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Cheap Flights Bangkok To Dubai And Back


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Ethihad go to Abu Dhabi but have a terminal in Dubai and a coach transfer between the airpot and terminal. Should be about an hour as Dubai and Abu Dhabi are only 180Km or so appart and the airport is on the Dubai side of Abu Dhabi.

But I have found that ofter the fare BKK to Europe via the middle East is almost the same or less than a fare BKK to Middle East. Why not look at Emirates to Europe that allows a stop over in Dubai in both directions? You might be able to tear up the Dubai Europe return part - or do a day trip!

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The Search Engine says $952 is cheapest

Thats Bht 36,000 !

Surely there are Flights cheaper than that?

have a travel agent investigate flights to Dubai with Gulf Air. They are quite a bit cheaper than Mr Search Engine. However there is the effect of recent fuel surcharges to consider...

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