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Thaksin says his exile would benefit Thailand


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The realpolitik of the situation is hat other governments know he is a power in Thailand and have seen how parties backed by him win elections. As such they will steer clear of snubbing him now and use his occasional and usually low key presence (especially in all the western powers e has visited in recent years) for negotiations on various deals which can then be followed up by the Thai government. Even if there were another coup it is highly unlikely that any country would do something against or to upset Thaksin as his political clout in Thailand has been seen, and while Thailand is no major economic player it is part of the globalised capitalist community. That oddly enough brings us to another reason why he various shades of yellow after a coup governments are not taken seriously by foreign powers. They want links to those who are the future and are part of the world game.

I doesnt really mater whether people like Thaksin and his proteges or not, that is reality.

Yes. It certainly says a lot about certain countries who have recently been beefing up their anti-bribery laws, and push ethical and responsible business, whilst preaching their own virtues. Same countries are quite happy to deal with a fugitive fraudster who openly controls a country through a puppet regime,

This panders to his view of himself as being above the law, and shows their willingness to prostitute their professed believes when it suits them. Shame on them.

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He means its safer and less likely he gets whacked being over there, right? And can make connections involving graft easier and on a larger scale abroad? Hope the puppets here don't adhere to documents he signs and wants enforced here; but that could be my wishful thinking!..... I know how he thinks...

And it is more comfortable.

Think: You stay in the office and work hard because all these pro-democracy idiots make your life hard.


You put your sister on the job, who looks lovely and people get less angry and you stay on enjoying life and sometimes call in per cheapo Skype.

Agreed H90. Must be nice to have your sibling doing your bidding on the homefront, freeing you up to do biz deals with dodgy sheikhs, Russian oligarchs, blood diamond merchants in West Africa, gold dealing with whoever comes calling, while all the while pretending to the faithful that this is all in the best interests of Thailand. Even get a bit of time for the odd bit of R&R back in the Montenegran mansion when the mood takes. Ah, that's the life for an exiled despot that Napolean never enjoyed on Elba....

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He's buggered Thailand up, the whole buddhist ethos has been undermined. Very similar to Thatcher in the 80's, he has molded a new generation of greed.

Margaret Thatcher saved Britain from the grip of communist led trade unions that were undermining the country for their own agendas. Britain at that time was the sick man of Europe. I remember living under clown Callaghan's government that was told to do by the unions, do you?

Thatcher may have gone too far to the other extreme, but Britain needed some strong medicine at that time.

Thaksin has been convicted of fraud and chooses to be a fugitive from justice and face other serious out standing charges. He illegally held on to power after dissolving parliament and had to be forcibly removed from office. Prior to that he was removing all checks and balances to his regime. Now he runs the country through a proxy.has installed relatives and cronies into key positions, suppresses free speech and protest, and has created schemes which have seen billions of baht disappear. His clan meanwhile become richer and richer.

I really can't see the similarities between these two. Other than they were both called Prime Minister.

Now if you compared him with Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Marcos, you'd find more in common.

I wasnt stating a similarity (as people), you cd also add that one was a women.

just the clear point i made, ie how they both deliberately created a generation in their respective countries that lacked empathy and put wealth and social standing first.

Edited by fish fingers
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Thaksin has been convicted of fraud and chooses to be a fugitive from justice

mr T was NOT convicted of fraud but a minor charge of a conflict of interest, he is a fugitive from vindictive political opponents, not from justice.

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He's buggered Thailand up, the whole buddhist ethos has been undermined. Very similar to Thatcher in the 80's, he has molded a new generation of greed.

Margaret Thatcher saved Britain from the grip of communist led trade unions that were undermining the country for their own agendas. Britain at that time was the sick man of Europe. I remember living under clown Callaghan's government that was told to do by the unions, do you?

Thatcher may have gone too far to the other extreme, but Britain needed some strong medicine at that time.

Thaksin has been convicted of fraud and chooses to be a fugitive from justice and face other serious out standing charges. He illegally held on to power after dissolving parliament and had to be forcibly removed from office. Prior to that he was removing all checks and balances to his regime. Now he runs the country through a proxy.has installed relatives and cronies into key positions, suppresses free speech and protest, and has created schemes which have seen billions of baht disappear. His clan meanwhile become richer and richer.

