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PM Prayut wants quality tourists to visit Thailand


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I am not for overall military rule. But what was the other option just before they took over ? Civil war was very likely. Give this guy a chance and see what happens. So far from what i have seen has done a lot of good that the past governments over the years did ZERO! The longer the MAFIA lets be honest here tries to fight him to clean up the elections the longer the military will stay. If he is so bad what about Laos, Vietnam, Cuba or even China who we don,t seem to blink an eye these days and purchase tons of their crap. I think many foreigners are shaking in their boots because he very likely might crack down on some very questionable foreigners. Most countries would not tolerate many that live and visit here. I seriously think many on this forum might fall under that category. If you want non stop sex and booze there are always other countries to visit. From what i hear cheaper booze and girls.

You say your wife is Thai?

Yet have the audacity to imply or infer those debating with you might fall into your ending statement ?

Do you see my point?

You wish to judge others but not be judged yourself?

Perhaps your just not that equipped to comment on direct answers to why the junta is an oppressive negative alternative to democracy.?

So you infer those challenging you are just people interested in sex and booze .

I will refrain from asking you questions on your own personal life as the topic is about Quality Tourism.

And you seem to think Quality tourist aspire to marrying the natives?

The discourse is about why they will not come.

Lets stick to quality Tourists …shall we?

What in your view do you think is a quality tourist JIm ?

And why on earth would they in light of what i have said bother?

Do you think they don't know Thailand is under Marshal law?

And if so going back to the "pretend position" that your fine great and moral , and others are not (which is what he meant according to you?)

Why not state why an educated tourist would venture into this country without insurance (as they won't insure you under Marshal law)

And risk what they do knowing the place has been effectively taken over?

Are you kidding or stupid?

Seriously, are you suggesting "Quality Tourists are somehow in favour of this Junta while misfits and alcoholics and sex tourists aren't?

Thats what you seem to be saying .

And really Jim forget the slander of others here while you confess to marrying one.

Its just a tad shallow

The sex tourists can care less about the junta or insurance. The bars are still open as always and very likely will continue. Marshal law has changed nothing as far as the tourists are concerned. My life has not been effected in any way. The Full Moon Party is still going on monthly. My friends that live here have noticed nothing. Is Burma, Laos, China, or Vietnam really any different than here at the moment ? i would rather be here than any of those countries. Is it not the military that controls those countries ? As i said the king of Bhutan has explained well what he considers a quality tourist and i would say i see the same for Thailand. Sex tourists and the party drunks would not fit into that mold. Malaysia is another example. Some countries are not allowed to enter period. If the junta bothers visitors so badly they can just wait until it is over or go elsewhere. Curious if you know the answer to this. Who gave the military junta permission to take over ?

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I am not for overall military rule. But what was the other option just before they took over ? Civil war was very likely. Give this guy a chance and see what happens. So far from what i have seen has done a lot of good that the past governments over the years did ZERO! The longer the MAFIA lets be honest here tries to fight him to clean up the elections the longer the military will stay. If he is so bad what about Laos, Vietnam, Cuba or even China who we don,t seem to blink an eye these days and purchase tons of their crap. I think many foreigners are shaking in their boots because he very likely might crack down on some very questionable foreigners. Most countries would not tolerate many that live and visit here. I seriously think many on this forum might fall under that category. If you want non stop sex and booze there are always other countries to visit. From what i hear cheaper booze and girls.

You say your wife is Thai?

Yet have the audacity to imply or infer those debating with you might fall into your ending statement ?

Do you see my point?

You wish to judge others but not be judged yourself?

Perhaps your just not that equipped to comment on direct answers to why the junta is an oppressive negative alternative to democracy.?

So you infer those challenging you are just people interested in sex and booze .

I will refrain from asking you questions on your own personal life as the topic is about Quality Tourism.

And you seem to think Quality tourist aspire to marrying the natives?

The discourse is about why they will not come.

Lets stick to quality Tourists …shall we?

What in your view do you think is a quality tourist JIm ?

And why on earth would they in light of what i have said bother?

Do you think they don't know Thailand is under Marshal law?

And if so going back to the "pretend position" that your fine great and moral , and others are not (which is what he meant according to you?)

Why not state why an educated tourist would venture into this country without insurance (as they won't insure you under Marshal law)

And risk what they do knowing the place has been effectively taken over?

Are you kidding or stupid?

