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British man arrested in Udon Thani for sex offences in the UK


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This topic always brings out the compassionate side of TV commentators </sarcasm> Its funny that in social psychology they believe that the people who protest the most about something are usually the most guilty of it themselves.http://m.psp.sagepub.com/content/5/1/44.abstract

The man is still innocent until he has been found guilty ina court of law. And judging by the witchhunt going on in the UK I wouldn't trust the Police or CPS an inch - for example Cliff Richard

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this guy is teaching children ..... right ?

and what exactly is he wanted for in Thailand, as usual the article is confusing and poorly written

weird thing is that he looks familiar

Yes, he sure was. The article is confusing and does not contain enough information in relation to why he is wanted in Thailand. There is an arrest warrant issued in the UK for him in respect of some 17 alleged sexual offenses of molestation of females under the age of 14 but the article does not indicate if he has been arrested prior to or convicted of those offenses in the UK.

With there being an extradition treaty between the UK and Thailand, maybe police in the UK were aware of his whereabouts and sought the assistance of the RTP to arrest him, after which they would then apply for his extradition. If this was how the matter proceeded then it would explain why he was wanted in Thailand. If he is as described we can only hope he has not been up to anything here but as yet, if no conviction, then he is entitled to the presumption of innocence.

Back in Australia they have enacted laws that if a person commits a sexual offence against children overseas, and they return to Australia to escape conviction overseas, they can be charged with the offence/s and if convicted, gaoled there..

Edited by Si Thea01
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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

Yes, most have been 'conditioned' to their 'sickness' by being sexually abused themselves as children. Some want to stop offending but cannot. I have read that castration is requested by some pedos and offered in some country(ies), but cant remember which. Why not? I believe medical castration should be offered, recommended, even compulsory for those who cannot stop offending. After all, many katois/transexuals opt for it voluntarily.


You may want to read in detail, and associated links.

Chemical castration only takes away the physical ability to effectively have intercourse. It does not change the mental state of required dominance and power, which is usually associated with child abuse, and it can, in fact, lead to worsened types of attack, being much more physically abusive and physically destructive, with the use of instruments and additionally perverted tools of abuse.

Yes, chemical castration is shown to work in some cases, but in those that it does not it leads to greater risks. I have little opinion about such, but I would say not enough research has yet confirmed the more sinister side of what can happen as a result of either physical or chemical castration. At the end of the day, I just say lock'em up. Too much damage has been done. But then.... is that fair, when the majority are psychologically disturbed though no fault of their own, as they were abused and so thought it was normal? It's very dangerous ground to make assumptions either way.

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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

You are taking the piss I hope??

Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

Case and point...

One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

Criminals go to prison...

Animals get put down...

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There ought to be investigations into his conduct in Thailand. If he has any charges to answer locally, he should be tried and punished locally, then extradited to the UK.

We need an expert to comment on this, like JD if she is free?... Ok, it's just me... I believe the laws regarding child sex offences are quite unique, in that a country can charge a national for crimes committed abroad. So if he has continued his alleged predation whilst residing in Thailand, both the UK and Thai police can have him. Take your pick.

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this guy is teaching children ..... right ?

and what exactly is he wanted for in Thailand, as usual the article is confusing and poorly written

weird thing is that he looks familiar

Strange, when I looked at the photo I thought, I've seen you somewhere before, but blowed if I can remember where and when!!facepalm.gif

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You are taking the piss I hope??

Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

Case and point...

One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

Criminals go to prison...

Animals get put down...

You have to understand a little more about psychology to get a grasp. The shoe is often from the same foot, but not worn in the next pair of shoes - as you put it.

Most child molestors have been shown no compassion in their youth, when they were abused too, and thus never learnt about such. I am certainly not condoning abuse, but there are psychological reasons that are not always 'excuses' for such actions. You can label them paedophiles all you like, until the cows come home, but that doesn't justify binning them or mean they themselves are not deserving of treatment. Wouldn't you agree.... or you'd just hang them all?

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In my 29 years teaching here Ive come across many pedos. English teaching doesn't attract the cream if the crop.

Bangkok has improved a lot but the schools in Isan will take any white face and a lot of the weirdos and alkies who get refused work in Bangkok end up in Udon or Ubon.In Udon a few government institutions are hiring Africans and we all know what Thais think of them. Think as a farang you are disliked?

Hope you're not teaching English.

Edited by Artisi
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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

Shit man, did you not think to report the prick. BIB or better still the UK Consulate?

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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

You worked with him, you knew that he was up to and what did you do? - SFA by the sounds of it - make you no better than what he is.

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Agree Pattaya is a dangerous crap hole but there are many sex predators throughout Thailand. What about Phuket, Koh Samui, Bangkok, Chiang Mai- Rai , Hua Hin ? Just to name a few.

Very surprised he wasn't found in Pattaya where sex predators of the world congregate smile.png

Sorry but you guys just aren't keeping up with the times. Philippines is now the hub of pedophiles. Side note: BBC I think it was had report about "virtual" underage girl used by cops to catch peds online. Brief flash of her IM "I'm X from Cebu City". Friend moved over to PI recently from Pattaya. Place rife with those scum.

