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Thailand Tourism: Hitting Record Highs


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CMK said:

"I believe the thread is about Thailand tourism. Since the major tourism increase in the past couple of years has not been in Western tourists why, on earth, would you want information about international Western hotels? Try looking at the tourism demographic and tailor your marketing to the groups that are coming to Thailand in increasing numbers. Hope that helps.thumbsup.gif For other marketing ideas try http://www.thaichamb...khonratchasima/"

Backing out of it?

I would need that, because we cater to Western holiday makers...and what is so hard to understand about that?

I guess I don't understand what you mean. Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East. They stay in hotels. They eat food. Seems to me if one wants to make money in this market one needs to cater to the tourists that are arriving not the tourists one wants to arrive. I think the stats are good. If my business was slow I would look at other areas for problems.

locals tourists have nothing to do with International tourists, as for your recommendation of how to run business, i believe you have already shown your credibility on another thread.

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CMK said:

"I believe the thread is about Thailand tourism. Since the major tourism increase in the past couple of years has not been in Western tourists why, on earth, would you want information about international Western hotels? Try looking at the tourism demographic and tailor your marketing to the groups that are coming to Thailand in increasing numbers. Hope that helps.thumbsup.gif For other marketing ideas try http://www.thaichamb...khonratchasima/"

Backing out of it?

I would need that, because we cater to Western holiday makers...and what is so hard to understand about that?

I guess I don't understand what you mean. Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East. They stay in hotels. They eat food. Seems to me if one wants to make money in this market one needs to cater to the tourists that are arriving not the tourists one wants to arrive. I think the stats are good. If my business was slow I would look at other areas for problems.

locals tourists have nothing to do with International tourists, as for your recommendation of how to run business, i believe you have already shown your credibility on another thread.

Don't know what you are talking about. A hotel room filled does not know if the person sleeping in the bed is national, or international. I believe Dr. N was going on about Western tourists. I pointed out that the increase in tourism is not from Western tourists. So if you are looking for more Western tourists you will be disappointed. Innuendo I don't understand. What do you mean about my credibility? If I don't know what you are on about how would the other readers. Please be kind enough to mention what you think effects my credibility.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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CMK said:

"I believe the thread is about Thailand tourism. Since the major tourism increase in the past couple of years has not been in Western tourists why, on earth, would you want information about international Western hotels? Try looking at the tourism demographic and tailor your marketing to the groups that are coming to Thailand in increasing numbers. Hope that helps.thumbsup.gif For other marketing ideas try http://www.thaichamb...khonratchasima/"

Backing out of it?

I would need that, because we cater to Western holiday makers...and what is so hard to understand about that?

I guess I don't understand what you mean. Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East. They stay in hotels. They eat food. Seems to me if one wants to make money in this market one needs to cater to the tourists that are arriving not the tourists one wants to arrive. I think the stats are good. If my business was slow I would look at other areas for problems.

locals tourists have nothing to do with International tourists, as for your recommendation of how to run business, i believe you have already shown your credibility on another thread.

Don't know what you are talking about. A hotel room filled does not know if the person sleeping in the bed is national, or international. I believe Dr. N was going on about Western tourists. I pointed out that the increase in tourism is not from Western tourists. So if you are looking for more Western tourists you will be disappointed. Innuendo I don't understand. What do you mean about my credibility? If I don't know what you are on about how would the other readers. Please be kind enough to mention what you think effects my credibility.

i am aware that you do not know!

just to remind you this thread is about International tourist numbers not about who sleeps in the hotels

Just for the record from actual real experience, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Russian are the worst guests.

They do not spend any money, they do not use any services and always try to to "cheat" ie book room for 2 people but try to sneak in 4 without paying.

Anyhow, since you really wan to bring your credibility, sure i be happy to explain

ON one of the threads some time ago you stated you ran US army business in Thailand, you also stated in ran 5 star hotels, 4 star hotels all around the world and at one point owned a restaurant in US where you went door knocking and dragged customers to your restaurant.

Which means you were in senior management for most of your life ie top brass ie big bucks.

You then stated in 1 thread that you paid 5000 baht for a loan and considered that to be big money, well call me crazy but $150 is big money for top earner?

Now keeping in mind you being the top brass for all your life, in another thread you stated that you do not own a home, but live with a GF who bought the house, while you bought the furniture, you also indicated though unclear that you give her some money monthly.

