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Business Setup For Thai Wife

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Would someone kindly explain how a Thai lady (my wife) would go about setting up a Thai business (Non-corporation) employing two Thai people therefore allowing me the Farang husband access to a work permit so that I can also work for her business?

It appears that only certain types of business can be registered for 50 baht! and my wifes business is excluded from this list.

Can she just registered for insurance and tax purposes without a business registration certificate?

Many thanks in advance...

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Would someone kindly explain how a Thai lady (my wife) would go about setting up a Thai business (Non-corporation) employing two Thai people therefore allowing me the Farang husband access to a work permit so that I can also work for her business?

It appears that only certain types of business can be registered for 50 baht! and my wifes business is excluded from this list.

Can she just registered for insurance and tax purposes without a business registration certificate?

Many thanks in advance...

The experts at Sunbelt and Siam will chime in for sure. However it is my understanding that in order to qualify for a work permit for a foreigner the company must be capitalized at 2M Baht, I don't believe you can get one just working for a sole proprietorship or non company.


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Would someone kindly explain how a Thai lady (my wife) would go about setting up a Thai business (Non-corporation) employing two Thai people therefore allowing me the Farang husband access to a work permit so that I can also work for her business?

It appears that only certain types of business can be registered for 50 baht! and my wifes business is excluded from this list.

Can she just registered for insurance and tax purposes without a business registration certificate?

Many thanks in advance...

The experts at Sunbelt and Siam will chime in for sure. However it is my understanding that in order to qualify for a work permit for a foreigner the company must be capitalized at 2M Baht, I don't believe you can get one just working for a sole proprietorship or non company.


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Hi Dan,

Thanks for your input, but for sure this is an area that is kept secret by most who want to make money out of Farang!

My mate has done this already without a 2m company but with the aid of a Thai accountant. Just a Thai wife who has a business employing two Thai people and himself. I think he found an honest accountant!

I've paid out the Ltd. company purchase price, accountacy fees, taxes and insurance in the past even though I had a Thai wife because of bad advice from a so called accountant and legal advisor, so be careful who you use if ever in this situation.

I still await the experts view as my wife wishes to set this up herself.

Many Thanks once again Dan.

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Would someone kindly explain how a Thai lady (my wife) would go about setting up a Thai business (Non-corporation) employing two Thai people therefore allowing me the Farang husband access to a work permit so that I can also work for her business?

It appears that only certain types of business can be registered for 50 baht! and my wifes business is excluded from this list.

Can she just registered for insurance and tax purposes without a business registration certificate?

Many thanks in advance...

Since you're married, 1M baht registration is enough for the company sposnoring you. This requirement is for a WP. If you didn't need a WP, the company can be registered with much lower sums.

The business also has to VAT registered.

There are other options, for example limited partnership instead of a company, but it is generaly not recommended for reasons of liablity and solid legal control over the business.

I assume Indo-Siam or Sunbelt will also reply once they notice your post. Othwrwise, there are dozens and dozens of threads discussing this issue. Do a search.

Edited by ~G~
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Many thanks for your input, but I don't think you quite understand what I am saying;

My wife being Thai can startup a business as sole proprietor without proving she has 1 baht in the bank. Registration normally cost 50 baht if its included in the goverment list of businesses and 0 baht if its not in the list.

She can then employ two Thai people and then apply for a work permit for me to work in her business. She can then pay me a salary at whatever she feels which is subject to tax (if the amount is high enough) and insurance.

I am not trying to be clever here and break the Thai law. This is for real.

Many thanks for trying to help...

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Many thanks for your input, but I don't think you quite understand what I am saying;

My wife being Thai can startup a business as sole proprietor without proving she has 1 baht in the bank. Registration normally cost 50 baht if its included in the goverment list of businesses and 0 baht if its not in the list.

She can then employ two Thai people and then apply for a work permit for me to work in her business. She can then pay me a salary at whatever she feels which is subject to tax (if the amount is high enough) and insurance.

I am not trying to be clever here and break the Thai law. This is for real.

Many thanks for trying to help...

