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Chinese, Thai armies kick off joint military drill


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Chinese, Thai armies kick off joint military drill
By English News

BANGKOK, Dec 10 (Xinhua) - The Chinese and Thai army special forces kicked off a 14-day joint anti-terror training in Thailand on Monday morning.

Code-named "Strike-2013," the drill is the fourth of its kind hosted by the two countries.

The drill is aimed at further deepening exchanges between the special forces of the two neighboring countries and enhancing their capabilities of training and performing special operations.

It is also intended to strengthen the friendly ties between the special forces of the two nations and expand future cooperation.

Both faced with threats posed by the development and infiltration of terrorist forces, China and Thailand should join hands, beef up exchanges and cooperation and improve the capabilities of performing diversified military missions, Wang Junli, chairman of the Chinese delegation and deputy chief of staff from China's Guangzhou Military Area Command, said at the opening ceremony.

The two countries should make their due contributions to safeguarding regional safety and stability, as well as promoting global peace and development, Wang added. (Xinhua)

-- TNA 2013-12-10

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Good...they face similar threats in Xinjiang and Patani, though the size and brutality of attacks in western China seems to go above and beyond S Thailand. Unfortunately the current CPC is dominated by its ultra nationalistic military faction which seem to have the same aspirations as the Japanese in WWII, and is not winning itself any friends.

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This looks like a token event. The size and scale are small. I wonder what this is related to; events in the Mekhong or trade deals or weapon sales or fostering military links or the hi-speed train? I am sure this is not part of any future Sino-Thai military alliance for sure. Although I am aware the Thais always hedge their bets in foreign policy.

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Looks like the Thais are playing both sides against the middle- US and China reference. I can understand the Thais hedging their bets, as in "Hi USA, what have you done for me today?"

A US reaction would be to down play the annual Cobra Gold joint US-Thai military exercises, cut the US Embassy staff by 50% and "discover" our mutual interests with Viet Nam smile.png There's no love lost between VN and China...

Why not have VN as a preferred port of call and avoid the infamous Phuket taxi mafia/

More than one way to skin a cat besides pullin the hair out smile.png

This is Asia man! the US is on the other side of the globe and besides that they are only interested in using Thailand as a information gathering center as to whats going in in the East.

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This looks like a token event. The size and scale are small. I wonder what this is related to; events in the Mekhong or trade deals or weapon sales or fostering military links or the hi-speed train? I am sure this is not part of any future Sino-Thai military alliance for sure. Although I am aware the Thais always hedge their bets in foreign policy.

Sure, its a no brainer for the Chinese to reach out to their neighbors; and the Thais are being coy and not refusing the attention :)

Personally speaking, I do not think the Chinese are an enemy of the US. We buy their stuff and they buy our bonds :) But they buy our bonds to keep their currency from rising. And while China runs a trade surplus with the US, it runs trade deficits with most of its neighbors.

But China is also making a few neighbors uneasy over her assertive stance on the Sprately Islands. Can you say oil? Japan and South Korea have their panties in a twist over this but the US would be wise to not allow herself to become involved in a spat between neighbors...

So, If I were O (Obama) I'd head straight to Viet Nam and use a move from The God Father's playbook. Re: after Vito Corleone is nearly assassinated he calls a meet of the families and laments "How did things get so far?"

O goes to Hanoi, hugs all around, mutual, heartfelt proclamations of it was all a sad misunderstanding and can't we all just get along?

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I have only 2 qustions:

- whether does the Chinese special force copy which military force's tactic ?

- whether what does want to learn the Thai special force from the Chinese ? How have to copy some-one?

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This is the beginning of the backstabbing establishment of the S( C )HINESE empire of Thailand. Communists are red and so is Pheu Thai's colors,... that deal makes sense to get help from the Chinese army to create a counter coup to OUST the ANTI-S (H)INAWATRA movement...

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" General Somchai, welcome to the special Chinese/Thai joint military drill where we will operate to our individual strengths. The Chinese troops will be in charge of the weapons and the Thais will cook."

you got it right, Thais where cooking back in Iraq also :)
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This is the beginning of the backstabbing establishment of the S( C )HINESE empire of Thailand. Communists are red and so is Pheu Thai's colors,... that deal makes sense to get help from the Chinese army to create a counter coup to OUST the ANTI-S (H)INAWATRA movement...

Your lost. Brain dead, I think.

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Thailand has always been clever when forging alliances but very soon abandons ship when things go wrong.. during WW2 they allowed the Japanese to walk in without serious conflict under the condition the they can keep their own parliament to run the "Thai" country.

As soon as it became apparent that the allies were likely to win the war Thailand turned on the "resident" Japanese and the people applied pressure to get them out.

So, in the field of forging alliances Thailand is very good at it and has avoided conflict.

Thailand, never colonized,,,, sort of.

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Wishing to make a good impression and not wanting to be inconspicuous in these manoeuvres and to be seen to doing their part the Thai army decided to adopt a more visible approach but one that dosnt clash and accentuates red rather nicely ..... 402.gif.pagespeed.ce.HNbqXbHGas.gif


There actually is a method behind this uniform madness. Thai troops will wear these in jungle warfare.

The enemy will see them and think, oh, ladyboys, and leave them alone! Then the Thais will shoot them in the back. 10 pink soldiers will shoot one enemy combatant.

They win!!!!biggrin.png

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Thailand has always been clever when forging alliances but very soon abandons ship when things go wrong.. during WW2 they allowed the Japanese to walk in without serious conflict under the condition the they can keep their own parliament to run the "Thai" country.

As soon as it became apparent that the allies were likely to win the war Thailand turned on the "resident" Japanese and the people applied pressure to get them out.

So, in the field of forging alliances Thailand is very good at it and has avoided conflict.

Thailand, never colonized,,,, sort of.

WRONG Thailand HAS BEEN colonized long ago, by the nasty treacherous, smiley in-your-face-backstabbing Chinese tribe, who brought in propaganda, communism brainwashing and other dirty practices to Siam along with their feudal family clans.

and PING, corruption in Siam's territory was colonial born...

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