So a top brass earning 4 figure salary can not afford to buy a home? anyhow

In the latest thread you stated you owned 28 restaurants in 4 countries,

When did you manage to do that?

You failed to respond with the name of the chain when asked

You wrote the most ridiculous post about running it, which only indicates that you have no idea about restaurant business

You stated you ran businesses in Thailand and yet you have no clue about paperwork involved as you had stated Thailand was a paperless country

Some with business of that size, would have management and departments to deal with officials, where you stated you dealt with Thai officials, and yet you do not speak any Thai.

You stated in Thailand no ID is needed to check into hotel, which is so so so wrong and if you did indeed even worked in a hotel, you would have known Thai law about id and passports

You stated you worked for US Military running the business but then stated that you been watched by the government every step of your life? Paranoid military man?!

I have no problem debating issues with people who speak from experience but all your statements about what you are or what you have done is either vivid imagination or the power if Internet and keyboard, or may be the combination of both.

Even hypothetically assuming what you say about your past is true, how could you get so many things wrong? In one of the threads about tourists numbers you stated that record car sales was a result of high tourist numbers, when questioned you came with loads of irrelevant drivel, where in reality the high car sales are due to government 100 000 baht grant and have absolutely nothing to do with tourism.

To me, after reading all the contradictions and factually incorrect information you have lost any credibility you may have ever had, which is half the problem, but when you start to offer business advice, you really are way out of line.

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When I was in Hua Hin a few weeks back, at nighttime, the European restaurants were really packed but the girlie bars were mainly empty. Just an interesting observation smile.png

high season, visit again in 2 months time and see if packed or have any people at all.

a friend of mine been working massage in Hua HIn for 3-4 years(normal thai massage) and she just went home because simply no customers for the whole year and the high season hardly made up for the losses

Regarding girlie bars in HH, I wonder if any of them makes good profit. I have been to HH 3 times (different times of the year, including 2 times during the high season) and noticed that overall, they were nearly empty. I know that HH is mainly a family-type destination but I am still amazed that there are still quite many bars there, most of which seem to be nearly empty most of the time. I am surprised that they have stayed operating as girlie bars all these years.

Edited by JemJem
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When I was in Hua Hin a few weeks back, at nighttime, the European restaurants were really packed but the girlie bars were mainly empty. Just an interesting observation smile.png

high season, visit again in 2 months time and see if packed or have any people at all.

a friend of mine been working massage in Hua HIn for 3-4 years(normal thai massage) and she just went home because simply no customers for the whole year and the high season hardly made up for the losses

Regarding girlie bars in HH, I wonder if any of them makes good profit. I have been to HH 3 times (different times of the year, including 2 times during the high season) and noticed that overall, they were nearly empty. I know that HH is mainly a family-type destination but I am still amazed that there are still quite many bars there, most of which seem to be nearly empty most of the time. I am surprised that they have stayed operating as girlie bars all these years.

Had the same exact experience years ago. I did however, leave knowing why without a doubt in my mind. WOW! the largest concentration of ugly bar girls, in all my travels in Thailand.
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i am aware that you do not know!

just to remind you this thread is about International tourist numbers not about who sleeps in the hotels

Just for the record from actual real experience, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Russian are the worst guests.

They do not spend any money, they do not use any services and always try to to "cheat" ie book room for 2 people but try to sneak in 4 without paying.

Anyhow, since you really wan to bring your credibility, sure i be happy to explain

ON one of the threads some time ago you stated you ran US army business in Thailand, you also stated in ran 5 star hotels, 4 star hotels all around the world and at one point owned a restaurant in US where you went door knocking and dragged customers to your restaurant.

Which means you were in senior management for most of your life ie top brass ie big bucks.

You then stated in 1 thread that you paid 5000 baht for a loan and considered that to be big money, well call me crazy but $150 is big money for top earner?

Now keeping in mind you being the top brass for all your life, in another thread you stated that you do not own a home, but live with a GF who bought the house, while you bought the furniture, you also indicated though unclear that you give her some money monthly.

So a top brass earning 4 figure salary can not afford to buy a home? anyhow

In the latest thread you stated you owned 28 restaurants in 4 countries,

When did you manage to do that?