If you already know the answer why do you ask than? :o

As far as I know, the following two conditions are a must when applying for a WP, whether the sponsor is a company, partnership or sole proprietor:

1. 1M baht registered capital if married to a Thai or 2M baht otherwise

2. VAT registration

Again, as far as I know, and I am not a lawyer nor an expert (but have gone through the process of setting up a company, getting WP, and learning about all other possibilites), you will not get a WP without those requirements.

If you can show some evidence that this is incorrect, I will be happy to learn something new.

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Many thanks for your input, but I don't think you quite understand what I am saying;

My wife being Thai can startup a business as sole proprietor without proving she has 1 baht in the bank. Registration normally cost 50 baht if its included in the goverment list of businesses and 0 baht if its not in the list.

She can then employ two Thai people and then apply for a work permit for me to work in her business. She can then pay me a salary at whatever she feels which is subject to tax (if the amount is high enough) and insurance.

I am not trying to be clever here and break the Thai law. This is for real.

Many thanks for trying to help...

If you already know the answer why do you ask than? :D

As far as I know, the following two conditions are a must when applying for a WP, whether the sponsor is a company, partnership or sole proprietor:

1. 1M baht registered capital if married to a Thai or 2M baht otherwise

2. VAT registration

Again, as far as I know, and I am not a lawyer nor an expert (but have gone through the process of setting up a company, getting WP, and learning about all other possibilites), you will not get a WP without those requirements.

If you can show some evidence that this is incorrect, I will be happy to learn something new.

Because the original question is still to be answered: I quote "Would someone kindly explain how a Thai lady (my wife) would go about setting up a Thai business (Non-corporation) employing two Thai people therefore allowing me the Farang husband access to a work permit so that I can also work for her business?". :o

The conditions you mention seem to be non-important regarding a WP - I guess - because I have a Thai wife and this enables me to have a WP to support her.

HELP... Think we need an expert on this :D

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... Actually, your question has already been answered by ~G~. The experts can't help you, since you don't believe them ... At which bar were you told that marriage to a Thai, were sufficient for a WP?

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For at least the past 19 months (since changes in eligibility rules at Work Permit office in October 2004), it has been effectively impossible for a foreigner to obtain a work permit to work for a sole proprietor - because a sole proprietor does not have any registered capitalization.

The simplest form of corporate entity that can sponsor a work permit is a Thai registered partnership. In a Thai registered partnership, there is no way to structure things so that the foreign partner has ANY control - he is totally at the mercy/good will of the Thai partner. If this does not raise a red flag in your head, then you are welcome to pursue this approach. Also, the personal liability exposure of a partner is potentially much higher than that of a shareholder in a company.

In no case - Partnership, or Thai Prtivate Company - does the Work Permit office care if you have any Thai employees. This consideration went away about three years ago.

The total cost difference between setting up a Thai private company, and setting up a Thai registered partnership is trivial. The ongoing monthly sustainment cost are virtually identical.

I have no idea where anyone would get the idea that forming a Thai company is a big, painful, expensive approach, and forming a Thai partnership is a small, painless, low-cost approach. There might be a 2,000 baht savings, due to one fewer trips involved (and thus a bit less paperwork), to the Commercial Registration office.

My guess is that climbing the learning curve of doing any business registration in Thailand on a "one-off" basis is going to cost more than taking the work to a professional firm. I mean - some of the forms involved must actually be purchased - and you have to attach tax stamps to some forms, etc. etc. I don't think one Thai in 100,000 has any idea where to purchase such things. Foreigners don't have a clue.



Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group


[email protected]


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The conditions you mention seem to be non-important regarding a WP - I guess - because I have a Thai wife and this enables me to have a WP to support her.

Well, you got Indo-Siam's reply above which is as professional as can be.

Having a Thai wife does not excuse you from the other WP requirements. You seem not to believe the advice given here for some reason or another. I therefore suggest you contact Ministry of Labour, Employment Department, and ask them directly. They will be the ones who will grant, or not grant, your WP application.

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The conditions you mention seem to be non-important regarding a WP - I guess - because I have a Thai wife and this enables me to have a WP to support her.

Well, you got Indo-Siam's reply above which is as professional as can be.

Having a Thai wife does not excuse you from the other WP requirements. You seem not to believe the advice given here for some reason or another. I therefore suggest you contact Ministry of Labour, Employment Department, and ask them directly. They will be the ones who will grant, or not grant, your WP application.