I really can't see the similarities between these two. Other than they were both called Prime Minister.

Now if you compared him with Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Marcos, you'd find more in common.

What nonsense, particularly your last sentence.

Utter tripe.

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So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

Having his sister as the PM and loads of his old cronies in goverment positions, thats how...?

Thaksin knows he can move freely outside his country because Thailand made no request to foreign countries to arrest him and force him back to Thailand.

The political elite do not want Thaksin come back because according to his legal conviction he will have to go into prison,

as a result of this his supporters the read shirt team will oppose this by getting involved in massive street riots in order to get him released.

To avoid those problems Thaksin has been told not to come back to Thailand, and that no requests have been made, nor will be made to foreign countries to arrest him.

Thus Thaksin knows he is free in foreign countries to do whatever he wants to do, but is not allowed to come back home, until political matters will change entirely.

Edited by personchester
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So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

Having his sister as the PM and loads of his old cronies in goverment positions, thats how...?

Thaksin knows he can move freely outside his country because Thailand made no request to foreign countries to arrest him and force him back to Thailand.

The political elite do not want Thaksin come back because according to his legal conviction he will have to go into prison,

as a result of this his supporters the read shirt team will oppose this by getting involved in massive street riots in order to get him released.

To avoid those problems Thaksin has been told not to come back to Thailand, and that no requests have been made, nor will be made to foreign countries to arrest him.

Thus Thaksin knows he is free in foreign countries to do whatever he wants to do, but is not allowed to come back home, until political matters will change entirely.

Yes it was so convenient wasn't it to use the court to effectively exile him and then to pretend to the populace that there was an international warrant out for him when in fact there wasn't!

Should have paid war reparations in 45 as the British had wanted.

Could have installed a proper legal system.

The imperialists just stayed on in power.

Liberal elites are there such a thing in Thailand?

Were they the ones whose accounts were frozen by Abhisit?

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Yes it was so convenient wasn't it to use the court to effectively exile him and then to pretend to the populace that there was an international warrant out for him when in fact there wasn't!

Should have paid war reparations in 45 as the British had wanted.

Could have installed a proper legal system.

The imperialists just stayed on in power.

Liberal elites are there such a thing in Thailand?

Were they the ones whose accounts were frozen by Abhisit?

Where do you get your information from ? The back of a hong nam door ?

Yes it was so convenient wasn't it to use the court to effectively exile him

You can give up now, your dribble is just boring us !

Edited by mikemac
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So Thaksin will travel the world - a lonely traveler looking for worldly things that can benefit Thailand.

He'll use his infinite wisdom, which needs no input from other people, to decide which things Thailand need.

Then he will tell his followers in the homeland to implement these projects - you know, those guys that couldn't organize an orgy in Ratchada and if they could, they'd be pocketing 30% of the proceeds in the process.

Sounds like a plan.

What could possibly go wrong?

I mean, he brought Thailand mobile phones. He just happened to charge an arm and a leg for it.

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This man travels the world as a fugitive. He also gives speeches from time to time, while he is at it. He even stated that he is untouchable abroad, guess he was referring to that he can't get caught and taken back to Thailand.

Can someone enlighten me how the hell he does it? He is not even worried about being on the run. There have been a lot of powerful well connected criminals in the past that were on the run but finally got caught no matter how well connected they were. So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

How does he do it? Simple. The Thai Government is in collusion with him and has made no attempt whatsoever to have him returned to face trial. They even help him with his passport. So nice of them.

Correct. This, and indeed the previous government, have not made any requests for extradition. Foreign authorities will not act until the Thai government initiate such a request. Even though the US and EU countries are all aware of his conviction they allowed him to visit. The fact his sister's regime issued him a new passport, if seemingly illegally, would help convince those countries that really he's the victim of politically motivated charges, not criminal ones. This idea is again supported by various PM speeches and no doubt is the official foreign office view channeled through Thai diplomats.

So, other countries don't really see reality, just the picture PTP presents for them.

