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Smiling Killer Cant Take His Own Medicine !


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Taken from NIne MSN webstie.......

Amrozi may fight death sentence

Islamic militant Amrozi who is on death row for his role in the Bali bombings may appeal to Indonesia's constitutional court to have his execution order overturned, his lawyers said.

Amrozi - dubbed the smiling assassin after he joked with police about the October 12, 2002 blasts following his arrest - has never shown any remorse for the attack which killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

Last month, he declared he was ready to die and would not ask for a presidential pardon.

"A death sentence was God's fate," he said from Kerobokan prison on Bali island.

"There is nothing better than dying as a martyr."

But his lawyer Adnan Wirawan said Amrozi could appeal his death sentence depending on the outcome of a test case currently before Indonesia's constitutional court.

That case, challenging tough anti-terrorism laws introduced after the Bali bombings, was launched by another of Adnan's clients, Masykur Abdul Kadir, who was last year jailed for 15 years for helping the bombers by providing transport and accommodation.

Masykur, the only Bali native involved in the attacks and dubbed Local Boy, has challenged the sentence, arguing retrospective anti-terrorism laws are illegitimate.

Adnan said Amrozi was watching the outcome closely.

"We're still waiting," he told detik.com.

"If the Constitutional Court grants our request, then that government regulation on terrorism cannot be used.

"This will be new evidence or new facts to request a review."

Indonesia's Supreme Court rejected an appeal lodged by Amrozi in January, confirming an earlier rejection by the Bali High Court.

The 41-year old village mechanic helped plan the attack and acted as quartermaster, purchasing one tonne of explosive chemicals and a van to carry the bomb.

Amrozi's elder brother, Muklas and operation commander Imam Samudra have also appealed to the Supreme Court after their appeals to the Bali High Court were rejected.

Adnan said Amrozi was not attempting to escape jail, but only the death sentence ordered under the anti-terror laws.

Instead, his legal team believed criminal laws carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years in jail should have been used.

"We are not asking for freedom," Adnan said. "But killing a life must be very careful."

The anti-terror laws were passed shortly after the Bali attack.

The laws apply to anyone found to have funded, assisted or distributed weapons, explosives or ammunition for terrorist attacks, as well as those involved in planning or facilitating the operation.

A court ruling on Masykur's challenge is expected by March.


I sincerely hope this gutless little boy gets a bullet through the back of his skull for his efforts.

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Ned - on your posting ;

"We are not asking for freedom," Adnan said. "But killing a life must be very careful."

What about the 200+ that were killed by the bombing ??

And they were not pumped up by promises of a paradise for martyrs like these fundamentalist terrorists.

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Ned - on your posting ;

"We are not asking for freedom," Adnan said. "But killing a life must be very careful."

What about the 200+ that were killed by the bombing ??

And they were not pumped up by promises of a paradise for martyrs like these fundamentalist terrorists.

EXACTLY....I'll pay big money to be in the front row to watch the smiling <deleted> filled with lead. Muslim law has limbs severed for shop stealing for God's sake. And stonings for adultery. ###### RELIGION if one could call it a religion.

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The stoning (of the woman) is normally (??!!) carried out in Saudi by backing a large tipper truck full of aggregate up behind the woman, then dumping the lot!

The man has his head lopped by a sharp sword.

All done in public, in front of the mosque, after Friday midday prayers.

And the muttawwa (religious police) take great delight in rounding up any non-muslims on the street and sitting them in the front row. (I was off diving, or in the house, or anywhere but on the streets during Friday from 8.00 to 18.00)

Stealing is a hand-chop. Second time a hand or foot.

One time, a police sergeant was nicked for raping a small boy - he was executed. Following him was a butcher convicted of selling short weight. He was whipped (given strokes of the cane - flogger had to keep a copy of the koran under his arm, butcher had a pad tied over the area to be whipped - embarrassing rather than painful)

It may be rough justice, but it's fairly quick.

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lets look at it more closely...amrozi is an indonesian muslim which is to say that he is like a peasant in Latin America with Roman catholicism...religion is mixed with local traditions and what you get is a mishmash that they don't understand. I dare anyone to make sense of amrozi's reply to what is the difference between sunni and shi'ite islam...the poor fukc would not have a clue. he is not evil...simply a patsy taking the fall for the likes of other islamist extremists.

It was quite infuriating to watch him smiling on TV when in court and on TV...but like all asians he wants to save face and to not appear to be concerned. Now his mortal soul is on the line and he is scared...he is no longer a jihad warrior but some little fukc-up that was had by others and now he shall pay.

In general in SE Asia any muslim will not be able to distinguish between sunni and shi'ite precepts...they are poor, ignorant and easily manipulated. They respond to the jihad business and that is to the advantage of extremists. I would say that most local muslims couldn't say what they adhered to in terms of specific beliefs.

this is not to be disrespectful of our ozzie friends as I know the the Bali bombing was their 9/11

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The stoning (of the woman) is normally (??!!) carried out in Saudi by backing a large tipper truck full of aggregate up behind the woman, then dumping the lot!

