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Farang Wai-ing Farang, Why?


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Zendesigner Posted on Tue 2004-03-16, 04:14:50

  Wich probably means:

They are a low class human so they don't deserve it ????

or they deserve no respect.

In respect to your theory of lower class first i would suggest to every punter out there to wai to his Bar girl every day!!


Yep, I bet that's exactly what Dr Pat Pong meant, Zendy.

You have a talent for spotting hidden meanings.

What do you think I mean?



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Wich probably means:

They are a low class human so they don't deserve it ????

or they deserve no respect.

In respect to your theory of lower class first i would suggest to every punter out there to wai to his Bar girl every day!!


It might be worthwhile for you to go to a bookshop and get a book called CULTURE SHOCK -- THAILAND by Robert and Nanthapa Cooper. It is a light explanation of Thai cultural mores, and gives the reader a good understanding and comprehension of Thai's and Thailand, and explains what the wai is all about.

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You may not believe this Doc, but I have yet to set foot in a girl bar (or set something else in a bar girl). Not my cup of chaa khiao. Each one to their own I guess.

And Zendesigner - despite good intentions, you are not going to seem like an enlightened advocate of equal treatment by wai-ing the wrong people. Support a rural development organisation instead.

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You may not believe this Doc, but I have yet to set foot in a girl bar (or set something else in a bar girl). Not my cup of chaa khiao. Each one to their own I guess.

And Zendesigner - despite good intentions, you are not going to seem like an enlightened advocate of equal treatment by wai-ing the wrong people. Support a rural development organisation instead.

and good for you Sweetball. I am proud of you. Are you located in Bangkok or elsewhere ? I have met a lot of Swedes and their behaviour is diametrically opposed to yours. :o

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Wich probably means:

They are a low class human so they don't deserve it ????

or they deserve no respect.

In respect to your theory of lower class first i would suggest to every punter out there to wai to his Bar girl every day!!


It's not that they do not deserve respect. But like Dr PP said, it's about what "wai" is and how to "wai" correctly.

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I think even among the thais, there are different standards of who to "wai" to or who not to.

There are thais who are rude enough to not to "wai" to anyone whilst some would "wai" a lot.

Back to the topic;

I think those farangs were probably just trying to be funny, or

they have lived in thailand for a long time and are used to it already.

nothing special, but still a funny scene!

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I think "waiing" is more or less like "shaking hands"

Would anyone walk into a restaurant and start shaking hands with the waiters?

This observation says it all. A good one :o There is nothing esoteric about the wai, but most farang simply have no understanding of the concept.

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Is that the root of the confusion?

Wai-ing is not the same meaning as shaking hands.

Simply put it is a sign of respect and the importance is placed as to who goes first and how high the hands are.

Watch others and it all falls in to place. Other Thais that is not Foreigners in bars.



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meemiathai siad some Thais are rude enough not to wai someone. This is not correct 100%. It depends on the status and relationship with the others. For example In my office I do not wai back to the Thai students who come in as it is not expected. Also as they come in everyday it gets a bit much if you wai to them all the time. They are showing me the ultimate respect and do not expect me to wai back. In fact some Thais would think I was stupid if I wai back.

I read a good example of how difficult it is.........eg.....you get a tuk tuk......the driver wai's to you......you do not have to wai back. The next day you visit your girlfriends family for the first time.......you walk in and there is the tuk tuk driver ...the girls father !! You HAVE to wai him first to show respect.

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It depends on the status and relationship with the others.
I understand this. But in occasions like when the two people are of the same/similar status, anyone could wai first. And the "waiing" would take place only once for the first time they see each other of the day.(my opinion) And that's what I meant by saying some thais being rude.
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You may not believe this Doc, but after three years of living here and five years of on-and-off visiting, I have yet to set foot in a girl bar (or set something else in a bar girl). Not my cup of chaa khiao. Each one to their own I guess.

And Zendesigner - despite good intentions, you are not going to seem like an enlightened advocate of equal treatment by wai-ing the wrong people. Support a rural development organisation instead.

and good for you Sweetball. I am proud of you. Are you located in Bangkok or elsewhere ? I have met a lot of Swedes and their behaviour is diametrically opposed to yours. :D

I live in Chiang Mai, Doc.

Spent the first year in Bangkok, but couldn't handle that all social functions (with Thais and foreigners alike) had to be conducted in the company of two bottles of Black Label (as you may have observed, Swedes drink until there is nothing more to drink; on that particular point I don't differ from my com-expatriates). :D

Also, I smoked over a pack per day at the time. Add to that the effects of the BKK traffic, and you can imagine the state of my lungs after a year. I needed to get out, and Chiang Mai seemed like the easiest choice... and it has been great, until three weeks ago, when I read about a conference at CMU, where it was announced that CM has the highest incidence of respiratory diseases in the whole country. :D:o

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You may not believe this Doc, but after three years of living here and five years of on-and-off visiting, I have yet to set foot in a girl bar (or set something else in a bar girl). Not my cup of chaa khiao. Each one to their own I guess.