China probably see him as an ally in turning Thailand into a vassal state under their rather then US influence. So he's welcome there. Korean companies are happy to pay him to facilitate "winning" contracts in Thailand - so he's welcome there.

He's arrogant enough to believe he's above the law (as all HiSo's seem to be) and patronizing enough to believe the gullible Thais will believe in his altruistic claims. He probably does start to see a greater Asia with himself and Thailand at the centre and in control. Meglomania often has delusional aspects.

"So, other countries don't really see reality, just the picture PTP presents for them."

Or maybe they don't put as much weight on a joint signature as required by Thai Law on his wifes legal purchase of land (which incidentally, was the highest of the three bids) that resulted in his conviction to a 2 year sentence! i.e. they saw it for what it was, a political setup.

One thing they do not see is a "Cowardly Convicted Felon, On the Run from Justice" as so often risibly portrayed on here.

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Mr Thaksin, if you really want the good for Thailand you should get back and serve your time in jail. It' s just 2 years, In your ruling time you took away the opportunity of serving just 2 years from many people. You just killed them. Is it so that you are the biggest coward in the world ? I think you are.

As far as I am aware no Thai person can legally become an MP, Senator or Prime Minister if he has been convicted of a crime even if he is a fugitive.

Of course if he is granted an amnesty by the King that is different.

However under the current laws you HAVE to have served part of your sentence AND be truly penitent of your crime.

This is one reason why Thaksin wants the constitution to be changed so he DOESN'T have to go to jail and comes back to Thailand in triumph fully whitewashed.

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He could have been back and done his time,which with the current Government would

most likely been a few weeks living in a VIP cell,but i suppose once he did time he could

no longer be PM of Thailand again,which is what he really wants, so he can exact revenge

on all the wrong doings, he feels have been do to him. hes a lot like Berlusconi , but without

the Bunga Bunga parties

regards Worgeordie

No, he does not want to be PM, he wants to be President.

I truly believe and have done so for a very long time that Thaksin wants to be above EVERYBODY in Thailand.

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This man travels the world as a fugitive. He also gives speeches from time to time, while he is at it. He even stated that he is untouchable abroad, guess he was referring to that he can't get caught and taken back to Thailand.

Can someone enlighten me how the hell he does it? He is not even worried about being on the run. There have been a lot of powerful well connected criminals in the past that were on the run but finally got caught no matter how well connected they were. So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

How does he do it? Simple. The Thai Government is in collusion with him and has made no attempt whatsoever to have him returned to face trial. They even help him with his passport. So nice of them.

Correct. This, and indeed the previous government, have not made any requests for extradition. Foreign authorities will not act until the Thai government initiate such a request. Even though the US and EU countries are all aware of his conviction they allowed him to visit. The fact his sister's regime issued him a new passport, if seemingly illegally, would help convince those countries that really he's the victim of politically motivated charges, not criminal ones. This idea is again supported by various PM speeches and no doubt is the official foreign office view channeled through Thai diplomats.

So, other countries don't really see reality, just the picture PTP presents for them.

China probably see him as an ally in turning Thailand into a vassal state under their rather then US influence. So he's welcome there. Korean companies are happy to pay him to facilitate "winning" contracts in Thailand - so he's welcome there.

He's arrogant enough to believe he's above the law (as all HiSo's seem to be) and patronizing enough to believe the gullible Thais will believe in his altruistic claims. He probably does start to see a greater Asia with himself and Thailand at the centre and in control. Meglomania often has delusional aspects.

"So, other countries don't really see reality, just the picture PTP presents for them."

Or maybe they don't put as much weight on a joint signature as required by Thai Law on his wifes legal purchase of land (which incidentally, was the highest of the three bids) that resulted in his conviction to a 2 year sentence! i.e. they saw it for what it was, a political setup.

One thing they do not see is a "Cowardly Convicted Felon, On the Run from Justice" as so often risibly portrayed on here.

His wife's purchase wasn't legal because she was the PM's wife at the time. They knew this but didn't care, even using his PM identification ( probably to intimidate other potential bidders), rather than the usual ID card. Being the highest of the bidders means nothing, the other bidders knew they couldn't bid against the Shinawat family without facing severe repercussions. The charge regarding the Krung Thai bank loan to Krisda Mahanakon is a more serious case and another reason Thaksin cannot return until Phuea Thai alter the part of the constitution protecting the post coup investigations into Thaksin.