Interesting to say the least...

My wife and I did visit the Employment Department and they told her that I could have a work permit if the business employed two Thai people because I'm married to a Thai and it would be four Thai people if I was not married to a Thai.

Also, there is no problem with the business being a Thai Sole Proprietor which my wife is.

Regarding Farang being exposed in business, all I ever wanted to do was help my wife build HER business which she could not do as well without my help. Please remember, many many businesses in Thailand are small earners and many many more earn a BIG nothing. So what are we protecting by registering a Corporation? In many cases little or nothing. BUT, I do agree that for some Farang a Corporation is essential.

Regarding the gentleman who talks about education in a BAR, I would suggest he changes BAR! Hic...

Many thanks for all the input. Like I said before, my friend has already done what I wish to do through a Thai Accountant. My wife and I will progress this on our own and keep you posted of the results.

Once again, many thanks to all the positive input.

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I could have a work permit if the business employed two Thai people because I'm married to a Thai and it would be four Thai people if I was not married to a Thai.

When was that? I believe this rule is obsolete. I receveied a WP when my company had exactly ZERO Thai employees. Thai emplyees are no longer a requirement fo WP.

Also, there is no problem with the business being a Thai Sole Proprietor which my wife is.

I think you had some misunderstanding going on there.

My wife and I will progress this on our own and keep you posted of the results.

Please do. If anything I stated here in incorrect, I will be very interested to know about it. Good luck. :o

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Many thanks for all the input. Like I said before, my friend has already done what I wish to do through a Thai Accountant. My wife and I will progress this on our own and keep you posted of the results.

Once again, many thanks to all the positive input.

Well, BrassMonkey, you sound as a guy of good temper ... So, I've dived into the archives of this forum and picked this post from about 2 months ago. It deals with how things are nowadays as compared to how they were 2 years ago:


However, all things are forever changing - so good luck.

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Thank you Rishi. Very interesting read. You are right Phuket is different, though I always thought the decision regarding to issue or not to issue a WP lay with Bangkok, though this may have changed recently.

Well, I always thought training of government staff in Thailand was not that good and my be this confirms the reality of it.


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You are able to get a work permit for a natural person ( sole proprietorship) . We have done this for clients and its legal as its the law. Please see the color highlight which tells how we have done this.

By the way, Immigration will NOT grant a extension of stay based on business with this work permit by being employed by a natural person. They only recognize the Limited Partnership and Limited Company.

Royal Emblem

Department of Employment Regulations

Governing the Criteria of Considering Permitting the Work of Foreigners A.D. 2004

In order for the consideration of permitting the work of foreigners under Section 7and Section 8 of the Work of Foreigners Act A.D. 1978 to be exactly circumspect according to the spirit of the law, it is expedient to prescribe the criterion of considering permitting the work of foreigners.

By virtue of Section 32 of the State Affairs administration Regulations Act A.D. 1991 as amended by the State Affairs Administration Regulations Act (No. 5) A. D. 2001, the Director-General of Employment lays down regulations as follows:

Article 1. The regulations are called “The Department of Employment Regulations Governing the criteria of considering Permitting the Work of foreigners A.D. 2004”.

Article 2. These regulations shall apply form the 8th day of October A.D. 2004 onward.

Article 3. The following shall be rescinded:

(1) The Department of employment Regulations Governing the Criteria and the Conditions of Considering Permitting the Work of Foreigners A.D. 2002 dated May 22, 2002,

(2) The Department of Employment Regulations governing the Criteria and the Conditions of considering Permitting the Work of Foreigners (No.2) A.D. 2002 dated July 11, 2002,

(3) The Department of Employment Regulations Governing the Criteria and the Conditions of Considering Permitting the Work of Foreigners (No.3) A.D. 2003 dated February 5, 2003.

Clause 4. For the issuance of the work permit to the foreigners under Section 7 and Section 8, permission shall be considered as may be necessary and appropriate by taking account of:

(1) Security within the kingdom in the political, religious, economic and social aspects,

(2) Protection against foreigners coming to compete for the occupations that Thai nationals have the ability to do and keeping them sufficient in quantify for the demand of the labor market within the kingdom;

(3) The benefit from permitting the foreigners to work in that job position of bringing about the introduction of foreign currency to invest or spend in the country in large amounts, bringing about the employment of a large number of Thai nationals for the position being one requiring skill in modern technology useful to the economic development of the country and with such skill being transferred to Thai nationals.

