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Msg in food,is your harris itchy.

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After confering with some pals,who reckon the huge heaped spoonfuls of msg,where making thier backsides,[between the cheeks itchy],i ran an experiment,i had no take away for a month,no street,food,no food at home with msg,and guess what ,no itchyness,then,after two days of going back and eating at the resturant,my hives,returned,and i was bathing daily in the ocean,any thoughts?

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Any experiment you do where you yourself know whether you are getting MSG or not is doomed to failure because of self-created bias (unintentional). This is why drug trials are double-blinded (neither the patients or the drug administrators know who is getting the active component and who is getting the inactive dummy until after the experiment is over.)

The codes are then broken by a third party and the results analysed.

You may choose to believe this is not necessary, but it is standard procedure for a reason, and that reason is that unconscious bias creeps into every experiment ever done. It doubles the cost of drug trials to do them this way, and this can mean literally millions of extra dollars per trial. Do you think the evil drug companies would spend this extra money unless it was enforced on them, and known to be absolutely essential for any experiment to be acceptable as valid? The key point about the existing trials of MSG sensitivity that have been done is that when people who consider themselves MSG intolerant are not told when they get MSG, they react just as badly to placebo.

If you have ever read a medical website, and become convinced that you have all the symptoms of a terrible disease that you have just read about you will know what I'm talking about...

Edited by partington
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