looking for anything serious?

It's just talk anyway, you really get the true picture with his actions.

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To BKK Madness, good point about not giving up because of one bad experience, but I had a bad pizza at a restaurant yesterday so I will be sticking to Thai food for the time being, but not nescessarily the rest of my life.

Am I clear dear? :D

Some people don't like Thai food, I can accept that. Some people don't like Thai people, then it's a different matter.

Not a comment at all on what Yahana said here, but just saying Uma, bad argument to a certain degree coz people/food, different things and all that. :o

Flip the coin over and look at a thread like many of the twisted guys would open if they had half a chance.

Start that thread with "What is it with farang women?" CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY MEN FIND FARANG WOMEN SO APPEALING?

and follow it up with.......

"I dated/married a farang woman, it went sh1t coz of (insert reason). Is there any decent Thai women out there?"

..........and you'll see where I'm coming from.

Edited by bkkmadness
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..........and you'll see where I'm coming from.

I see where you're coming from, but considering the ratio of men to women on this forum its not exactly a flip side is it, more of a slight tilt? :D

Can't do much about the tilt, it's a heavily dominated male population on this forum. :D

We even invade your own section. :o

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You may not have meant to generalize or tar all Thai men with the same brush but by saying you dated one guy and he was like that so you'd prefer a farang certainly comes out sounding like a pretty major generalization to me.

It seems to me the poor male can't win, either he is a two timer unwilling to commit or he is too serious and wants to commit.

You must make up your mind what you want in a man and what you are willing to tolerate (remember, there are no perfect men out there, they are just as flawed as you are).

And Boo is right to point out that any nice Thai man you sleep with will consider that a major commitment -- so if you aren't willing to commit then abstain.

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