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Thailand tops the world’s happiness survey


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I am very happy in Thailand most of the time and, although a relative "newbie" of 4 years, I love life here.

Whenever I'm feeling a little down, i think about the s**thole country I came from and that brings a huge smile to my face and I'm happy again.wai.gif

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I don't know how and why, but Thais do seem pretty content with their lives.

I know I wouldn't be happy living their lives, but they are.

I wish I could be like they and I am really jealous of them in this respect.

Whether it's the ignorance or something else, does it really matter?

Thais ARE happy with their lives and that is one thing I deeply respect them


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From my own experience, living within Thailand, I have to disagree with this survey. The land of smiles? I think not! As for a happy economy?!, Where do these companies get their information from? Slave labour. Underpaid. Cost of living is very high. Debt is major problem...

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mai pen rai

I do not care

I do not accept responsibility

I am never wrong

I never apologize ... no need too

I am perfect

I have a small penis

I have debt but no savings

I own nothing

So my life must be perfect

What a croc of ............

I don't want to say that this small dick thing is a complete fallacy, but a friend of mine who lives in Chiang Mai reports a gay cabaret where the Thai performers are hung like John Holmes.

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mai pen rai

I do not care

I do not accept responsibility

I am never wrong

I never apologize ... no need too

I am perfect

I have a small penis

I have debt but no savings

I own nothing

So my life must be perfect

What a croc of ............

I don't want to say that this small dick thing is a complete fallacy, but a friend of mine who lives in Chiang Mai reports a gay cabaret where the Thai performers are hung like John Holmes.
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Guess even the (rather unimportant) question of comparative penis sizes only reflects the idle boasts of Farangs.

Sexual fantasies and nightmares - that is Farang quality of life.

Never to be happy, never be content, that is their religion. They call it 'Protestant ethics', the religion of utter greed.

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Good result !

Tell that to the morbid, pessimistic red/PTP fans.

They cannot accept anyone being happy in Thailand unless the Shins are rorting

running the show, the redshirts are running amok, and the streets are running red with yellow blood.

I am happy, my family are happy (we just moved into our new house) and most of our friends are happy, so who cares what the anti-junta crowd thinks ! cheesy.gif

Tell that to the UN.

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Why not?

Thai monks works for free, owns just a couple of robes, eat one time a day, pray and meditate the rest of the day, cannot have sex or fun, and....they are happy people.

Probably is not your cup of tea...but...Happiness is just state of mind, and most poor farmers I met in Thailand are happy people too.

Sometimes I envy them.

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Why not?

Thai monks works for free, owns just a couple of robes, eat one time a day, pray and meditate the rest of the day, cannot have sex or fun, and....they are happy people.

Probably is not your cup of tea...but...Happiness is just state of mind, and most poor farmers I met in Thailand are happy people too.

Sometimes I envy them.

Have you ever considered becoming a noble savage?

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You must have been in another country then.

In the Thailand I know, most people work at least 8 hours a day.

You mean they are on the job for 8 hours a day (maybe), I am talking about actually getting something done.

Talking on your phone, facebook, games, eating, picking zits, etc., does NOT count.

Ahh, more sanctimony from someone who is probably a citizen of the same nation that the beer-bellied sloths—who disgust all of the human senses and roam throughout Thailand—are from. So, so lazy, huh? Which is probably why Westerners love paying slave wages to workers, many of whom are Thai, to build their massive construction projects that are going up constantly? Those types just love workers doing nothing all day, even though their pay rates actually warrant nothing more than nose-picking.

Maybe spend less time on this mediocre online platform and try some introspection to come to terms with your ignorance?

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happy happy happy

only in debt of 85% of GDP

thank you mister general

You can't blame the general for all of that 85%. He didn't start with zero. To be fair to him you should quote the figure he stated with otherwise your post is meaningless.

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You must have been in another country then.

In the Thailand I know, most people work at least 8 hours a day.

You mean they are on the job for 8 hours a day (maybe), I am talking about actually getting something done.

Talking on your phone, facebook, games, eating, picking zits, etc., does NOT count.

Ahh, more sanctimony from someone who is probably a citizen of the same nation that the beer-bellied sloths—who disgust all of the human senses and roam throughout Thailand—are from. So, so lazy, huh? Which is probably why Westerners love paying slave wages to workers, many of whom are Thai, to build their massive construction projects that are going up constantly? Those types just love workers doing nothing all day, even though their pay rates actually warrant nothing more than nose-picking.

Maybe spend less time on this mediocre online platform and try some introspection to come to terms with your ignorance?

So what are you suggesting pay them a decent wage and then watch them sit around all picking their noses. When I ran a business here I was constantly being asked to pay more salary. Work harder and you'll get I said. They never did so neither did I. To one slightly promising lad I suggested he make himself indespensible. He could then almost hold me to ransom for salary increase. This is how I made my fortune I told him. He still picked his nose all day. Its work first salary second. Not the other way round.

Trouble is I don't think they trusted me to honour my promise if they did their part. That mistrust comes from working for Thai companies where the bosses shit on their employees most of the time.

