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Double Pricing On Samui

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double pricing, for falangs and thais,whilst it may not be a matter of earth shattering importance, it is one that never fails to annoy me.

today i ate at WILL WAIT RESTAURANT in nathon, i ordered a thai dish from the menu,written in thai on the wall of the restaurant.

when the bill came, the charge was very different from the price on the wall and i was shown the english menu where the same dish was listed, but priced for falangs,i.e. much more expensively.

when i complained to the manager i was told that the dishes are prepared differently for thais and falangs. i asked what exactly was the difference and the reply was that they were cooked differently. this was nonsense as i know my dish was prepared for a thai palate as i had asked.

the waiter, however, told me that my drink was only charged at the thai rate!!!!!

for those readers to whom double pricing in restaurants equates to nothing more than greed and racism, you may wish to avoid eating at the three or four WILL WAIT restaurants that are to be found on samui.

if anyone else knows of restaurants or establishments on the island that have a double pricing policy for the same services, then please post details here.

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well, you'll have to list most the taxis on the island 'cause most of them double price! Probably a very high percentage of the shops and restaurants as well. I speak very colloquial southern thai (with many strictly koh phangan/samui words thrown in) and I still have a hard time getting a fair price on samui. Its too touristy to get a fair price .

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exactly dr PP, touristy is touristy where ever you go. Unless you are a local and recognized as one, you can't expect to get a fair price in a tourist area. I lived in a touristy spot in CA for a few years and the locals were always overcharging tourists for stuff. Its the way of the world.

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Some may be willing to shrug and say "it's the way of the world". Others of us want to do our best to avoid such fleece shops, as there are plenty of honest places -- yes, even in tourist traps -- that deserve our business more.

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exactly dr PP, touristy is touristy where ever you go. Unless you are a local and recognized as one, you can't expect to get a fair price in a tourist area. I lived in a touristy spot in CA for a few years and the locals were always overcharging tourists for stuff. Its the way of the world.

I got rolled in a big way for a bottle of water at the Coliseum in Rome last summer. It was a take it or leave it attitude by the seller. Very very hot, and no other water vendors

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yes, but at least you knew the price of the bottle before you opened it, and you could take it or leave it. no cheating or no deceit.

i ordered my meal from the menu at one price and when i came to pay for it i was shown a different menu with different pricing. at no time was i told that the price would be different. in my book that is cheating and deceitful.

this is completely different from being made aware of a rip-off price before you purchase.

i have eaten at every type of restaurant in thailand, from 5 star hotels to bamboo curry shops on the street, and i have never been cheated in this way before.

cheating is the only word applicable here.

and i feel i should publicise the fact that WILL WAIT RESTAURANT IN NATHORN KOH SAMUI thinks so little of its customers who give the owner and employees a living that it resorts to such a low and underhand way of squeezing a few more baht out of visitors to the island.

if this is an acceptable way to do business then how come 99 per cent of

restaurants and food stalls here do not cheat their customers.


with a rip off price you can always choose not to purchase and walk away. it is not the same as deceipt and cheating.

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Of course, two menus are not fair, and it is not the same, but to be honest I have been living in the Samui/Phangan islands for 15 years and I have seen this many times, not just here, but all over. Perhaps this is just the first time you noticed it because the thai menu was on the wall. My husband is Thai and he always gets a thai menu, I get the english one, sometimes the prices are the same, sometimes not. In a hotel in Surat Thani, there is one price list on the wall in english and another price for Thais when they check in. It is not unusual nor uncommon, just your first time is all.

I do not use the hotel with the double pricing, if they want to do it, that is their choice, they just lost my business is all. I am not saying you need to patronize these places, I am just saying righteous indignation is a bit much since this is common around the world.

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I agree with most of the opinions and you can look at the matter from different angles.

The real problem, I think, is the clandestine and tricky way of pricing. Showing us: you are farang, you are rich, you have to pay more! Basta!

I wonder what would have happened if you had insisted upon paying the price written on the wall? Would they have called the police? I doubt it.

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Yuo are all off with the fairies if you think tourists don't get ripped off EVERYWHERE in the world. This is not just a Thai thing.