Kinda takes the fun out of it a bit, don't you think? :o

Reminds me of Life of Brian.

"Want any stones sir?"

"Nah...they got a lot of em' up there lying about on the ground"

"Oh, not like these sir, look at this. Feel the quality of that. That's craftsmanship, sir."

" Mmm...Oh alright, give us two points, two flats and a packet of gravel."


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The stoning (of the woman) is normally (??!!) carried out in Saudi by backing a large tipper truck full of aggregate up behind the woman, then dumping the lot!

Kinda takes the fun out of it a bit, don't you think? :D

Reminds me of Life of Brian.

"Want any stones sir?"

"Nah...they got a lot of em' up there lying about on the ground"

"Oh, not like these sir, look at this. Feel the quality of that. That's craftsmanship, sir."

" Mmm...Oh alright, give us two points, two flats and a packet of gravel."


Wasn't it a really funny movie ? I loved it :D Always look on the bright side of life :o

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Sure Tutsi.......Amrozi masy not understand his own religion.......but I am sure he understands that, to purchase a couple of tonnes of 'explosive material' and drive it up to the front of a packed nightlcub in order to kill hundreds of people........is wrong ! Most Muslims would agree.

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Ned...if one considers onesself to be a righteous jihad warrior the usual considerations regarding right and wrong don't come into play. Where does some ignorant village mechanic twerp come from thinking that he will save the world for islam by killing a bunch of infidels? The delusion came from that buck toothed Indonesian cleric fukc that was put in the slammer with whom amrozi and his other jihad warrior pals had an association and who has direct Jemaiiah Islamiya/Al qaida connections. He ain't ignorant and he ain't no fukcin' patsy and he will soon go free. However, it's not on to execute muslim clerics in Indonesia regardless of where they're coming from...Megawati's government coalition has got muslim organizations included and it would be political suicide for her to allow it.

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Ned...if one considers onesself to be a righteous jihad warrior the usual considerations regarding right and wrong don't come into play. Where does some ignorant village mechanic twerp come from thinking that he will save the world for islam by killing a bunch of infidels? The delusion came from that buck toothed Indonesian cleric fukc that was put in the slammer with whom amrozi and his other jihad warrior pals had an association and who has direct Jemaiiah Islamiya/Al qaida connections. He ain't ignorant and he ain't no fukcin' patsy and he will soon go free. However, it's not on to execute muslim clerics in Indonesia regardless of where they're coming from...Megawati's government coalition has got muslim organizations included and it would be political suicide for her to allow it.

I still wanna be in the spectators row when the firing squad lines up in front of dear Ambrosi. :o

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Reminds me of Life of Brian.
Wasn't it a really funny movie ? I loved it  Always look on the bright side of life
Now there's an idea...I'll get a copy

One of my all-time favorites too.I've got it and also the rest of Monty Python on my hard disk. :D

You can download the whole lot free on Kazaa. :o

It takes some time but it's worth the effort! :D



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please understand that smiling in Indonesia can be a reaction for embarrassment and shame.

Very difficult for us expats to get used to.

On the other hand I agree with most of the writing about keks!

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Agree completely.

I only tried to understand that stupid smiling of him which offend a lot of people I assume.

Don't misunderstand me ,I am happy to pull the tricker or push the button (whatever is needed to execute)

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Agree completely.

I only tried to understand that stupid smiling of him which offend a lot of people I assume.

Don't misunderstand me ,I am happy to pull the tricker or push the button (whatever is needed to execute)

What is the feeling in Indonesia Dutch ... will they shoot him ultimately ?

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Don't believe he will be executed.

Too much interests on stake by various groups.

The latest survey by Political and Economical Risk Consultancy LTD (Hong Kong) ,shows Indonesia topping the list of most corrupt country in Asia.

(Thailand is on shared 5-7 with Malaysia and China)

The most corrupt departments in the government are Legal and Financial dept's.

Although it is hard to compare amongst the several institutions who is most or less corrupt.It is a disaster for the country who is the richest in the region concerning oil,gaz,minerals and so on. Name and we have it.

The NO execution is the opinion of the expat world.

Natives hardly answer and give you the famous smile.

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Don't believe he will be executed.

Too much interests on stake by various groups.

The latest survey by Political and Economical Risk Consultancy LTD (Hong Kong) ,shows Indonesia topping the list of most corrupt country in Asia.

(Thailand is on shared 5-7 with Malaysia and China)

The most corrupt departments in the government are Legal and Financial dept's.

Although it is hard to compare amongst the several institutions who is most or less corrupt.It is a disaster for the country who is the richest in the region concerning oil,gaz,minerals and so on. Name and we have it.

The NO execution is the opinion of the expat world.

Natives hardly answer and give you the famous smile.

I kinda guessed that Dutch. Thanks a lot.

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