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thailand the best country in ASEAN

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What rating for Thailand, if just for brains?

Tied for last with an Asean Monkey throwing poo poo at a zoo patron.

The EU...UK...USA are way ahead when it comes to THINKING and PROBLEM SOLVING.

all hail the great western world with obesity and economic reccession yay.
Wow, you've been a forum member under this name for two days and 20 some posts and already you are a Thailand apologist and western basher.

The OP asked and we answered .No need for your trolling.

if you would actually read the original post i am the OP and the topic was ASEAN not the EU or USA so what you on about mate ?

im in no way a basher or apologist and i have used this site for infomation but never for interaction until now so leave me alone with you unreadable nonsense posts about zoo animals

Edited by noteconomicallyviable
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noteconomicallyviable, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:14, said:
IAMSOBAD, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:55, said:

What rating for Thailand, if just for brains?

Tied for last with an Asean Monkey throwing poo poo at a zoo patron.

The EU...UK...USA are way ahead when it comes to THINKING and PROBLEM SOLVING.

all hail the great western world with obesity and economic reccession yay.

But we tend to live longer than Thais... go figure.

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noteconomicallyviable, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:14, said:

IAMSOBAD, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:55, said:

What rating for Thailand, if just for brains?

Tied for last with an Asean Monkey throwing poo poo at a zoo patron.

The EU...UK...USA are way ahead when it comes to THINKING and PROBLEM SOLVING.

all hail the great western world with obesity and economic reccession yay.

sorry mate

But we tend to live longer than Thais... go figure.

exist longer is more the correct word in my would be case.

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noteconomicallyviable, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:14, said:
IAMSOBAD, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:55, said:

What rating for Thailand, if just for brains?

Tied for last with an Asean Monkey throwing poo poo at a zoo patron.

The EU...UK...USA are way ahead when it comes to THINKING and PROBLEM SOLVING.

all hail the great western world with obesity and economic reccession yay.

But we tend to live longer than Thais... go figure.

Japan #1, Singapore #3, Hong Kong #4, UK #27, US #34.


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thailiketoo, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:59, said:
MediaWatcher, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:50, said:
noteconomicallyviable, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:14, said:noteconomicallyviable, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:14, said:
IAMSOBAD, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:55, said:IAMSOBAD, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:55, said:

What rating for Thailand, if just for brains?

Tied for last with an Asean Monkey throwing poo poo at a zoo patron.

The EU...UK...USA are way ahead when it comes to THINKING and PROBLEM SOLVING.

all hail the great western world with obesity and economic reccession yay.

But we tend to live longer than Thais... go figure.

Japan #1, Singapore #3, Hong Kong #4, UK #27, US #34.


Australia #9 .... Thailand #74

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Flipguy, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:45, said:

You're the kind of expat or tourist who never assimilate and understand the culture and the people of the places you are visiting. Judging by your comparison with Thailand and it's ASEAN neighbours, you immediately conclude what that country and it's peope is like without delving into their culture and living capacity. You're a perfect example of a cheap sex tourist who's only main goal in coming to a South East Asian nation is BOOZE, SEX, and WOMEN!!

And you are making assumptions about people you don't know...rather foolish don't you think. You obviously have a problem accepting peoples opinions that differ from yours, oh well, there are idiotic bigots every where.

You're calling me a bigot when it is the OP comparing apples to oranges???? That, for me is bigotry. Every Asian nation is unique and have somethign different to offer so comparing them with each other is considered dumb and illogical! MediaWatcher, you must be in Thailand for the same reason as the OP, booze, sex, and women. Didn't you know too much booze dumbs the mind???

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I can't imagine how Thailand could have the "highest quality food". But everyone's entitled to beleive what they want.

spend a month in cambodian and you will be begging for a 30 baht street pad thai trust me.

If you've lived in Asia for any length of time, I'm surprised that street food didn't lose its attraction long ago, why eat food laced with pollution? I've spent nearly a decade in Cambodia and indeed, don't eat street food here. That said I stopped eating street food in TL 15 years ago, I had enough pollution entering my system without ingesting it through my 3 squares.

That said, as always, one man's meat.....

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The Philippines is not Thailand and I have lived in both. Its no more dangerous than anywhere else, you just use your common sense. I got mugged in the center of Madrid.

But for quality of life Thailand is probably better, but as with everything else quality doesn't come cheap, and Thailand is no longer a cheap place.

The Philippines is cheap, and of course they speak English.

So for me the Philippines wins.