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Mr Thaksin, if you really want the good for Thailand you should get back and serve your time in jail. It' s just 2 years, In your ruling time you took away the opportunity of serving just 2 years from many people. You just killed them. Is it so that you are the biggest coward in the world ? I think you are.

As far as I am aware no Thai person can legally become an MP, Senator or Prime Minister if he has been convicted of a crime even if he is a fugitive.

Of course if he is granted an amnesty by the King that is different.

However under the current laws you HAVE to have served part of your sentence AND be truly penitent of your crime.

This is one reason why Thaksin wants the constitution to be changed so he DOESN'T have to go to jail and comes back to Thailand in triumph fully whitewashed.

He wants more than that, even an amnesty wont remove his conviction, he wants to change the constitution so he can retrospectively repeal the law he was convicted of breaching then have his conviction expunged. His other charges will suffer the same fate.

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He's buggered Thailand up, the whole buddhist ethos has been undermined. Very similar to Thatcher in the 80's, he has molded a new generation of greed.

Margaret Thatcher saved Britain from the grip of communist led trade unions that were undermining the country for their own agendas. Britain at that time was the sick man of Europe. I remember living under clown Callaghan's government that was told to do by the unions, do you?

Thatcher may have gone too far to the other extreme, but Britain needed some strong medicine at that time.

Thaksin has been convicted of fraud and chooses to be a fugitive from justice and face other serious out standing charges. He illegally held on to power after dissolving parliament and had to be forcibly removed from office. Prior to that he was removing all checks and balances to his regime. Now he runs the country through a proxy.has installed relatives and cronies into key positions, suppresses free speech and protest, and has created schemes which have seen billions of baht disappear. His clan meanwhile become richer and richer.

I really can't see the similarities between these two. Other than they were both called Prime Minister.

Now if you compared him with Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Marcos, you'd find more in common.

"Now if you compared him with Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Marcos, you'd find more in common." Naw... he's a "Thacherite" on his best days.

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This man travels the world as a fugitive. He also gives speeches from time to time, while he is at it. He even stated that he is untouchable abroad, guess he was referring to that he can't get caught and taken back to Thailand.

Can someone enlighten me how the hell he does it? He is not even worried about being on the run. There have been a lot of powerful well connected criminals in the past that were on the run but finally got caught no matter how well connected they were. So it makes me wonder, how does this Thaksin guy do it? He doesnt give a shit about the fact that he is a wanted person and doesn't even try to keep a low profile.

How does he do it? Simple. The Thai Government is in collusion with him and has made no attempt whatsoever to have him returned to face trial. They even help him with his passport. So nice of them.



Correct. This, and indeed the previous government, have not made any requests for extradition. Foreign authorities will not act until the Thai government initiate such a request. Even though the US and EU countries are all aware of his conviction they allowed him to visit. The fact his sister's regime issued him a new passport, if seemingly illegally, would help convince those countries that really he's the victim of politically motivated charges, not criminal ones. This idea is again supported by various PM speeches and no doubt is the official foreign office view channeled through Thai diplomats.


So, other countries don't really see reality, just the picture PTP presents for them. 


China probably see him as an ally in turning Thailand into a vassal state under their rather then US influence. So he's welcome there. Korean companies are happy to pay him to facilitate "winning" contracts in Thailand - so he's welcome there. 


He's arrogant enough to believe he's above the law (as all HiSo's seem to be) and patronizing enough to believe the gullible Thais will believe in his altruistic claims. He probably does start to see a greater Asia with himself and Thailand at the centre and in control. Meglomania often has delusional aspects.



"So, other countries don't really see reality, just the picture PTP presents for them." 


Or maybe they don't put as much weight on a joint signature as required by Thai Law on his wifes legal purchase of land (which incidentally, was the highest of the three bids) that resulted in his conviction to a 2 year sentence! i.e. they saw it for what it was, a political setup.


One thing they do not see is a "Cowardly Convicted Felon, On the Run from Justice" as so often risibly portrayed on here.

