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Email troubles persisting, Clinton camp reassures backers


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From California Senator Feinstein, who is one of the few people who have actually read the emails being discussed:

"“None of the emails alleged to contain classified information were written by Secretary Clinton,” Mrs. Feinstein said in a statement. “The questions are whether she received emails with classified information in them, and if so, whether information in those emails should have been classified in the first place. Those questions have yet to be answered.” Mrs. Feinstein also said, “None of the emails alleged to contain classified information include any markings that indicate classified content.”"

source / Wall Street Journal

Virtually all State Department documents would be considered SBU at the very least.

Senator Feinstein should be required to read rules on handling government documents. Whether Hillary wrote any of the e-mails is immaterial.

What matters is she set up a personal e-mail account on a private server that did not have a facility clearance issued by the Defense Security Service.

Every e-mail entering this server was illegal, even Hillary's famous recipe list.

One question that springs to mind is why was the woman even swapping recipes. She hasn't driven a car since 1996 and probably last cooked a meal when she lived in Arkansas.

PS: The definition of SBU can be found here: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/88404.pdf

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After holding various types of security clearances for over 33 years, I can state without a shadow of a doubt what she did was WAY outside security regulations. How she was allowed to have her own server is beyond fathomable and logical thought.

Here:s the latest: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-clinton-email-classified-information-public-domain-unredacted-form/

Agreed. If you or I did any of those stunts when holding a DISCO clearance, we would be making our posts from Leavenworth.

Edited by chuckd
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on a side issue: When I watch science/technology videos on Youtube, I see inside peeks at items which, in my view, should be classified. I'm referring to weapons, barrack locations, launch vehicles and other items which should be at least somewhat classified. I've even seen schematics and exploded views of weapons/delivery systems online.

A person can say, "oh, if it's online, then the Chinese, N.Koreans, Iranians and Russians have probably already known all those details for years."

I say; not necessarily. If you look at photos of the latest Chinese fighter jet compared to a recent jet designed by US"s Skunkworks, the design is essentially identical - right down to the number and placement of rivets. Who spent 20 years developing that design and its innards? Not the Chinese. All they did was copy as much as possible. Incidentally, the most recent Chinese fighter jet was deemed not good enough for their own AF so they're now trying to sell them to other countries. Thailand, are you listening? Probably the same with the 3 subs the Chinese are selling to the Thais. The Chinese were able to copy them from western technology (pilfered or bought or.....?) but they just can't get it to work as well as the original. main reasons: inferior materials and loose tolerances. Just a simple item like vise grips: You buy an American made and a Chinese made. Side by side, they look identical, but when you use them, you see right away how the American-made item is superior. Same for every other Chinese made technical item - when compared to European, N.American, Japanese or even Korean-made item.

Hillary's emails probably don't touch on any such issues - by a country mile.

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The dispute is among the intelligence agencies concerning what gets classified when, and the how people with a security clearance can know to recognise classified documents when they are not stamped.

It's an ongoing major issue concerning the protection of proprietary information in the private corporate sector, and it is an issue in government in respect of security information.

What information is shared with whom when it is not stamped as classified, or when the material does not have any indication on it that it might be classified information.

What about unstamped materials whose nature would seem to merit being classified but are in fact not classified. Conversely, what about unstamped materials that appear to be common knowledge, such as another stealth weapon, but which is in fact classified.

It is a vitally important issue of national security with many nuanced questions, factors, considerations, yet it is being reduced to being a political football.

She's running for President. She was Secretary of State and a Senator. And she couldn't figure out that it might be a bad idea to correspond on an unsecured server information that might be State secrets? I'm pretty sure a third grader could figure out that was stupid.

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While the Dems and their lackys do their best to spin ServerGate, more objective heads prevail:

"CNN Intelligence and Security Analyst and former CIA spy Robert Baer said that Hillary Clinton’s server and the material reportedly on it is a deal-breaker, adding, “I wonder if she’s capable of being president,” “you and I’d get fired, and possibly jailed. This could be a felony,” and “[this] is a transgression that I don’t think the president of the United States should be allowed to have committed on Saturday’s “CNN Newsroom” on CNN International."


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When you don't have anything (and the Republicans got nothing) you're constantly grasping at straws. HRC said it like it is, this email nonsense is all about politics. We'll be hearing all about this for the next year because the Republicans don't have anything else to fight with.

Every single issue the Republicans stand for (ending Obamacare, prohibiting abortion, war and more war) is unpopular with the majority electorate. So...go after HRC for this email nonsense.

Donald Trump is pulling away as the front-runner for the GOP. clap2.gif He's an unelectable buffoon and the rest of them are as well. Stick to the plan...demonize Hillary.

The Republicans have shown themselves incapable of governing. Government is bad so simply don't govern. Work on changing the decided laws, they don't like making planned parenthood, social security and gay marriage the issue. This will appeal to the base and get the GOP nomination. Going far right isn't where the electorate is. Doesn't matter, go far right and get the nomination.