I lived in the Philippines for 5 years and indeed their English is often good, but poorly used:

Sir it's my birthday, what you give me?........6 months later, Sir it's your birthday, what you give me?

I never experienced anything remotely similar in Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam or Cambodia, quite the opposite in fact.

That said, as always, one man's meat......

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Flipguy, on 20 Oct 2014 - 21:05, said:
MediaWatcher, on 20 Oct 2014 - 19:07, said:
Flipguy, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:45, said:Flipguy, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:45, said:

You're the kind of expat or tourist who never assimilate and understand the culture and the people of the places you are visiting. Judging by your comparison with Thailand and it's ASEAN neighbours, you immediately conclude what that country and it's peope is like without delving into their culture and living capacity. You're a perfect example of a cheap sex tourist who's only main goal in coming to a South East Asian nation is BOOZE, SEX, and WOMEN!!

And you are making assumptions about people you don't know...rather foolish don't you think. You obviously have a problem accepting peoples opinions that differ from yours, oh well, there are idiotic bigots every where.

You're calling me a bigot when it is the OP comparing apples to oranges???? That, for me is bigotry. Every Asian nation is unique and have somethign different to offer so comparing them with each other is considered dumb and illogical! MediaWatcher, you must be in Thailand for the same reason as the OP, booze, sex, and women. Didn't you know too much booze dumbs the mind???

It's obvious, from your reply, you don't even know what a "bigot" is.. go Google it.

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whilst I enjoy the good food etc in Thailand I really don't enjoy the filth on the streets. I stayed in Shenzhen on mainland China and lived a 5 minute walk from HK. If all of China was like this place it'd be awesome. Amazing place, great rapid transport systems etc. Not in Asean so mute point anyway. For living Singapore and indeed Bali i found better (as far as Asean countries go) although i| wouldn't want to live in Jakarta - but then again I wouldn't live in BKK either

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Flipguy, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:45, said:

You're the kind of expat or tourist who never assimilate and understand the culture and the people of the places you are visiting. Judging by your comparison with Thailand and it's ASEAN neighbours, you immediately conclude what that country and it's peope is like without delving into their culture and living capacity. You're a perfect example of a cheap sex tourist who's only main goal in coming to a South East Asian nation is BOOZE, SEX, and WOMEN!!

And you are making assumptions about people you don't know...rather foolish don't you think. You obviously have a problem accepting peoples opinions that differ from yours, oh well, there are idiotic bigots every where.

You're calling me a bigot when it is the OP comparing apples to oranges???? That, for me is bigotry. Every Asian nation is unique and have somethign different to offer so comparing them with each other is considered dumb and illogical! MediaWatcher, you must be in Thailand for the same reason as the OP, booze, sex, and women. Didn't you know too much booze dumbs the mind???

There you go again, making unsubstantiated comments, about people you do not know... I do not drink... but I do have sex, a lot of it, with my Thai wife, yes, a woman, of seven years, not only are you an "idiotic bigot" but a complete illogical prat. Do not attempt any logical debate you simple are not capable, one, of winning, and two, of any logic.

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whilst I enjoy the good food etc in Thailand I really don't enjoy the filth on the streets. I stayed in Shenzhen on mainland China and lived a 5 minute walk from HK. If all of China was like this place it'd be awesome. Amazing place, great rapid transport systems etc. Not in Asean so mute point anyway. For living Singapore and indeed Bali i found better (as far as Asean countries go) although i| wouldn't want to live in Jakarta - but then again I wouldn't live in BKK either

so bali's street filth is ok but thailand's street filth is unacceptable?
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Depends on what u want.

If u have a family, for education it may as well be bottom unless u can afford international school.

Beyond that, which direction is it going relative to the rest?

the direction its going is its own direction i dont know if its backwards or forwards but i say los is way more forward than all its neighbours bar malaysia.

You think Thailand is moving forward more than its neighbours?

Can I borrow those rosy tints please. Thailands neighbours are liberalising and starting to motor along.

Thailand has been navel gazing about its politics for nearly 7 years now and currently has no constitution. So much for progress huh.

Are we comparing Laos, Vietnam, Burma and Cambodia and Thailand on democratic institutions? This I gotta see...smile.png

Burma is rattling along thank you very much. Its all relative. Thailand has been stepping away from democracy for a while now, the others are starting to embrace them slowly. It isn't all about politics. FDI into Burma is going to be 5bn up from 1.2bn the year before, Thailand will be 12bn but that is down from 20bn in 2012. So, Thailand has been losing some of its lustre.