Pattaya is big in sex business (duh) but not so much predatory as consensual. Unless you are saying some of the manipulations by the females constitutes the predatory part. they are pros, we men are amatuers.

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You are taking the piss I hope??

Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

Case and point...

One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

Criminals go to prison...

Animals get put down...

You have to understand a little more about psychology to get a grasp. The shoe is often from the same foot, but not worn in the next pair of shoes - as you put it.

Most child molestors have been shown no compassion in their youth, when they were abused too, and thus never learnt about such. I am certainly not condoning abuse, but there are psychological reasons that are not always 'excuses' for such actions. You can label them paedophiles all you like, until the cows come home, but that doesn't justify binning them or mean they themselves are not deserving of treatment. Wouldn't you agree.... or you'd just hang them all?

Personally I would hang them.

At the very least, if I knew or suspected this type of behavior, I would report it.

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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

You worked with him, you knew that he was up to and what did you do? - SFA by the sounds of it - make you no better than what he is.

That's a pretty tough call on Zaphod. I don't think we have enough info there to determine his onus... being creepy and spooky might not have been enough to set the trigger. What would you do? Me, I'd probably beat a confession out of him.

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You are taking the piss I hope??

Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

Case and point...

One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

Criminals go to prison...

Animals get put down...

You have to understand a little more about psychology to get a grasp. The shoe is often from the same foot, but not worn in the next pair of shoes - as you put it.

Most child molestors have been shown no compassion in their youth, when they were abused too, and thus never learnt about such. I am certainly not condoning abuse, but there are psychological reasons that are not always 'excuses' for such actions. You can label them paedophiles all you like, until the cows come home, but that doesn't justify binning them or mean they themselves are not deserving of treatment. Wouldn't you agree.... or you'd just hang them all?

I don't believe they can be treated...

Just like they can put the mask on to make them appear to be human to everyone else; they can put the same mask on to say they are 'cured' and 'no longer a threat to society'...

Can't put on a mask if you've been removed altogether...

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They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

Criminals go to prison...

Animals get put down...

You have to understand a little more about psychology to get a grasp. The shoe is often from the same foot, but not worn in the next pair of shoes - as you put it.

Most child molestors have been shown no compassion in their youth, when they were abused too, and thus never learnt about such. I am certainly not condoning abuse, but there are psychological reasons that are not always 'excuses' for such actions. You can label them paedophiles all you like, until the cows come home, but that doesn't justify binning them or mean they themselves are not deserving of treatment. Wouldn't you agree.... or you'd just hang them all?

Personally I would hang them.

At the very least, if I knew or suspected this type of behavior, I would report it.

Reporting yes. Choosing to hang them? Do you have that right, without knowing what led them to such actions in the first place?

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Interesting that a few posters have mentioned an "agency".

That might be a good place to start a wider investigation.

Over the last few years there have been reports of worldwide pedophile rings being busted via the internet and the images they send to each other. Even one report recently of a couple (two men )who adopted a baby and abused him and took him to different countries to share him with their friends.

Make no mistake there is an underground network or club that this filth use for their own practices.

Anyone who doesn't realise this is supremely naive.

In the 1970's there was a notorious organisation based in Australia (Adelaide I believe). They were known as "The Family" I think.

Thier stated aim was to publicise pedophilia with intent to desensitise the public in the hope that it would eventually be accepted and eventually legitimised.

Might sound far fetched but that is how homosexuality came out of the closet. Pun intended.

They openly publicized that for their member to have access to young children they should consider occupations such as the clergy, scout leaders or school teachers.

They had a magazine called Blaze if memory serves me right.

How do I know? Because at the time I was the same or similar age of some of the young people who disappeared (presumably murdered) and were never found.

The common knowledge was that the "family" had members at in the top levels of society - members of parliament, lawyers, judges etc. and the cover up was complete. Dolly Dunn was the name used in the public arena for one of the better known pedophiles. Google will give some info I am sure.

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Paedophiles, the lowest piece of excrement on the planet.

People who kill & murder others are low life. People who destroy other people's lives are low life. There is not a single lowest category as you may think.

However, pedophilia is the new witchcraft so it's then easy for Chooka to jump on the populist bandwagon. Many people I know who mouth off about pedophiles love those porn images on the internet that show girls of legal age dressed down in school uniform.

In fact people who shout their hate and abuse loudest have been shown to be those most attracted to younger women/girl. Perhaps boys too, I've no idea.

So I'm always suspicious when I see these kind of lowbrow posts.

yea well to he'll with you, have you ever been the victim of one of these piece of shit, have you ever had your football coach force you to do something that you never wanted to do just so you can play and when you tell your parents you are called a &lt;deleted&gt; liar. Yea you know absolute shit you lowlife paedophile loving piece of crap. Before you accuse someone of just simply jumping onto wagons check thier life 1st you disgusting piece of garbage. I hate paedophiles for a &lt;deleted&gt; reason you insensitive &lt;deleted&gt; &lt;deleted&gt;. Edited by chooka
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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

And you did nothing? Didn't report him? ........ nice one....... coffee1.gif

As far as I know, that isn't criminal conduct. Just suspicious. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be reported for images of girls and porn videos on your harddrive.