Seriously, are you suggesting "Quality Tourists are somehow in favour of this Junta while misfits and alcoholics and sex tourists aren't?

Thats what you seem to be saying .

And really Jim forget the slander of others here while you confess to marrying one.

Its just a tad shallow

The sex tourists can care less about the junta or insurance. The bars are still open as always and very likely will continue. Marshal law has changed nothing as far as the tourists are concerned. My life has not been effected in any way. The Full Moon Party is still going on monthly. My friends that live here have noticed nothing. Is Burma, Laos, China, or Vietnam really any different than here at the moment ? i would rather be here than any of those countries. Is it not the military that controls those countries ? As i said the king of Bhutan has explained well what he considers a quality tourist and i would say i see the same for Thailand. Sex tourists and the party drunks would not fit into that mold. Malaysia is another example. Some countries are not allowed to enter period. If the junta bothers visitors so badly they can just wait until it is over or go elsewhere. Curious if you know the answer to this. Who gave the military junta permission to take over ?

In your view then the PM must immediately outlaw prostitution in all forms and thus shut down most of the tourist areas of Pattaya, Puket, and Patpong. That will discourage all those low quality tourists from coming here. Don't you agree? Or maybe you just prefer to turn back all the single middle aged men at the airport.

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My understanding is the higher end prostitutes are making far less than before, as the slowdown in "quality" tourists and the increases in public debt coupled with the real slowdown in the overall economy on the back of the protests and the curfew,

has hit many service industries very hard

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Quality Countries don't set up organised Prostitution on a massive scale

Exactly the p4p scene ja minuscule compared to the scene for locals. He needs as many tourists as he can get. If all the tourists coming for p4p fun and driving went elsewhere the tourism business would be hit hard.

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Fred Flinstone in regards to post 358.

You know you talk a good story but it is really so full of holes that it is quite rediculous!

Do you think quality tourists are also uneducated?

IF the good General /PM desires wealthy spenders who can afford the finer things Thailand has to offer , including 5 Star venues?

Usually these types of people earning modest to good , if not high incomes.

And are well versed in worldly matters.

Lets Put aside the spotlight currently on Thailand with the Murder trials -

Or the other criminal problems plaguing Thailand's image.

People are aware Thailand is under Marshal Law .

They equate that with" over ride of democratic Rule"

People see the crackdown on society- learn that more than 200 websites "like HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH" are blocked.

That fundamental rights and freedoms have been severely repressed.

That gatherings of more than five people are banned along with anti-coup protests - which is punishable by Jail.

They see the fear-

Most intelligent quality Tourist reconsidered Thailand Months ago -

But lets amuse some hadn't

Now we have -


Social media threats..that sounds more like" News Speak."(Orwellian)

Here is the quote used for hunting down people on social media critical of them


""This is only to take care, but not control.

People need to understand not to infringe on others rights to improve society"


How do you think this translates to potential western tourists who see this kind of stuff on "Late night TV World news"?

They also see the demonstrations in Milan.

So they click on Travel advisory.

Thats really gruesome these days - it paints an accurate but dark Thailand.

Suddenly another quick check shows Travel Insurance Companies won't insure you in a country under Marshal Law

Dig deeper those Human tights violations are done with Immunity under the draconian Martial Law of 1914 permit.

Maybe they then bother to see who is running Thailand when they hear the word PM?

Hoping its a Political man from before?

But nope its him

Same guy General Prayuth.

Calling themselves NCPO and stacked with military personnel.

The grip they have extends to universities banning discussions on Human rights .

These current trials and travesties of Justice might scare away the regular tourists .

But the educated ones decided long ago :""F#@K THAT!

People see the crackdown on society- learn that more than 200 websites "like HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH" are blocked.

This link is not blocked?

Link: http://www.hrw.org/home

That gatherings of more than five people are banned along with anti-coup protests - which is punishable by Jail.

Nowhere have I read about arrests being made for gatherings. They have only been broken up and only if it is politically backed by the parties.

Now we have -


Social media threats..that sounds more like" News Speak."(Orwellian)

Here is the quote used for hunting down people on social media critical of them


""This is only to take care, but not control.

People need to understand not to infringe on others rights to improve society"


You are way off base here.. Any idiot might conider this a threat. But it is not. The only threats I read about were made by the police subjecting not to post anything negative about their investigations into the murder on Kho Tao. The police are not the GOV.