:o I have to ask how much the meal cost at Will Wait my experience is that they are quite cheap. If any expats have forgotten the cost of eating out in the Uk heres a reminder last weekend in London we were charged £14.10 for 2 Coffee 2 Tea & 3 pieces of Cake how many can you feed in Samui for £14.10.

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My local CAFF in North London would charge 2 teas @60p=1-20.2 coffees @80p=1-60 and 3 pcs batterburg @95p ea.= 2-85p which all adds up to 5-65...so at 14pound 10 pence....yes you were RIPPPPED OFFFF.

Can only assume a superior cuppa and bun,however a ha baht bus is a ha bt bus is a 5 bt bu.......

What would it have cost in Moscow,Bagdad or Riyadh and who would want to go there anyway? :o

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I have to ask how much the meal cost at Will Wait my experience is that they are quite cheap. If any expats have forgotten the cost of eating out in the Uk heres a reminder last weekend in London we were charged £14.10 for 2 Coffee 2 Tea & 3 pieces of Cake how many can you feed in Samui for £14.10.

you are missing the point completely.

its nothing to do with how much the meal cost,(f.y.i. the meal according to the thai menu was 40b and on the english menu was 70b) the point was that i was not informed beforehand that foriegners are not allowed to eat at thai prices. had i been told, then i could have made my choice to eat there or not. i even spoke with the waiter whilst ordering to confirm exactly my choice of meal. we were both pointing to items written on the thai menu on the wall. whether the meal cost 40b or 40 pounds is neither here nor there.

it is the principle of being cheated in a low and underhand way, in the complete absence of any respect the owner has for her foriegn customers,and you can bet your last penny that if the owner was treated in the same way whilst on vacation in europe then she would feel cheated and would not return.

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Point taken. I know the owners of Will Wait. I cannot pass on your complaint as I am in the UK.

You know Thailand. Nathon is not a tourist haven. Tourists pass through rather than stay there, so it seems that they have a menu aimed at Thais, for that market and another for farangs.

The do not expect a tourist to be able to read the Thai special menu.

Another consideration is that some meals are prepared differently for Thais and farang.

Khaprow Gai for instance. Thai style; minced chicken. Farang style; chicken pieces. Also Thai style; On rice, together on one plate. Farang style; Separate portions.

All this could contribute to the pricing policy.

Also factor in the fact that unless a member of staff is specifically told that they can be flexible with the pricing by the 'boss', they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

Don't tear your hair out over 30 baht. If you want to talk to the boss, go to the Will Wait in Chaweng.

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Hi everyone, this is my first post on this forum !

I once had thai food at Will Wait ( Lamai) and did'nt liked it. Reading your posts I understand there is a logical reason : special farang receipe at farang price.

Anyway ..since that day I never took anything else at Will Wait than tuna pizzas or chicken curry pies. Besides, having TV programs going on constantly without asking for it is not a compensation. As I understand double pricing is a way of running business - for all kinds of transactions in Samui and probably in any touristic area of S.E.A, so next time I'll ask for Thai receipe at farang price.

In my opinion, we (farangs) , should pay more attention to quality and be a little bit less focused on prices.

Sorry for my poor English ( I'm french) and I'll try to improve it.

I would like to know the meaning of "LOS" - is it an abreviation ? What does it stand for exactly ? BKK ? Thailand ?

And may I ask you if "Soon Monsoon" sounds correct to you ?

Thank you for your help !


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Hi everyone, this is my first post on this forum !

I once had thai food at Will Wait ( Lamai) and did'nt liked it. Reading your posts I understand there is a logical reason : special farang receipe at farang price.

Anyway ..since that day I never took anything else at Will Wait than tuna pizzas or chicken curry pies. Besides, having TV programs going on constantly without asking for it is not a compensation. As I understand double pricing is a way of running business - for all kinds of transactions in Samui and probably in any touristic area of S.E.A, so next time I'll ask for Thai receipe at farang price.

In my opinion, we (farangs) , should pay more attention to quality and be a little bit less focused on prices.

Sorry for my poor English ( I'm french) and I'll try to improve it.