When a colleague starts stalking young girls with a fake Hi5 profile, as a teacher (especially) one has a certain obligation to act.

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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

And you did nothing? Didn't report him? ........ nice one....... coffee1.gif

As far as I know, that isn't criminal conduct. Just suspicious. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be reported for images of girls and porn videos on your harddrive.

When a colleague starts stalking young girls with a fake Hi5 profile, as a teacher (especially) one has a certain obligation to act.


Irrespective of ones mental state, ALL men know where the line is.

It's a predator that passes under it knowingly.

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Sawan Chan 7 post # 88

Having a degree is not likely to weed out pedophiles. I've know two in the past and one had a Master's degree and the other a degree in Education and was the boss of Inlingua school of languages in Bangkok.

Indeed and point taken Sawan, however my actions were taken so as to weed out the dross and in many cases it worked.

Yes I knew the character who was at inlingua and he was a slimy individual as was the more notorious late John Mountford who sashayed through a number of prominent international schools here in Bangkok before being nabbed.

Happily he ( Mountford) met his end at knife point in Libya some years back where he had been tampering with young boys.

People me included were aware of these characters acts yet no matter how much fuss we made nothing was done no doubt due to loss of prestige from the institutions concerned.

Paul Cornelius Jones worked at the school I was at, however we recognized him after around 6 days and he was escorted off of the premises in what could be best described as a civilized Bums Rush by three of us and two security men.He had covered his past tracks in a very professional manner indeed a career kiddy fiddler. thankfully due to a staff member reading his local paper on line we found out who Jones was, indeed a stroke of luck there

The matter was reported to the police, however Jones was married into a Thai family with both police and criminal elements thus he was untouched by the law sad to say

Edited by siampolee
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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

"treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother."

Why? Pedos are not known for treating their victims with compassion!

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Interesting that a few posters have mentioned an "agency".

That might be a good place to start a wider investigation.

Over the last few years there have been reports of worldwide pedophile rings being busted via the internet and the images they send to each other. Even one report recently of a couple (two men )who adopted a baby and abused him and took him to different countries to share him with their friends.

Make no mistake there is an underground network or club that this filth use for their own practices.

Anyone who doesn't realise this is supremely naive.

In the 1970's there was a notorious organisation based in Australia (Adelaide I believe). They were known as "The Family" I think.

Thier stated aim was to publicise pedophilia with intent to desensitise the public in the hope that it would eventually be accepted and eventually legitimised.

Might sound far fetched but that is how homosexuality came out of the closet. Pun intended.

They openly publicized that for their member to have access to young children they should consider occupations such as the clergy, scout leaders or school teachers.

They had a magazine called Blaze if memory serves me right.

How do I know? Because at the time I was the same or similar age of some of the young people who disappeared (presumably murdered) and were never found.

The common knowledge was that the "family" had members at in the top levels of society - members of parliament, lawyers, judges etc. and the cover up was complete. Dolly Dunn was the name used in the public arena for one of the better known pedophiles. Google will give some info I am sure.

No different from the UK.


The world needs to reduce the population.

I could make a few suggestions as to where to start the cull.

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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

Yes, most have been 'conditioned' to their 'sickness' by being sexually abused themselves as children. Some want to stop offending but cannot. I have read that castration is requested by some pedos and offered in some country(ies), but cant remember which. Why not? I believe medical castration should be offered, recommended, even compulsory for those who cannot stop offending. After all, many katois/transexuals opt for it voluntarily.

Castration for pedo's and rapists does not take away their urge to do the bad things they were convicted of. A pathological rapist would still try to rape. The crime would only last longer because he cannot get an erection. The victim therefore in most cases would be traumatised more.

So far the most interesting treatment for pedo's I once heard of was a research in Northern America (I think the US) back in the early 90ies. A group of convicted pedo's in prison was selected to take part in the experiment (with aversive stimulation). They couldn't really refuse to participate, the risk of other inmates finding out their crimes was too big.

The group was placed in a room with a tv. They were forced to watch video's of playing children in different stages of being dressed. The eyes were monitored so looking away would be noticed and seen as a refusal to cooperate. They had a device around their willy that measured arousal. Each time arousal was measured a nurse would come in with a tray of rotten flesh with worms in it and hold it in front of the face of the inmate, who could not run away from it. First results were the tests had amazing and promising results. The whole experiment was broken off after about a year because it would be too controversial.

People come in many different forms and shapes in many different cultures. Those harming others should be isolated and if possible treated/turned around. Simple prison sentences are the best we have so far to deal with our bad ones. In practice it unfortunately doesn't work very well.

Stoning, beating up, torturing and the likes are popular with quite a few of the one-liner TVF members, contribute nothing whatsoever to make the problem smaller. What about gays f.i.? In quite a few countries they get the death pe

nalty. Should those countries be bombed for it? Or should those gays be killed?

Long time ago the nazis thought they had the solution for purifying populations across Europe. Anyone can know/find out what that resulted in.

There just are no simple solutions for complicated problems, if there are any.

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