(4) Skill development that Thai nationals will receive from the transfer by the foreigners who is permitted to work of knowledge and understanding of techniques and details about machines and tools and skill in modern technology to Thai nationals in that work;

(5) The principle of humanity.

Article 5. From the consideration of issuing the work permit under Article 4, permission may be granted according to the following criteria:

(1) For foreigners entering to work in financial institutions under the supervision of the Bank of Thailand or the Ministry of Finance or the government agency which supervises financial institutions, permission shall be granted according to the number prescribed in the certificate having a certificate from Bank of Thailand or the Ministry of Finance or the government agency writ supervise finance in situations.

(2) Foreigners under a certificate issued by the central government, the provincial government, the local government, the state enterprise or the public organization under the public organization law which specifies the name, the position and the work period of that alien.

(3) Foreigners working for an employer whose investment size from the paid up registered capital is not lower than Baht two million, the rate being one alien permitted for every Baht two million, or an employer registered as a juristic person abroad and entering to do business in Thailand whose investment size from the money introduced from abroad is not lower than Baht three million, the rate being one alien permitted for every Baht three million, or a place of business registered as a juristic person abroad and entering to do business in Thailand prior to October 30, 2002 that has no evidence of introducing money from abroad: consideration shall be done from the size of investment from the amount of the balance appearing in 6 retrospective months’ bank statement, an amount of Baht three million or more, the rate being one foreigners permitted for every Baht three million, unless the alien has a Thai spouse in a lawfully registered marriage and in open cohabitation, in which case such investment size as prescribed shall be reduced by one half, in which a maximum of ten foreigners may be permitted, save considering permitting as may be appropriate in any of the following cases:

(a) Working for an employer who has paid tax to the government in the past year cycle not less than Baht three million;

(B Working for an employer doing a business of exporting goods and introducing foreign currency into the country not less than Baht three million in the past year;

(-C) Working for an employer doing a tour business with not fewer than five thousand introductions of foreigners to visit Thailand in the past year cycle;

(d) Working for an employer who employs not fewer than one hundred Thai nationals;

(4) Foreigners working for an employer whose investment size from the paid up registered capital is not lower than Baht two million or an employer registered as a juristic person abroad and entering to do business in Thailand, whose investment size from the money introduced from abroad is not lower than Baht three million: in any of the following case the limitation regarding the number of foreigners under Article 5 (3) shall not apply:

(a) Foreigners doing a Technology work which Thai nationals are still unable to do or in which Thai nationals are available in number not sufficient for the demand of the domestic labor market, which technology shall be transferred to at least two Thai national within the prescribed period;

(B Foreigners working by applying specialized skill for a work to be accomplished under a definite project;

(-C) Foreigners working in an entertainment, amusement or musical business, the character of whose employment are occasional and definite;

(5) Foreigners working in a foundation, association or any other organization whose objectives are non-profit making and in the interests of the society as a whole: the criterion in Article 5 (3) shall not apply;

(6) Foreigners coming to be attached to the representative office of a foreign justice person in an international trade business, who comes to give advice in various aspects about the goods of the head office distributed to an agent or user, the dissemination of various sorts of information about the goods or services of the head office and the reporting of business movements in Thailand to the attention of the head office: a maximum of two person may be permitted; the alien coming in to look for goods or service purchase sources in Thailand for the head office, check and control the quality and the quantify of the goods that the head office buys or employees to produce in Thailand: a maximum of two persons may be permitted, unless that representative office can find goods or service purchase sources for the head office and the head office has ordered goods or services from producers in Thailand in a value of goods or service ordering in the past year not less than Baht one hundred million;

(7) Foreigners coming in to be attached to the regional office of a juristic person organized under the law of a foreign country and going to do business in another country in order to render services in various aspects, e.g. liaison and supervision of the operation of a subsidiary or affiliated company located in the same region as the head office, counseling or rendering the services of organizing transiting and personnel development, financial management, market control and sales promotion planning, product development, and research and development by coming an income from rendering those services and having no power to receive purchase orders or sale offers or negotiate business-doing with persons or juristic persons in the country of location, by receiving expenses from the head office only: a maximum of five persons may be permitted, unless than regional office has introduced money to spend in Thailand in the past year cycle not less than ten million baht.