I would like to know the meaning of "LOS" - is it an abreviation ? What does it stand for exactly ? BKK ? Thailand ?

And may I ask you if "Soon Monsoon" sounds correct to you ?

Thank you for your help !



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

This double pricing thing has got me thinking, although not strictly double pricing the night boat from Thong Sala to Surattani operates a distinctly offensive policy of only allowing Farangs to purchase the more expensive 200 baht upper deck tickets where as Thais can buy lower deck 120 baht tickets or upper deck 200 baht tickets.

Shame on me though I still use the night boat as it is convienient, although I always ask for the cheaper ticket, but always get the same answer, Farangs have to buy the 200 baht ticket.

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Hi all,

This double pricing thing has got me thinking, although not strictly double pricing the night boat from Thong Sala to Surattani operates a distinctly offensive policy of only allowing Farangs to purchase the more expensive 200 baht upper deck tickets where as Thais can buy lower deck 120 baht tickets or upper deck 200 baht tickets.

Shame on me though I still use the night boat as it is convienient, although I always ask for the cheaper ticket, but always get the same answer, Farangs have to buy the 200 baht ticket.

Why would you want the lower deck?? Sleeping on floor mats on a hard wooden floor for 120 baht as opposed to the upper deck with mattresses for 200? And besides, if the boat goes down you have a better shot getting off from the upper deck :o

No, the bad one is Songserm Express Boat, they do have farang prices and Thai prices and never mind if they know you have lived here for years, which is why I take the Raja Ferry or the Seatrans Ferry (neither one of those have ever sunk either!). Raja Ferry does offer dual pricing, local people who show their id cards get a membership card for free (I have one, no problem getting it as I am considered local) which gives them a cheaper rate than non-local people. Seems fair to me as the only way on or off the island is by boat. I know many of the ferries on the east coast of the US have dual pricing, local and non-local.

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Double pricing ?

Go to a bar or restaurant owned by a farang : you might also appreciate double pricing depending on your status as a farang  : tourist or resident...

Thats OK as a resident / local your going to use the establishment more often and so desrve a discount, but what I object to is being charged more, regardless of my status as a local or tourist, but because of the color of my skin.

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Hi all,

This double pricing thing has got me thinking, although not strictly double pricing the night boat from Thong Sala to Surattani operates a distinctly offensive policy of only allowing Farangs to purchase the more expensive 200 baht upper deck tickets where as Thais can buy lower deck 120 baht tickets or upper deck 200 baht tickets.

Shame on me though I still use the night boat as it is convienient, although I always ask for the cheaper ticket, but always get the same answer, Farangs have to buy the 200 baht ticket.

Why would you want the lower deck?? Sleeping on floor mats on a hard wooden floor for 120 baht as opposed to the upper deck with mattresses for 200? And besides, if the boat goes down you have a better shot getting off from the upper deck :D

No, the bad one is Songserm Express Boat, they do have farang prices and Thai prices and never mind if they know you have lived here for years, which is why I take the Raja Ferry or the Seatrans Ferry (neither one of those have ever sunk either!). Raja Ferry does offer dual pricing, local people who show their id cards get a membership card for free (I have one, no problem getting it as I am considered local) which gives them a cheaper rate than non-local people. Seems fair to me as the only way on or off the island is by boat. I know many of the ferries on the east coast of the US have dual pricing, local and non-local.

Only 80 baht for a bit of comfort, Seems fair enough to me. :o

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I have experienced double pricing everyday of every trip I have ever taken to Thailand. Some times it really pisses me off, depending on how hot the day is. But I just have to remind myself it is still alot cheaper than home. Usually I will suck down a couple of beers and it's "mai pen rai"

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I have experienced double pricing everyday of every trip I have ever taken to Thailand. Some times it really pisses me off, depending on how hot the day is. But I just have to remind myself it is still alot cheaper than home. Usually I will suck down a couple of beers and it's "mai pen rai"

Why mess up a good holiday over very little. Good attitude. :o

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While sitting next to my Thai lady, she ordered a bunch of bananas from a passing vendor. "Yi sip baht" As my lady turned to me for the money it was suddenly "Yi sip ha baht" Laugh it off, nothing you can do about it :o

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