You failed to respond with the name of the chain when asked

You wrote the most ridiculous post about running it, which only indicates that you have no idea about restaurant business

You stated you ran businesses in Thailand and yet you have no clue about paperwork involved as you had stated Thailand was a paperless country

Some with business of that size, would have management and departments to deal with officials, where you stated you dealt with Thai officials, and yet you do not speak any Thai.

You stated in Thailand no ID is needed to check into hotel, which is so so so wrong and if you did indeed even worked in a hotel, you would have known Thai law about id and passports

You stated you worked for US Military running the business but then stated that you been watched by the government every step of your life? Paranoid military man?!

I have no problem debating issues with people who speak from experience but all your statements about what you are or what you have done is either vivid imagination or the power if Internet and keyboard, or may be the combination of both.

Even hypothetically assuming what you say about your past is true, how could you get so many things wrong? In one of the threads about tourists numbers you stated that record car sales was a result of high tourist numbers, when questioned you came with loads of irrelevant drivel, where in reality the high car sales are due to government 100 000 baht grant and have absolutely nothing to do with tourism.

To me, after reading all the contradictions and factually incorrect information you have lost any credibility you may have ever had, which is half the problem, but when you start to offer business advice, you really are way out of line.

If you want me to respond to anything please quote my written words because I don't know where you got the above ideas. You have repeated, "you stated" a number of times. Well no I didn't. Let's just take a couple. You wrote, "You stated in Thailand no ID is needed to check into hotel, which is so so so wrong and if you did indeed even worked in a hotel, you would have known Thai law about id and passports." I never wrote that. I wrote, "I can find you at least 1000 rooms to stay in Pattaya and 10,000 in Bangkok where they don't ask for a passport. They may not be in hotels thoughsmile.png"

You wrote, "you stated you dealt with Thai officials, and yet you do not speak any Thai." I never said that. I never wrote that. If I did please quote it.

So I think in the future if you want me to respond to anything you write please use the quote function and don't make up words that I did not write.

Tourism in Thailand is booming but the customers who you describe as the "worst guests" are the source of the boom. Sorry bout that. smile.png

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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If you want me to respond to anything please quote my written words because I don't know where you got the above ideas. You have repeated, "you stated" a number of times. Well no I didn't. Let's just take a couple. You wrote, "You stated in Thailand no ID is needed to check into hotel, which is so so so wrong and if you did indeed even worked in a hotel, you would have known Thai law about id and passports." I never wrote that. I wrote, "I can find you at least 1000 rooms to stay in Pattaya and 10,000 in Bangkok where they don't ask for a passport. They may not be in hotels thoughsmile.png"

You wrote, "you stated you dealt with Thai officials, and yet you do not speak any Thai." I never said that. I never wrote that. If I did please quote it.

So I think in the future if you want me to respond to anything you write please use the quote function and don't make up words that I did not write.

Tourism in Thailand is booming but the customers who you describe as the "worst guests" are the source of the boom. Sorry bout that. smile.png

Maybe Thailand has a big government with all sorts of rules and regulations but I don't see it. I have someone report for me every 90 days but Thailand does not care where I live in reality. No one checks. In many countries you have to show a passport to get a room. Not here. No one ever knows where I am. I pay for everything in cash. No one tracks my expenditures. No checks. No worries.

That's just silly. Do you know how many pieces of paper have to be filed every month and year to open a hot dog stand in Florida? Start with a fictitious name notice in triplicate to operate under your own name. Health inspector, building inspector, and on and on. Thailand is a breeze of no paperwork place. Don't be silly; living and working and everything here is a heaven for those who can't stand paperwork.

. I have built and operated 28 restaurants in 4 different countries. Thailand is a breeze. A breath of fresh air. I spend 30 minutes a year with the Thai government. In the Western countries I spent 3 hours daily complying with all their regulations. When I even think about the number of inspectors I dealt with on a daily basis I see red.

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Thailand tourism is different. I can't be the only single man who knows how to get a room in Thailand not in a hotel.

Honestly, I think you are just a boaster, who actually has no idea about tourism at all.

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Thailand tourism is different. I can't be the only single man who knows how to get a room in Thailand not in a hotel.

yeah sorry.....rolleyes.gif but it has nothing to do with what you said

I said, "I can find you at least 1000 rooms to stay in Pattaya and 10,000 in Bangkok where they don't ask for a passport. They may not be in hotels thoughsmile.png" Back when I was a tourist I came to Thailand and never stayed in a hotel. Never showed my passport or any ID to anyone. I was still a tourist. I still did tourist things. How many times do you want me to say the same thing? You don't have to show a passport to get a room in Thailand.