Article 6. Regarding considering issuing the work permit under Article 4 to foreigners who apply for permission to work for a natural person employer who is not one having the character under Article 5, permission may be granted according to the following criteria:

(1) Foreigners working for an employer earning an income form business operation in the past year cycle or the amount year: one person may be permitted for every Baht seven hundred thousand, the maximum being three person;

(2) Foreigners working for an employer who has paid taxes to the government in the past year cycle: one person may be permitted for every Baht fifty thousand, the maximum being three person;

(3) Foreigners working for an employer having Thai employees: one person may be permitted for every four Thai employees, the maximum being three persons.

Article 7. The criterion under paragraph one shall be reduced by one half in the case where the permit applicant alien has a Thai spouse in a lawfully registered marriage and in open cohabitation.

Article 8. Considering permitting otherwise than the cases or criteria herein prescribed shall be the power of the Director-General.

Article 9. Applications that the authorities have receive prior to the effective date hereof shall be treated according to the Department of Employment Regulations Governing the Criteria and the Conditions of Considering Permitting the Work of Foreigners A.D. 2002 dated May 22, 2002, the Department of Employment Regulations Governing the Criteria and the Conditions of Considering Permitting the Work of Foreigners (No. 2) A.D. 2002 dated July 11, 2002, and the Department of Employment Regulations Governing the Criteria and the Conditions of Considering Permitting the Work of Foreigners (No. 3) A.D. 2003 dated February 5, 2003.

Article 10. The Director-General of Employment shall be the person in charge of the functions hereunder.

Given this 30th day of September A.D. 2004


(Mr. Chuthathawat Intharasuksi)

Director-General of Employment Department

Notice also the 4 Thai employees per foreigner? This is the only time the Labor Dept cares about how many you employ. As you can see if you are married than as set forth by Article 7, it is only two employees needed if the natural person cannot meet either of these two conditions

(1) Foreigners working for an employer earning an income form business operation in the past year cycle or the amount year: one person may be permitted for every Baht seven hundred thousand, the maximum being three person; ( Married to a Thai and its 350,000 Baht)

(2) Foreigners working for an employer who has paid taxes to the government in the past year cycle: one person may be permitted for every Baht fifty thousand, the maximum being three person;(Married to a Thai and its 25,000 Baht)

If anyone of these conditions can be met, than no Thai employees are required.



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Well done Sunbelt!!!

At last it all makes sense with what I was saying. So Phuket is no different from anywhere else in Thailand.

So my initial question was does the natural person need a 50 baht business registration document in order to apply for the WP? Bearing in mind that only certain classes of business need registering.

Many thanks for your help...

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  • 2 years later...

Hi there, my project is to open a restaurant to work in it with my future thai wife. I need to contain at max expenses because I have only a little budget. This 3d looks interesting to me. The plan is to go to thai with a touristic visa, marry, then convert it to a non-immigrant to request a OYSP for marriage. At this point open a company me with her (and if need she have 2 sisters can join us) and request the wp for me. I would like to know if and how is possible to do avoiding the 2M baht of capital for the company (that we don't have :o

As this 3d is pretty old I would know if the rules called here are still in use or something has changed in the meanwhile and how is gone to BrassMonkey with it.

Many many thanks for any help on it



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Hi there, my project is to open a restaurant to work in it with my future thai wife. I need to contain at max expenses because I have only a little budget. This 3d looks interesting to me. The plan is to go to thai with a touristic visa, marry, then convert it to a non-immigrant to request a OYSP for marriage. At this point open a company me with her (and if need she have 2 sisters can join us) and request the wp for me. I would like to know if and how is possible to do avoiding the 2M baht of capital for the company (that we don't have :o

As this 3d is pretty old I would know if the rules called here are still in use or something has changed in the meanwhile and how is gone to BrassMonkey with it.

Many many thanks for any help on it



Most people with limited cash for the 2 million Baht register capital on a Thai Limited Company simply pay for the shares with equipment instead of cash. As you are married to a Thai, the registered capital only has to be 1 million Baht. No one will ask to see these funds as the Civil Commercial Code does not require the register capital shares to be paid in cash.