The lemmings are walking off a cliff. coffee1.gif

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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

from the OP:

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue. If Republicans could challenge Clinton on issues or policies, they would try doing that. But they can't, so they resort to what they're best at: Slinging mud, and hoping some sticks.

If/when the email issue blows over, what will Republicans attack next? ....her pants suit cut too high above the ankle? ....Socks the cat has bad breath?

True. Remember how past campaigns were always about the economy and jobs? Well since the economy has been churning along and the unemployment rate relatively low, the Republicans can't crow about that. So it's about Benghazi and e-mail servers. Funny but even Donald Trump (back in the day) said the economy was typically better under the Democrats. He's actually right about something!

If you take even a cursory looks behind the curtain, you will find that the economy is not chugging along and that the employment numbers coming out of the BLS are bogus as hell... The true U6 unemployment rate is 10.5% in the US...


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It's baloney until it's not baloney.

I would not rule out at this point that there isn't something that can be nailed on Hillary Clinton that she won't be able to make go away.

There are good reasons to be very concerned about her candidacy now.

It's not over yet and maybe she can weather all this ... but don't be totally shocked if it becomes over.

By hook or by crook.

Oh please, how many scandals have been circling the Dems and the current administration for the last 7 years... Let us count the ways... coffee1.gif

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When you don't have anything (and the Republicans got nothing) you're constantly grasping at straws. HRC said it like it is, this email nonsense is all about politics. We'll be hearing all about this for the next year because the Republicans don't have anything else to fight with.

Every single issue the Republicans stand for (ending Obamacare, prohibiting abortion, war and more war) is unpopular with the majority electorate. So...go after HRC for this email nonsense.

Donald Trump is pulling away as the front-runner for the GOP. clap2.gif He's an unelectable buffoon and the rest of them are as well. Stick to the plan...demonize Hillary.

The Republicans have shown themselves incapable of governing. Government is bad so simply don't govern. Work on changing the decided laws, they don't like making planned parenthood, social security and gay marriage the issue. This will appeal to the base and get the GOP nomination. Going far right isn't where the electorate is. Doesn't matter, go far right and get the nomination.

The lemmings are walking off a cliff. coffee1.gif

Do you have anything substantial to contribute to the conversation?

Your post is simply more regurgitation of your editorialized opinions that nobody really cares about.

We know you hate Republicans, conservatives and anybody anti-Hillary.

Just to add one more thing..."Clown car".

You forgot it in your post.

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The right needs to look ahead to October 22nd when former SecState Clinton and the Republican controlled House special committee on Ben Ghazi and emails go at it in public. beatdeadhorse.gif . It was this newest hand-me-down Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

Six House committee readings and re-readings on Benghazi have found nothing so the emails will be a principal focus of the October 22nd free swinging political bout. The face-to-face public email brawl between HRC and US House Republican rightwingers will be very high profile, and the current inquiries will take some time to resolve, so people might want to sit tight until all the facts come in.

Between debates, bluster, emails and Republican six ring circuses there's some interesting television going on these daze. A lot of creative accusations and insinuations but no charges, no prosecutor, no grand jury.. There's a federal judge involved but how many Americans know the fact, principally because there's no trial either.

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It's baloney until it's not baloney.

I would not rule out at this point that there isn't something that can be nailed on Hillary Clinton that she won't be able to make go away.

There are good reasons to be very concerned about her candidacy now.

It's not over yet and maybe she can weather all this ... but don't be totally shocked if it becomes over.

By hook or by crook.

Oh please, how many scandals have been circling the Dems and the current administration for the last 7 years... Let us count the ways... coffee1.gif

Republicans have decided to proceed but to do it by hook or by crook which is their predictable M.O. that everyone expects. Republicans and the far right that controls the party have no issues to put before the electorate, which is also nothing new. So it's the usual by hook or by crook.

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Republicans and the far right that controls the party have no issues to put before the electorate,....

I think that's key to Republicans' dilemma. What new legislation have they proposed in past years? ....since Bush/Cheney/Powell pushed through their desire to start a war for the 2nd time in Iraq? They're playing catch-up. Dems and the general public put forth new ideas, and Reps busy themselves trying to shoot them down. Part of that strategy is dragging feet (when not dallying a foot to the next men's crapper stall).

Without any new policies to assist Americans in general, they're left with packing up and biting the ankles of people who are moving forward.

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It was this newest hand-me-down Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

It probably has something to do with Hillary refusing to produce her emails for years, because of the Benghazi cover-up.

The Republicans running for president plainly show all of us the clone Republican rightwingers that run and control the congress in the US House and in the US Senate, from Cruz to Hickabee to Trump and so on and so on. Different names and faces running the congress, same-o same-o crackpots as are running for president.

When the Department of Justice asked for the emails and things, the former SecState sent it all over to them, to include the professionals at the FBI. The FBI btw is not making a criminal investigation and his not investigating Mrs. Clinton or any person or persons. There are no charges, no indictments, no nuthin.