Maybe they then bother to see who is running Thailand when they hear the word PM?

Hoping its a Political man from before?

But nope its him

Same guy General Prayuth

WOW! You really are forgetful here or just blinded by your onesided thinking.

The General became PM so he could continue to run the country legally after his forced retirement from the military. He did not do so to make everyone think he was an elected official.

Do you think quality tourists are also uneducated?

IF the good General /PM desires wealthy spenders who can afford the finer things Thailand has to offer , including 5 Star venues?

Usually these types of people earning modest to good , if not high incomes.

AS of yet, Nothing has been said exacty what was meant by Quality Tourists. You assume (make an "ass" out of "u" and "me") that this is a money issue.

It could only mean less druggies and whoremungers. It could mean less tourists living here on visa runs illegally. You don't know! You run your keyboard typing like it is really bad here now when in fact nothing has changed really except for the good.

You ran way off track with your arguments to Jungle Jim. because this POST was about "PM Prayut wants quality tourists to visit Thailand" and not about all the stuff you are arguing about.

Edited by thesetat2013
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Yes the sex tourists number are down. It is up to the Thai government to decide if they wish to lessen those numbers. Will it hurt the overall economy yes for a short time . Are booze sales down yes likely . Are bar girls going hungry yes some that were not smart enough to save their money but my hunch is those with two, three or more foreigners on the hook will likely have more income than myself. I do agree that quality countries don,t set up organized prostitution on a massive scale and have done just fine without it. Do not worry the junta will not be here for long and things will somewhat go back to normal. If you can,t find your little young darling and or booze there are many options within a three hour flight of Thailand. It is up to the Thais to decide what is best for them. I am sure the Thai and foreign mafias are hurting just a tiny bit and are likely making up for it in drug sales or other means. Democracy and the mass corruption and scams that every foreigner complains about of the past will likely be back soon. I have a question i am very curious if any one can answer. Who gave the military junta permission to take over power ? If the military had not taken over what would have happened ? Very likely civil war and there would be no foreign bars for non stop booze and sex. Pick your poison .

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Unfortunately for Thailand, beggars can't be choosers.

Whatever their random definition of quality happens to be, who knows what that is, who cares, it doesn't matter, because Thailand needs every tourist it can get. You see, Thailand needs the world a lot more than the world needs Thailand.

So they can moan and bleat all they like, but the truth is they aren't exactly a country of quality and they will get whatever happens to wash up on their shores. And they better just like it, because they won't have a choice until they get educated, get law abiding, get a functioning rule of law and then move up the value chain to developed world level, which is actually where us lot...the quality lot generally....come from. But don't hold your breath, it won't happen in any of our lifetimes.

Edited by paddyjenkins
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There is already a civil war down in the South and has been for 10 years so making an excuse that Thaialnd was in the brink of one is disingenuous to all those who have lost their lives down South in the past 10 years.

Jim you sound more and more like the type of guy you seem to resent the most but know a hell of a lot about the sex tourist!!!

Your comments are incredibly ignorant as if YOU are some kind of expat expert, stop judging other people and focus on keeping your own life as wonderful as it appears to be, the focus of your attention, why is it such a big deal to you about bar girls and prostitution overall ?

This has been part of Thaialnd since well before you set foot in the country suck it up!!! Stop telling people if they don't like it to leave, try heeding your own advice fella as nobody else is interested i

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So i would love to here what would have happened if the military had not taken over. If not civil war. what ? Years and years of riots on the streets. I don,t think businesses would be very happy with that idea. Get over it, sex tourists in most countries would be considered LOW quality. Agree that there were bars for Thais years ago. That is not the issue here. If the PM wishes to burn down every last foreign bar that is his right. I really believe Democracy is not the issue here with this argument. It has more to do with some very questionable foreigners and mafia crapping in their pants that believe their days might be numbered. I seem to know a lot about sex tourism and alcoholism therefore i must be one. Love the logic.

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Your words not mine but the logic applied is that you have an in depth knowledge about the sex tourists and the the sex industry on the whole.

Most farangs don't bother with something that's institutionalised why would they or why should they?

You labelled me such in a previous post and yet your knowledge is far superior to that side of Thaialnd than mine is, it doesn't interest me like it does you, why is that ????

What would have happened? There was ALWAYS going to be a coup the minute the protests started preventing the voting, you claim to have lived in Thailand so long and yet you couldn't see history repeating itself not just once but 2-3 times during your Lifetime here??