Or do you believe that Thailand can just have this seemingly endless political turmoil with absolutely NO consequence?

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whilst I enjoy the good food etc in Thailand I really don't enjoy the filth on the streets. I stayed in Shenzhen on mainland China and lived a 5 minute walk from HK. If all of China was like this place it'd be awesome. Amazing place, great rapid transport systems etc. Not in Asean so mute point anyway. For living Singapore and indeed Bali i found better (as far as Asean countries go) although i| wouldn't want to live in Jakarta - but then again I wouldn't live in BKK either

so bali's street filth is ok but thailand's street filth is unacceptable?

I have a problem trying to understand how some people "think," just where did he say he liked "street filth" in Bali. Isn't it possible that Bali has other things that are better, at least as far as Alwyn is concerned, than Thailand?

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the direction its going is its own direction i dont know if its backwards or forwards but i say los is way more forward than all its neighbours bar malaysia.

You think Thailand is moving forward more than its neighbours?

Can I borrow those rosy tints please. Thailands neighbours are liberalising and starting to motor along.

Thailand has been navel gazing about its politics for nearly 7 years now and currently has no constitution. So much for progress huh.

Are we comparing Laos, Vietnam, Burma and Cambodia and Thailand on democratic institutions? This I gotta see...smile.png

Burma is rattling along thank you very much. Its all relative. Thailand has been stepping away from democracy for a while now, the others are starting to embrace them slowly. It isn't all about politics. FDI into Burma is going to be 5bn up from 1.2bn the year before, Thailand will be 12bn but that is down from 20bn in 2012. So, Thailand has been losing some of its lustre.

Or do you believe that Thailand can just have this seemingly endless political turmoil with absolutely NO consequence?

Yes. It has had endless political turmoil since the 1930's. It is not relative at all. Burma is a poor backward country and Thailand is not.

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Thailand I would put near to bottom due to the potential for violence & the lack of any justice

This is a deeper and more controversial issue that is highly unlikely to effect your person.

what is likely however to affect you is quality food ,rooms , cheap beer and many other vices that in the rest of asian you would have to search for and resources would be limited.

If you hang around soi buakow enough it's highly likely you will encounter violence.

Watch those annoying aholes that come around selling crap they might hold a screwdriver to your throat like they did to a friend of mine.

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Thailand I would put near to bottom due to the potential for violence & the lack of any justice

This is a deeper and more controversial issue that is highly unlikely to effect your person.

what is likely however to affect you is quality food ,rooms , cheap beer and many other vices that in the rest of asian you would have to search for and resources would be limited.

If you hang around soi buakow enough it's highly likely you will encounter violence.

Watch those annoying aholes that come around selling crap they might hold a screwdriver to your throat like they did to a friend of mine.

Did he end up buying the screwdriver?

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whilst I enjoy the good food etc in Thailand I really don't enjoy the filth on the streets. I stayed in Shenzhen on mainland China and lived a 5 minute walk from HK. If all of China was like this place it'd be awesome. Amazing place, great rapid transport systems etc. Not in Asean so mute point anyway. For living Singapore and indeed Bali i found better (as far as Asean countries go) although i| wouldn't want to live in Jakarta - but then again I wouldn't live in BKK either

so bali's street filth is ok but thailand's street filth is unacceptable?

Oh hello... Please point out the part where I said I like Bali's filth? If I WERE asked the question I would have to say that on overall judgement (including filth) then Bali is miles in front.

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The Philippines is not Thailand and I have lived in both. Its no more dangerous than anywhere else, you just use your common sense. I got mugged in the center of Madrid.

But for quality of life Thailand is probably better, but as with everything else quality doesn't come cheap, and Thailand is no longer a cheap place.

The Philippines is cheap, and of course they speak English.

So for me the Philippines wins.

Please tell me why the wifes Pinoy friends will not show pictures of their kids on FB, the same Pinoy women travel from the UK to Bkk and invite their family to meet them in Bkk, they are shyt scared their kids will be kidnapped in the PI.

Never yet met a Thai who was afraid to show photos or selfies on FB.

Why do most Thai women want to live in Thailand, why does (just about) every Pinoy woman want to get the heck out the place, and want you to take her family with her?

PI, sorry a complete joke of a country, I will never set foot in it again.

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Why do most Thai women want to live in Thailand, why does (just about) every Pinoy woman want to get the heck out the place, and want you to take her family with her?

Because Thai women generally don't know other countries exist,

they know and they do leave but when they hit europe or usa they realise that falangland is a cold and miserable alot of the time and prefer happy los

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