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Thanks. I'll clarify slightly. The first two are registered trademarks and I am interested in possibly using them in French or Italian for a product of mine if they sound cool. As far as the sparkling crystal, I'm wondering if the French or Italians have a catchy name for a beautiful sparkling crystal.

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Can anyone out there translate the following for me into both French and Italian?

Cult Art

Design Culture

A sparkling crystal (one word to sum it up would be best)

Thanks in advance!

"Cult Art" could be translated by "Art culte".

"Design culture" by "Culture-design".

I'm sure I could give you a better translation into French if I knew exactly what it is.

"Sparkling crystal": the litera

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cult art = art de culte

design culture = culture de conception

a sparkling crystal = un cristal de scintillement


cult art = arte di cult

design culture = coltura di disegno

a sparkling crystal = un cristallo scintillante

There you go mate.

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Can anyone out there translate the following for me into both French and Italian?

Cult Art

Design Culture

A sparkling crystal (one word to sum it up would be best)

Thanks in advance!

"Cult Art" could be translated by "Art culte".

"Design culture" by "Culture-design".

I'm sure I could give you a better translation into French if I knew exactly what it is.

"Sparkling crystal": the litera

Oops, i've pressed the wrong key...

so... "sparkling crystal": the literal translation is "cristal étincelant" ou " cristal scintillant". But if you want a catchy name, you can try something like "cristal lumière". It's possible to create an understandable (new) word too. I can think about it if you want.

I can't help you with the Italian. Sorry.

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cult art = art de culte

design culture = culture de conception

a sparkling crystal = un cristal de scintillement


cult art = arte di cult

design culture = coltura di disegno

a sparkling crystal = un cristallo scintillante

There you go mate.

I totally disagree with your translation into French.

"art de culte" et "cristal de scintillement" don't make sense in French. "culture de conception" is clumsy (can I say clumsy ?). "conception" has too many meanings. And by the way, the French use the english word "design". So "culture du design" or "culture design" would make more sense.

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In truth my French is limited to "le chat est sur la table" & "Pierre mange Marie-Cluade".

Over to you adjan jb. :o

I can understand why the cat is on the table. But I really don't understand why Pierre is eating Marie-Claude.

"Pierre et Marie-Claude font l'amour" would make more sense. :D

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In truth my French is limited to "le chat est sur la table" & "Pierre mange Marie-Cluade".

Over to you adjan jb.  :D

I can understand why the cat is on the table. But I really don't understand why Pierre is eating Marie-Claude.

"Pierre et Marie-Claude font l'amour" would make more sense. :D

It's called fore-play, adjan. :o

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Can anyone out there translate the following for me into both French and Italian?

Cult Art

Design Culture

A sparkling crystal (one word to sum it up would be best)

Thanks in advance!

"Cult Art" could be translated by "Art culte".

"Design culture" by "Culture-design".

I'm sure I could give you a better translation into French if I knew exactly what it is.

"Sparkling crystal": the litera

Thanks Adjan. As far as the glittering crystal is concerned, if you (or anyone else) can think of a catchy sounding translation, preferably one word, I'd be glad to hear it. I'm not looking for the literal translation in this case, but more of a marketing advertising angle- I suppose the word doesn't really have to mean anything at all. Kind of like Hagen Daaz (Spelling?) Its referring to small figurines covered in thousands of small crystals- pieces of expensive art. There's no rush, but if you have a little extra time on your hands, I'd be happy to hear your ideas.

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Can anyone out there translate the following for me into both French and Italian?

Cult Art

Design Culture

A sparkling crystal (one word to sum it up would be best)

Thanks in advance!

"Cult Art" could be translated by "Art culte".

"Design culture" by "Culture-design".

I'm sure I could give you a better translation into French if I knew exactly what it is.

"Sparkling crystal": the litera

Thanks Adjan. As far as the glittering crystal is concerned, if you (or anyone else) can think of a catchy sounding translation, preferably one word, I'd be glad to hear it. I'm not looking for the literal translation in this case, but more of a marketing advertising angle- I suppose the word doesn't really have to mean anything at all. Kind of like Hagen Daaz (Spelling?) Its referring to small figurines covered in thousands of small crystals- pieces of expensive art. There's no rush, but if you have a little extra time on your hands, I'd be happy to hear your ideas.

Since tuesday, I've got plenty of extra time.