If you want your wife to employ you as a natural person, the requirement is 2 Thai employees must be employed and paying social fund for the past three months. The Labor Dept would like to see some proof the business is operating but if you cannot show this then should have a explanation letter why the wife has not generated income as of yet. The register capital on the sole proprietorship can be whatever she invested. It does not have to be 1 million or 2 million Baht. Again on this invested capital, you will not need to show proof.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi there, my project is to open a restaurant to work in it with my future thai wife. I need to contain at max expenses because I have only a little budget. This 3d looks interesting to me. The plan is to go to thai with a touristic visa, marry, then convert it to a non-immigrant to request a OYSP for marriage. At this point open a company me with her (and if need she have 2 sisters can join us) and request the wp for me. I would like to know if and how is possible to do avoiding the 2M baht of capital for the company (that we don't have :o

As this 3d is pretty old I would know if the rules called here are still in use or something has changed in the meanwhile and how is gone to BrassMonkey with it.

Many many thanks for any help on it



Most people with limited cash for the 2 million Baht register capital on a Thai Limited Company simply pay for the shares with equipment instead of cash. As you are married to a Thai, the registered capital only has to be 1 million Baht. No one will ask to see these funds as the Civil Commercial Code does not require the register capital shares to be paid in cash.

If you want your wife to employ you as a natural person, the requirement is 2 Thai employees must be employed and paying social fund for the past three months. The Labor Dept would like to see some proof the business is operating but if you cannot show this then should have a explanation letter why the wife has not generated income as of yet. The register capital on the sole proprietorship can be whatever she invested. It does not have to be 1 million or 2 million Baht. Again on this invested capital, you will not need to show proof.


Dear sunbelt,

I have a non immigrent O visa based on my marriage to thai wife and she has a sole propriator registerd business here for selling second hand goods. She just registerd it two months ago.

My Visa is good untill february 19th 2009. I want to obtain a workpermit as an employee of her business.

we called the labour office here in phetchabun but the lady who talked said we must open a 7 partner company before obtaining a workpermit for me. I felt like she does not have much idea of workpermit laws. But we did not want to argue with her because we must go to meet her to get my workpermit done.

Can you please tell me how can I proceed from here.

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  • 1 year later...
Hi there, my project is to open a restaurant to work in it with my future thai wife. I need to contain at max expenses because I have only a little budget. This 3d looks interesting to me. The plan is to go to thai with a touristic visa, marry, then convert it to a non-immigrant to request a OYSP for marriage. At this point open a company me with her (and if need she have 2 sisters can join us) and request the wp for me. I would like to know if and how is possible to do avoiding the 2M baht of capital for the company (that we don't have :)

As this 3d is pretty old I would know if the rules called here are still in use or something has changed in the meanwhile and how is gone to BrassMonkey with it.

Many many thanks for any help on it



Most people with limited cash for the 2 million Baht register capital on a Thai Limited Company simply pay for the shares with equipment instead of cash. As you are married to a Thai, the registered capital only has to be 1 million Baht. No one will ask to see these funds as the Civil Commercial Code does not require the register capital shares to be paid in cash.

If you want your wife to employ you as a natural person, the requirement is 2 Thai employees must be employed and paying social fund for the past three months. The Labor Dept would like to see some proof the business is operating but if you cannot show this then should have a explanation letter why the wife has not generated income as of yet. The register capital on the sole proprietorship can be whatever she invested. It does not have to be 1 million or 2 million Baht. Again on this invested capital, you will not need to show proof.


Dear sunbelt,

I have a non immigrent O visa based on my marriage to thai wife and she has a sole propriator registerd business here for selling second hand goods. She just registerd it two months ago.

My Visa is good untill february 19th 2009. I want to obtain a workpermit as an employee of her business.

we called the labour office here in phetchabun but the lady who talked said we must open a 7 partner company before obtaining a workpermit for me. I felt like she does not have much idea of workpermit laws. But we did not want to argue with her because we must go to meet her to get my workpermit done.

Can you please tell me how can I proceed from here.

hey, has it worked? Is still possible nowaday? Someone have fresh experiences to share?

Many thanks

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