The signature was irrelevant. What was relevant was that she was his wife and politicians and their families can't buy land from government entities.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The signature was irrelevant. What was relevant was that she was his wife and politicians and their families can't buy land from government entities.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The Financial Institutions Development Fund (Bank of Thailand) said there was nothing wrong with the transaction . They should know as they were the owners and they ran the auction.

Strangely it was 5 months after the event before the Democrat Party brought this up. They didn't have sufficient numbers under the constitution to directly censor the Prime Minister but they did have enough to have a go at any cabinet minister - Cue the Finance Minister, the Minister indirectly in charge of the FIDF, what a suprise. The Governor of the Bank of Thailand also said the sale was legal. The censure debate failed.

The coup set up the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) purely to look into any suspected wrongdoing by Thaksin. The BOT consulted the Anti Corruption Board the NCCC and they concluded everything was above board. And then someone showed a document signed by Thaksin that he was aware that his wife was involved in buying the land and asked the AEC to get involved. Eventually the AEC overuled the FIDF and the Finance Ministry and presented a complaint signing on behalf of the FIDF! and naming Thaksin and his wife of being guilty of corruption!

Never mind that it was a perfectly legitimate closed bid auction for the land.

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Thaksin says his exile would benefit Thailand

The guy sounds like some overaged farang whose much younger Thai wife ran off with the kids after years of dictatorship. He's only talking about how he did and still does much good for all of mankind. And how the bad ex is trying to damage him only. The guy is turning into some running gag.

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Thaksin says his exile would benefit Thailand

The guy sounds like some overaged farang whose much younger Thai wife ran off with the kids after years of dictatorship. He's only talking about how he did and still does much good for all of mankind. And how the bad ex is trying to damage him only. The guy is turning into some running gag.

Who would have compared it to that? I don't see the similarity. That happened to you it sounds like?

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A good email story on Stickmanweekly about 'Thick Face' thai's; this to me, sums up Thaksin's legacy

Pursuit of the middle-class lifestyle leads to fewer smiles.

Thais seem to have become so engrossed in money and material crap that they have totally lost what they were all about before the turn of the century. I realised when I first got here many people were short of money but they were not out on the hunt salivating when they eyed $$ like they are today. Where back then I chose to help some, today they come out of the woodwork like swarming termites almost demanding cash. 3 years ago we moved to a new home and 2 weeks after our arrival some worthless bitch snuggles up to my wife with fruit and cake and offerings of friendship. Less than a week later she was at the door with her hand out for 50,000 baht! She told my wife that she knew I had that much and she needed it without one word about why or how it was to be paid back! The next day my wife wanted to use my truck for something. I got home that night and there was a new sign on the truck in Thai and English that said "No money to loan."

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The signature was irrelevant. What was relevant was that she was his wife and politicians and their families can't buy land from government entities.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The Financial Institutions Development Fund (Bank of Thailand) said there was nothing wrong with the transaction . They should know as they were the owners and they ran the auction.

Strangely it was 5 months after the event before the Democrat Party brought this up. They didn't have sufficient numbers under the constitution to directly censor the Prime Minister but they did have enough to have a go at any cabinet minister - Cue the Finance Minister, the Minister indirectly in charge of the FIDF, what a suprise. The Governor of the Bank of Thailand also said the sale was legal. The censure debate failed.

The coup set up the Assets Examination Committee (AEC) purely to look into any suspected wrongdoing by Thaksin. The BOT consulted the Anti Corruption Board the NCCC and they concluded everything was above board. And then someone showed a document signed by Thaksin that he was aware that his wife was involved in buying the land and asked the AEC to get involved. Eventually the AEC overuled the FIDF and the Finance Ministry and presented a complaint signing on behalf of the FIDF! and naming Thaksin and his wife of being guilty of corruption!

Never mind that it was a perfectly legitimate closed bid auction for the land.

Let's look on the bright side here.

That land was subsequently sold for 1.8 billion (250 per cent more than any of the three bidders offered for it) so at least the vast profits went to benefit the people of Thailand and not just one already very wealthy individual.

I'm sure even the altruistic Shinawats would be happy with that.

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