And Zendesigner - despite good intentions, you are not going to seem like an enlightened advocate of equal treatment by wai-ing the wrong people. Support a rural development organisation instead.

and good for you Sweetball. I am proud of you. Are you located in Bangkok or elsewhere ? I have met a lot of Swedes and their behaviour is diametrically opposed to yours. :D

I live in Chiang Mai, Doc.

Spent the first year in Bangkok, but couldn't handle that all social functions (with Thais and foreigners alike) had to be conducted in the company of two bottles of Black Label (as you may have observed, Swedes drink until there is nothing more to drink; on that particular point I don't differ from my com-expatriates). :D

Also, I smoked over a pack per day at the time. Add to that the effects of the BKK traffic, and you can imagine the state of my lungs after a year. I needed to get out, and Chiang Mai seemed like the easiest choice... and it has been great, until three weeks ago, when I read about a conference at CMU, where it was announced that CM has the highest incidence of respiratory diseases in the whole country. :D:o

It is a good job that your behavior in other respects than place of residence is exemplary :D

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And Zendesigner - despite good intentions, you are not going to seem like an enlightened advocate of equal treatment by wai-ing the wrong people. Support a rural development organisation instead.

Hi all, sorry meadish never was to much into farming anyway. Even if i do it wrong it would only reflect on my Dumb Farang Status no :-)

Let's trow in the pool that maybe there is a difference of opinion even amongst Thais on How and When to way. Like i ment before compared from region to region.

How would you Wai in situations like below , there should possiblities where even thais have a problem working out the rules:

let's start out simple,

1. student versus Teacher?

2. student versus older student?

3. student in law versus student in sports same age?

4.factory worker versus accountant?

5. Accountant versus factory manager?

6. Factory manager versus sales manager?

7. 2 CEO's of competing businesses?

8.young boy versus girlfriends father?

9.55 year old CEO to the 40 year old farmer father of his Mia Noi?

10. Mia noi to Mia jai?

11. newcomer to a group of equals?

12. Person of High Status joining a group of lower status?

Will pe pleased to see some different interpretations of you guy's.


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And Zendesigner - despite good intentions, you are not going to seem like an enlightened advocate of equal treatment by wai-ing the wrong people. Support a rural development organisation instead.

Hi all, sorry meadish never was to much into farming anyway. Even if i do it wrong it would only reflect on my Dumb Farang Status no :-)

Let's trow in the pool that maybe there is a difference of opinion even amongst Thais on How and When to way. Like i ment before compared from region to region.

How would you Wai in situations like below , there should possiblities where even thais have a problem working out the rules:

let's start out simple,

1. student versus Teacher?

2. student versus older student?

3. student in law versus student in sports same age?

4.factory worker versus accountant?

5. Accountant versus factory manager?

6. Factory manager versus sales manager?

7. 2 CEO's of competing businesses?

8.young boy versus girlfriends father?

9.55 year old CEO to the 40 year old farmer father of his Mia Noi?

10. Mia noi to Mia jai?

11. newcomer to a group of equals?

12. Person of High Status joining a group of lower status?

Will pe pleased to see some different interpretations of you guy's.


In all situations the Thais will quickly sum up who is of greater status and the lesser will wai first. In a situation where both parties are equal, they either won't wai, (two students or two young people) or they will wai almost in unison (two business people).

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However, I think Farangs Wai-ing just look preposterous. Just my opinion.

I'll second that. There are some local habits I have picked up but wai-ing is not one of them. I feel foolish if I even attempt to wai.

wai-ing is a show of respect. If you plan to stay in LOS for any amount of time you would do well to learn how to do it correctly. I wai my mother-inlaw everyday and all the elder people in my village when we cross paths. On the rare occasion I do meet another farang Ishake hands or nod my head as an aknowledgement.

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Have seen many Guys Wai'ng bar girls which could be comical if the correct rules are applied.

Yes, would be comical if not so pathetic. Sounds like they didn't take the time to even learn some basic customs,just came to get some honey on their stingers.

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What I don't get is wai'ing is sign of respect and the level at which your head goes down and your hands depends on the level of respect. Ie the lowest would be towards a monk.

So why would a farang wai a farang?? No idea but I agree it looks silly and its usually farnags that don't underdstand what the wai is really about. Its more than just a handshake. Its a social standing almost caste origin and we as Farnags do not fit into the caste at all ( even at the bottom)

It woulkd be similar to the people in Nepal greeting each other with a wai and the words, Namaste', ( I salute the god within) but at least in Nepal it is not like in Thailand as its not a sign of repsect and tied in with who and what U are.

Going native.... No ... not undertsnad... Yes

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How does one learn something new without trying to do it and probably with some mistakes? Are we in the 21st century or do we need a few more centuries to open up our minds?

Aren't doing something harmful to others, are they?

Pretentious? I don't think so. :o

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How does one learn something new without trying to do it and probably with some mistakes? Are we in the 21st century or do we need a few more centuries to open up our minds?

Aren't doing something harmful to others, are they?

Pretentious? I don't think so. :D

Pretentious Vous/Tu/Moi/Pom/Chan/Mung/Goo/Ek/Jou/ ?


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