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Buying Condo in Pattaya to rent


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Hello everyone,

I'm planning to buy a condo in Pattaya to rent it out either for tourists or for long term. Would like to hear from anyone who has done it, if it is worth it, and if someone can suggest a good lawyers & property management?


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What about buying a condo within resort and rent to tourists? Or there is still too many places where people can stay?


petr - I don't rent properties and never have done. I have a slightly warped view on both the risk and returns of residential type properties that is in the negative. I invest in commercial properties (not in Thailand), and that is done through companies that have a genuine reason to occupy and trade from the property. That's a different story.

If you're a novice buyer and don't have a network of potential occupants for your condo - I'd say you're possibly looking in the wrong direction from an investment perspective. If however you have lazy money and perhaps intend occupying the condo in the medium term, then you have different reasons for purchasing.

For me it's all about risk v return and comparative investments. My earlier reply implied you can get a 3% return (and better in some countries) from a rock solid bank. So if you buy a condo you can expect an additional 3-4%, maybe a little more. You have to decide if that profile fits your investment desires.

Do the math - if you unit is only occupied 30% of the time (and that is quite normal over here), then you're really losing investment opportunity on your money.

There is generally no wrong or right in making investments at the time of the investment. It's only TIME that proves the initial decision wrong/less wrong/right/more right etc. I've made investment decisions that on the face of it should have been wise......until the fan gets hit with the dung. Made other investments that were basically throw away money, and they've paid big dividends.

Spread your risk, don't put all the eggs in one basket.....old fashioned clichés but no less relevant today.

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