Hard to change something that is so ingrained in the workforce.

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the partial reason behind Thailand’s triumph was credited to its extremely low unemployment rate of 1 percent, which in turn kept the country from inflation; yet Thailand still has a long way to go before it reaches the living standards of more developed economies, it noted.

Ok two things.

1 unemployment rate of 1% has never been true or accurate here, ever.... so its false.

2 Inflation is supposed to be absent here ............... clearly another falsehood .

Bloomberg normally dumps the countries reports that lie about stats in the bin, not this time.

It may seem a great thing to be top of this list but to anyone with half a clue it just shows Thailand is just making up the numbers and looks pretty stupid even on the list let alone topping it.

So funny LOL

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So, you admit exploitation.

Any other crimes you made your fortune from?

Depends how you define exploitation. Dictionary has many definitions.

An act remarkable for brilliance or daring; bold deed. Guilty but not a crime.

To make use of ; utilize productively. Guilty and not a crime.

To make use of or profit from the labor of (others) in an unethical way. Not guilty. A crime.

To use selfishly. Not guilty. Not sure if crime.

So you will see I did not carry out any criminal activities. I purely used my smarts to make my company up to $100k clear profit a day while only asking for $5k in return. Not unreasonable and most certainly not criminal. Awaiting you retraction for deformation of character or do I have to go see my lawyer.

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Ignorance is bliss!

To a degree, yes. For all their wisdom and knowledge, those educated into the proper amount of angst end up no better off than those content with the world around them. They just arrive at the end of the journey with more ulcers, stress, heart attacks, and obesity.

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If you google for "exploitation", you'll find the following: "the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work".

Without knowing how much your workers got paid it's impossible to judge whether your business is "unfair" or not.

5k $ out of 100k $ looks oK to me, so you don't have to feel personally insulted. The "character" of your company is another question, depends on a third number (100k $ profit out of what? ) you didn't provide.

Thailand-specific is Farangs' intent to gain more than 49pct of land ownership. Many Farangs try all kind of tricks to get Thai land under control. I don't know if it's still considered to be a crime when a trick failed after tricky contracts have been declared void by court.

I don't know if you or your company ever tried things like this. Guess all Farangs are on the watch list now.

"Imperialism" is the arrogant attitude to take it as a given right that Westerners can sacrifice everything (all norms) to their money. You've probably noticed that Thai people are not really happy with this. Guess Thais regard money as a medium for exchange, not as the highest value in itself. Hopefully you leave much of your daily 5k $ in Thailand for the welfare of this country.

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If you google for "exploitation", you'll find the following: "the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work".

Without knowing how much your workers got paid it's impossible to judge whether your business is "unfair" or not.

5k $ out of 100k $ looks oK to me, so you don't have to feel personally insulted. The "character" of your company is another question, depends on a third number (100k $ profit out of what? ) you didn't provide.

Thailand-specific is Farangs' intent to gain more than 49pct of land ownership. Many Farangs try all kind of tricks to get Thai land under control. I don't know if it's still considered to be a crime when a trick failed after tricky contracts have been declared void by court.

I don't know if you or your company ever tried things like this. Guess all Farangs are on the watch list now.

"Imperialism" is the arrogant attitude to take it as a given right that Westerners can sacrifice everything (all norms) to their money. You've probably noticed that Thai people are not really happy with this. Guess Thais regard money as a medium for exchange, not as the highest value in itself. Hopefully you leave much of your daily 5k $ in Thailand for the welfare of this country.

Your googled definition of exploitation is identical to one I'd already given and said I was not guilty of. How much the company paid its workers is irrelevant but suffice it to say they were queueing up in India, Pakistan, Philippines to come work with us. The $100k had nothing to do with the workers. It was money owed to my company, of which I was an employee not a boss, for contractual obligations that nobody but me seemed to understand. That $100k was pure profit because it was not related to any particular job of work done by our workers. We got paid separately for that. So again your accusing me of committing a crime is blatantly derogatory, deformation and seriously libel. A stupid thing to do with no evidence. You are the one who has committed a crime under Thai law in doing so.

As to the owning of land I own none. I own a house that sits on land owned by my kids. They are welcome to it all upon my demise.

But having said that I do believed that farang ownership of land should be allowed. Restricted, controlled but allowed. If Thailand is so against foreign ownership they should ban their citizens from owning overseas. That would make it all equal in the eyes of the law. At the moment the Thais have it all their way. Not equal and greedy.

Your comment about imperialism is beyond belief. I would say it is the Thais that sacrifice anything for a baht. Trafficking in humans. Trafficking in live dogs for the meat trade. Good lord the list is endless. The disgusting things some of these people will do for baht. And I haven't even mentioned corruption or rice yet. Jeez read some newspapers. Take those rose colored specs off. The Thais are not all squeaky clean that you seem to think they are.

You seem to be under the impression that the $5k day is currently ongoing and was earned in Thailand. It is not and was not. And plenty of it has gone onto the Thai economy with still more to go.

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