Maybe it's YOU that's so far out of touch with Thaialnd and what's going on inside it, your can't seem to be able to look from the outside as your cocooned in the inside.

The coups in Thai history are far from a thing of the past. But you've totally dismissed all the deaths and violence down South as it's doesn't fit your political agenda, the Military were always going to step in, and let's not get carried away as this goes much deeper than who is in power and control at present, and when the event happens it's going to put many peoples noses out of joint.

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Don't forget Jim 98% of the country was NOT effected by the protests life went on pretty much the same as it did post protest period, your talking about a small area within Bangkok that was the focus of violence with the odd area outside of BKK suffering, but the country wasn't suffering the baht was steady during the 8 months of the protests, some premises and businesses within protest areas suffered but that was down to the protests themselves not the violence.

More people were killed on the roads in the 8 month period yet I didn't see the Military force the MOT to fix the poor roadways all over Thailand did you?

Prayuth and Suthep have been in cohorts for years according to Suthep himself, but we digress are YOU a quality tourist Jim ? Me I wear my Armani jeans and Ralph Lauren shirts and omega watch 90% of the time I enter Thaialand as that's the same clothes I leave in to go to my work, but I can tell you this much many of the Eastern Europe visitors are all wearing hideous jogging pants, singlets with their armpits honking but your hero the PM doesn't see that as an issue about QUALITY does he?

You think that the chavs in the UK all decked out in their Burberry gear scream "quality" when they head overseas??

You can sugar coat a dog turd with sugar and cream but underneath it's still a dog turd!!!

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As I said earlier having 6 figure salaries and oozing gold doesn't mean quality. I've seen very rich blokes act like complete losers on their holidays money doesn't equate to being quality either.

Respect your hosts country respect their culture their laws and aspects of their society that are "questionable " respect they do things "differently " and adapt and integrate yourself into their way of life... THAT is my interpretation of being of quality, that and don't look down on people less fortunate than yourself be polite and friendly and have manners, don't make judgement about people either.

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So i would love to here what would have happened if the military had not taken over. If not civil war. what ? Years and years of riots on the streets. I don,t think businesses would be very happy with that idea. Get over it, sex tourists in most countries would be considered LOW quality. Agree that there were bars for Thais years ago. That is not the issue here. If the PM wishes to burn down every last foreign bar that is his right. I really believe Democracy is not the issue here with this argument. It has more to do with some very questionable foreigners and mafia crapping in their pants that believe their days might be numbered. I seem to know a lot about sex tourism and alcoholism therefore i must be one. Love the logic.

Had the military not taken over, elections would have (eventually) been held and a legitimate government would now be administering the country.

PDRC were out of cash, Yingluck and PTP's deft hands had done more than was expected to minimise the violence and deaths so desired by the Yellows forestalling the armys involvement - basically Suthep and his backers were on the verge of defeat.

If sex tourism is the issue, there is an easier and more effective way to solve the issue than screening tourists.

Close down the brothels.

No brothels = no sex tourists.

Unfortunately no brothels also = no kickbacks.

Tell me Mr Jungle Jim, were Hannah and David "low quality" tourists?

Just out of curiosity what did the PTP do to minimize the violence.

You know it is pretty bad when they have a gang of red shirts beat up a crippled monk.

A point of interest you may not have been privy to. When the coup happened the army ended the violence.

They just skipped right over minimize to end it.wai.gif

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As I said earlier having 6 figure salaries and oozing gold doesn't mean quality. I've seen very rich blokes act like complete losers on their holidays money doesn't equate to being quality either.

Respect your hosts country respect their culture their laws and aspects of their society that are "questionable " respect they do things "differently " and adapt and integrate yourself into their way of life... THAT is my interpretation of being of quality, that and don't look down on people less fortunate than yourself be polite and friendly and have manners, don't make judgement about people either.

Let's be frank, cash doesn't buy class.

There's a very wealth group of foreigners in Bangkok, that are well connected. How they got that cash is well documented, they certainly aren't quality, unless you think ripping people off of their savings is fair.

One of my old college mates parents are in the top 35 Forbes list (worldwide), you could not meet a nicer, classier bunch of people. They make some of these bling boys look like Khao San road scratchers.

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Quality tourists will be lining up to come here. I can just see them wanting quality murders, quality scams, quality multi-tiered pricing, and quality police shake-downs. If Thailand wants quality, they first have to provide quality.