Where do you plan to sell those figurines ? (by the way, "figurine" is a French word) Who are your customers ? what language(s) do they speak ?

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In truth my French is limited to "le chat est sur la table" & "Pierre mange Marie-Cluade".

Over to you adjan jb.  :D

I can understand why the cat is on the table. But I really don't understand why Pierre is eating Marie-Claude.

"Pierre et Marie-Claude font l'amour" would make more sense. :D

Adjan....ummm.... ' eating ' one's girlfriend is an English language colloquial term for oral sex. She holds her likker by the ears :o

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Adjan....ummm.... ' eating ' one's girlfriend is an English language colloquial term for oral sex. She holds her likker by the ears  :o

Exactly. And usually as a prelude to "font l'amour." :D

And I thought that the French were supposed to be great lovers. :D

Looks like we could teach em' a few things, eh Dr. Pat?


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Cult Art

" L'art du culte"

Design Culture

" Conception d'une culture"

A sparkling crystal

" Un crystal éclatant ".... " avec l'éclat du crystal "...

About ....L' éclat chrystalin de la fourrure du chat.....

Exactly. And usually as a prelude to "font l'amour."

Not only a prelude :o

And we could add "le chat est sur le frigo", "le chat est sur l'étagère", "le chat est sur la voiture".....and much more...... :D

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Bonjour !

Maybe would it be easier to find the appropriate translation on the basis of full phrases instead of isolated words ?

Because, as said in the previous posts :

"Cult Art" becomes in french: "Art culte". But, put it this way this would mean in french that this specific art is held by for emblematic ( i.e : "Easy driver" est un film culte).

" L'art du culte" has a different signification and refers to the way or style of practicing a cult (or religion).

"Culture design" becomes in french : Culture-design ( all you have to know about design ) and this kind of contraction is borrowed from English.

"Sparkling crystal" becomes "cristal étincelant " ( with an "i" ) but has no particuliar marketing-appeal.

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Since tuesday, I've got plenty of extra time.

Where do you plan to sell those figurines ? (by the way, "figurine" is a French word) Who are your customers ? what language(s) do they speak ?

Thanks for your help everyone. The customers will be English speakers in the US, but I'm thinking of using a French sounding word to give it an air of sophistication or an exotic quality.

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Cult Art

Design Culture

A sparkling crystal (one word to sum it up would be best)

In french, "GEMME" is the best translation I can find just now for "sparkling crystal"

Art, Cult, Culture, Design... in english

Art, Culte, Culture, Design... in french


What are you exactly looking for ? :o

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If about marketing, "joyau chatoyant" is the most flattering possible translation for "sparkling crystal"... :o

Its got to be something the avergae American can pronounce. SO preferably not more than two syllabals. Just joking. But really, most native English speakers would have trouble with joyau chatoyant. I like the sound of Gemme, but not the spelling. Maybe Jemme with an accent mark over the final e. Would the pronounciation be similar?

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Crystal D'amour ?

Cristallino ?

L'object d'art thai mais avec un nom Francais pour des idiots Americain ??

Shiny French thing ?

Just give it a name, don't try to be sophisticated. if it comes from thailand find a thai name not a french one.

If you are talking about the crystal cubes with something engraved in it , just don't name it at all, Sell it cheap...

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Can anyone out there translate the following for me into both French and Italian?

Cult Art

Design Culture

A sparkling crystal (one word to sum it up would be best)

Thanks in advance!

Register at http://www.proz.com . It's a brilliant system where professional translators answer terminology questions.

Pose your questions in the "English - Italian" and "English - French" forums. Make sure you state that you want your answers and explanations in English.

NB! Make sure you provide as much context as possible. Explain relevant background information, state your purpose and provide as much info in connection to the terms as possible.

Then you will receive replies by professionals within 2 days. Before you accept an answer, wait for the "agree"s "neutral"s and "disagree"s from other translators to accumulate by each of the provided answers.

Then grade your answers giving points to the answer you like the most.

As I said, it's a great, free system. Try it out.

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Crystal D'amour ?

Cristallino ?

L'object d'art thai mais avec un nom Francais pour des idiots Americain ??

Shiny French thing ?

Just give it a name, don't try to be sophisticated. if it comes from thailand find a thai name not a french one.

If you are talking about the crystal cubes with something engraved in it , just don't name it at all, Sell it cheap...

YOU ARE A PAIN IN THE BUTT. go to a frog site

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