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Thailand tourism is different. I can't be the only single man who knows how to get a room in Thailand not in a hotel.

Honestly, I think you are just a boaster, who actually has no idea about tourism at all.

Honestly, what don't you get? I thnk I am right assuming you are trying to attract Western tourists in a market that is losing all of it's Western tourists right?

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Thailand tourism is different. I can't be the only single man who knows how to get a room in Thailand not in a hotel.

yeah sorry.....rolleyes.gif but it has nothing to do with what you said

I said, "I can find you at least 1000 rooms to stay in Pattaya and 10,000 in Bangkok where they don't ask for a passport. They may not be in hotels thoughsmile.png" Back when I was a tourist I came to Thailand and never stayed in a hotel. Never showed my passport or any ID to anyone. I was still a tourist. I still did tourist things. How many times do you want me to say the same thing? You don't have to show a passport to get a room in Thailand.

it really does not matter what you said after you being caught out. Law still remains the law. and anyone from Hotel industry knows it, especially someone from chains who do not break such rules

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CMK said:

"I believe the thread is about Thailand tourism. Since the major tourism increase in the past couple of years has not been in Western tourists why, on earth, would you want information about international Western hotels? Try looking at the tourism demographic and tailor your marketing to the groups that are coming to Thailand in increasing numbers. Hope that helps.thumbsup.gif For other marketing ideas try http://www.thaichamb...khonratchasima/"

Backing out of it?

I would need that, because we cater to Western holiday makers...and what is so hard to understand about that?

I guess I don't understand what you mean. Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East. They stay in hotels. They eat food. Seems to me if one wants to make money in this market one needs to cater to the tourists that are arriving not the tourists one wants to arrive. I think the stats are good. If my business was slow I would look at other areas for problems.

locals tourists have nothing to do with International tourists, as for your recommendation of how to run business, i believe you have already shown your credibility on another thread.

I believe this is the last thread that you posted on topic. I think it is where the topic went off base. You said local tourists have nothing to do with international tourists. I said nothing about local tourists. I said, "Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East."

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CMK said:

"I believe the thread is about Thailand tourism. Since the major tourism increase in the past couple of years has not been in Western tourists why, on earth, would you want information about international Western hotels? Try looking at the tourism demographic and tailor your marketing to the groups that are coming to Thailand in increasing numbers. Hope that helps.thumbsup.gif For other marketing ideas try http://www.thaichamb...khonratchasima/"

Backing out of it?

I would need that, because we cater to Western holiday makers...and what is so hard to understand about that?

I guess I don't understand what you mean. Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East. They stay in hotels. They eat food. Seems to me if one wants to make money in this market one needs to cater to the tourists that are arriving not the tourists one wants to arrive. I think the stats are good. If my business was slow I would look at other areas for problems.

locals tourists have nothing to do with International tourists, as for your recommendation of how to run business, i believe you have already shown your credibility on another thread.

I believe this is the last thread that you posted on topic. I think it is where the topic went off base. You said local tourists have nothing to do with international tourists. I said nothing about local tourists. I said, "Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East."

Yeah...we are all humans!

Why bother?

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CMK said:

"I believe the thread is about Thailand tourism. Since the major tourism increase in the past couple of years has not been in Western tourists why, on earth, would you want information about international Western hotels? Try looking at the tourism demographic and tailor your marketing to the groups that are coming to Thailand in increasing numbers. Hope that helps.thumbsup.gif For other marketing ideas try http://www.thaichamb...khonratchasima/"

Backing out of it?

I would need that, because we cater to Western holiday makers...and what is so hard to understand about that?

I guess I don't understand what you mean. Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East. They stay in hotels. They eat food. Seems to me if one wants to make money in this market one needs to cater to the tourists that are arriving not the tourists one wants to arrive. I think the stats are good. If my business was slow I would look at other areas for problems.

locals tourists have nothing to do with International tourists, as for your recommendation of how to run business, i believe you have already shown your credibility on another thread.

I believe this is the last thread that you posted on topic. I think it is where the topic went off base. You said local tourists have nothing to do with international tourists. I said nothing about local tourists. I said, "Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East."