Well what you say on the face of it makes sense to me.

But what doesn't make sense to me is why up until this year the number of tourists has been increasing.

I highly doubt the quality of service has gone down.

On another point does any one know what percentage of the tourist baht's is spent by the non quality tourists?

Do not include the non quality long stayers in that figure. They are not tourists and would be spending it any way.

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Yea they are likely scum working for some international banks in Bangkok. Agree cash does not make class and i have to agree with your statement about making an effort to understanding Thai customs. Sadly most make zero effort. Makes us all look like low class.

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As I said earlier having 6 figure salaries and oozing gold doesn't mean quality. I've seen very rich blokes act like complete losers on their holidays money doesn't equate to being quality either.

Respect your hosts country respect their culture their laws and aspects of their society that are "questionable " respect they do things "differently " and adapt and integrate yourself into their way of life... THAT is my interpretation of being of quality, that and don't look down on people less fortunate than yourself be polite and friendly and have manners, don't make judgement about people either.

Let's be frank, cash doesn't buy class.

There's a very wealth group of foreigners in Bangkok, that are well connected. How they got that cash is well documented, they certainly aren't quality, unless you think ripping people off of their savings is fair.

One of my old college mates parents are in the top 35 Forbes list (worldwide), you could not meet a nicer, classier bunch of people. They make some of these bling boys look like Khao San road scratchers.

I believe you. I have no money other than a guaranteed monthly income. But I grew up with a lot of people who had money and had it for a while. They were almost to a man nice people. Mind you I have no idea what they were like at work. My interface with them was I caddied for them at the most exclusive golf club in Seattle as well as delivered news papers for them in the most exclusive area in Seattle. many years ago. I don't know if they are still the most exclusive. But I do know they were extremely nice people.

Brings back pleasant memories.

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Yea they are likely scum working for some international banks in Bangkok. Agree cash does not make class and i have to agree with your statement about making an effort to understanding Thai customs. Sadly most make zero effort. Makes us all look like low class.

To be honest Jim, I have never had an issue with living and working in Thailand. There are some frustrations, and idiocy, just as there are in most countries. You don't need to be a cultural expert in a country, just being polite, courteous and able to listen goes a long way. I have found a lot if Thai people to be exceptionally courteous, interesting and fun. I spent 5 days at convention earlier last week, I was the only foreigner as I am often am at these conventions. It was an absolute pleasure as it always is, to spend time with educated, ethical , fun loving people. I must be doing something right, because I get invited to many things through my work.

As for the ones ripping of people, google "Wolves of Bangkok" might give you a flavour. The other entitled immigration law breakers are another example, of why people do distrust foreigners.

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Really????????????/ That s not what tourists interviewed in UK and US say!! They rate it as the SECOND most dangerous destination in the world - but then you know best as usual!! Oh by the way every time I read one of your nauseating posts it becomes clear that seemingly Russian tourists are not the only ones who dont care about corruption alt=sick.gif>

Just as a matter of vague interest, do you have a link to what you are claiming, that UK & US tourists interviewed regard Thailand as the second most dangerous destination in the world?

Personally, if I was a tourist and was interviewed, Thailand wouldn't rate in the first 20 destinations that I would name.

But, that's polls for you......................

every city in the world has its areas where people shouldn't go - the problem here is that there are no specific areas - e.g. beach road in the tourist beach resort of Pattaya should be a safe place to roam day or night - but it isn't, there literally is no safe area in Thai resort cities that you could call tourist safe - that is the problem in a nutshell - and it is getting worse not better I suspect being driven by an ever increasing serious drug problem which in my opinion is now way out of control - greed and money feeds this place and unfortunately those that are entrusted with defeating crime are up to their necks in it

I do of course understand that, tourists need to feel safe as much as they need to be safe. I am not disputing that.

What I don't understand is the claimed statement that interviewed tourists from the UK and the US have said that Thailand is the second most dangerous destination in the world.

If everyone interviewed was a first time traveler, and the only country they had visited was Thailand, I could understand them putting Thailand second to their country of origin........................wink.png

If indeed it is a true fact from a reputable source, then in my very humble opinion they need to arrange their questions properly.

From the British embassy, they have more issues in Thailand than any other than Spain Of course a lot of these are dying retirees, but there is still a huge wedge of serious problems for tourists.

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