Yes, only the thread is about International tourist arrivals,

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I guess I don't understand what you mean. Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East. They stay in hotels. They eat food. Seems to me if one wants to make money in this market one needs to cater to the tourists that are arriving not the tourists one wants to arrive. I think the stats are good. If my business was slow I would look at other areas for problems.

locals tourists have nothing to do with International tourists, as for your recommendation of how to run business, i believe you have already shown your credibility on another thread.

I believe this is the last thread that you posted on topic. I think it is where the topic went off base. You said local tourists have nothing to do with international tourists. I said nothing about local tourists. I said, "Tourists are tourists whether from the West or East."

Yes, only the thread is about International tourist arrivals,

To be fair the OP also does mention and I quote, "So, too, does the charmed performance of Thailand’s stock market, among the best performing markets in Asia last year, as well as record inward foreign investment, roaring bond market and robust economic growth after a miserable zero per cent growth in 2011."

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Yes, only the thread is about International tourist arrivals,

To be fair the OP also does mention and I quote, "So, too, does the charmed performance of Thailand’s stock market, among the best performing markets in Asia last year, as well as record inward foreign investment, roaring bond market and robust economic growth after a miserable zero per cent growth in 2011."


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It would be interesting to know of Blocker or Mowat, the chaps cited in the blog have any real statistics on how many tourists came to visit temples and elephants and how many came for sex. Everyone knows that the majority of tourist spending is on sex trade and illegal counterfeit goods. Folks at the American Chamber of Commerce , JP Morgan , and other "reputable" sources love to ignore that fact. Does anyone actually have a scientific sense of how to break down that tourist money spend by category? Girls, alcohol spent while shopping for or getting sex, illegal goods procured while in Thailand primarily for sex, food consumed while here on sex, as well as room accommodations primarily while traveling here for sex?

Why would anyone travel here to buy authentic Gucci bags and Rolex watches when they can probably get then cheaper and know they are real in most major world cities? Why would anyone come to Thailand more than once to see a poorly maintained temple or an abused elephant show? When adding up the money that these "hoards" of tourists spend don't forget all those expatriate fathers of half Thai children returning once or twice a year to see their kids and fund mama.

The big question is why would hoards of tourists keep coming here? I think we all know the answer to that. Hat's off to the girls the real stimulation to the travel trade and the hoards of tourists. Yes, hats off to the girls, the real backbone of the Thai tourist economy.

Oh my god, you couldn't be more profound.
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Thailand tourism is different. I can't be the only single man who knows how to get a room in Thailand not in a hotel.

Honestly, I think you are just a boaster, who actually has no idea about tourism at all.

Honestly, what don't you get? I thnk I am right assuming you are trying to attract Western tourists in a market that is losing all of it's Western tourists right?

Honestly: what don't you get?

Losing all of it's western tourists?

What the h$ll are you talking about?

I asked you as simple question, since you seem to know so much about Isan as a tourist destination and hotels in Isan.

You answered (as always) with some of your exciting anecdotes,, of when you came to Thailand as a tourist, shortly after the French Revolution and with a number of questions yourself...as well as some well meaning business - advice for my company to just switch all operation from western tourists to asian or local tourists, because -in your humble opinion- they are all the same anyways!

What I don't get, actually, is how anyone can take you seriously?!

Which I will stop to do from now on, as you are contradictimg yourself, make up identities and jobs and seem to have done everything, seen everything and made everything...except sense!

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Thailand tourism is different. I can't be the only single man who knows how to get a room in Thailand not in a hotel.

Honestly, I think you are just a boaster, who actually has no idea about tourism at all.

Honestly, what don't you get? I thnk I am right assuming you are trying to attract Western tourists in a market that is losing all of it's Western tourists right?

Honestly: what don't you get?

Losing all of it's western tourists?

What the h$ll are you talking about?

I asked you as simple question, since you seem to know so much about Isan as a tourist destination and hotels in Isan.

You answered (as always) with some of your exciting anecdotes,, of when you came to Thailand as a tourist, shortly after the French Revolution and with a number of questions yourself...as well as some well meaning business - advice for my company to just switch all operation from western tourists to asian or local tourists, because -in your humble opinion- they are all the same anyways!

What I don't get, actually, is how anyone can take you seriously?!

Which I will stop to do from now on, as you are contradictimg yourself, make up identities and jobs and seem to have done everything, seen everything and made everything...except sense!

I don't see a question above. What question did you ask me?

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