Voters recognized long ago there is no Benghazi coverup, that there is only a Benghazi abyss the Republicans in Washington have fallen in to. We can toss the emails in to it too.

Edited by Publicus
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It's baloney until it's not baloney.

I would not rule out at this point that there isn't something that can be nailed on Hillary Clinton that she won't be able to make go away.

There are good reasons to be very concerned about her candidacy now.

It's not over yet and maybe she can weather all this ... but don't be totally shocked if it becomes over.

By hook or by crook.

Oh please, how many scandals have been circling the Dems and the current administration for the last 7 years... Let us count the ways... coffee1.gif

Republicans have decided to proceed but to do it by hook or by crook which is their predictable M.O. that everyone expects. Republicans and the far right that controls the party have no issues to put before the electorate, which is also nothing new. So it's the usual by hook or by crook.

but that also applies to people like you who want to see her in the White House by hook or by crook? I mean how low should the bar be regarding the integrity and honesty of the person holding the office of president of the USA?

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By hook or by crook.

Oh please, how many scandals have been circling the Dems and the current administration for the last 7 years... Let us count the ways... coffee1.gif

Republicans have decided to proceed but to do it by hook or by crook which is their predictable M.O. that everyone expects. Republicans and the far right that controls the party have no issues to put before the electorate, which is also nothing new. So it's the usual by hook or by crook.

but that also applies to people like you who want to see her in the White House by hook or by crook? I mean how low should the bar be regarding the integrity and honesty of the person holding the office of president of the USA?

Republicans and the rightwingnuts led by the mass of the highly financed wingnut media have every interest in seeing Mrs Clinton out of the race. Everything so far comes from the rightwingnut mass of well funded media and their lieges.

The inspectors general are examining the classification systems and schemes of documents and the Justice Department is providing requested assistance, to include the FBI which is not examining or investigating any one person or persons. There are no criminal charges and there is no criminal anything.

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....I mean how low should the bar be regarding the integrity and honesty of the person holding the office of president of the USA?

HRC has complied with authorities. She even released her tax statements. Has The Donald released his tax statements? No. Probably the same for every other Rep candidate. The actions of someone who has dirty secrets, is to hide/obfuscate rail against justice etc. Rather like Nixon and Reagan did, respectively, when their actions were being investigated. HRC's actions are those of a person who has nothing damning to hide.

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Republicans have decided to proceed but to do it by hook or by crook which is their predictable M.O. that everyone expects. Republicans and the far right that controls the party have no issues to put before the electorate, which is also nothing new. So it's the usual by hook or by crook.

It's all they got, at least they are happy

With Trump making like Godzilla, trashing and smacking poor old Jeb around, the only thing the Republicans have is Banghazi Part II; the e mails. While I'm sure Republicans viscerally loathe Hilary yet as this thing is a Repub partisan thing, not a national thing.Its a lot of hot air signifying nothing. Unless the GOP can field a candidate that can get a crossover vote, Republicans will lose no matter if its Hillary, Hilary Swank or Jimmy Carter. They just don't have the votes. As the Trump Circus Maximus shows no signs of slowing down, all this bleating about e mails is nothing but pissing in the wind.

Pre season is here, enjoy

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....I mean how low should the bar be regarding the integrity and honesty of the person holding the office of president of the USA?

HRC has complied with authorities. She even released her tax statements. Has The Donald released his tax statements? No. Probably the same for every other Rep candidate. The actions of someone who has dirty secrets, is to hide/obfuscate rail against justice etc. Rather like Nixon and Reagan did, respectively, when their actions were being investigated. HRC's actions are those of a person who has nothing damning to hide.


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Confirmation the Republicans and their far right masters have no issues and they have no scandals. giggle.gif

There are issues, but perhaps some on the Democratic (and Republican establishment) side don't want to discuss them:

1) Illegal immigration

2)Unfair trade deals


4)PAC funding of campaigns and buying of government

5)Putting people to work in meaningful jobs

Gimme that clown bus, because I want to see the entire rotten structure in DC pulled to the ground.

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It was this newest hand-me-down Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

It probably has something to do with Hillary refusing to produce her emails for years, because of the Benghazi cover-up.

Excellent point there, UG

This ball of string has only just started to unravel biggrin.png

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When you don't have anything (and the Republicans got nothing) you're constantly grasping at straws. HRC said it like it is, this email nonsense is all about politics. We'll be hearing all about this for the next year because the Republicans don't have anything else to fight with.

Every single issue the Republicans stand for (ending Obamacare, prohibiting abortion, war and more war) is unpopular with the majority electorate. So...go after HRC for this email nonsense.

Donald Trump is pulling away as the front-runner for the GOP. clap2.gif He's an unelectable buffoon and the rest of them are as well. Stick to the plan...demonize Hillary.

The Republicans have shown themselves incapable of governing. Government is bad so simply don't govern. Work on changing the decided laws, they don't like making planned parenthood, social security and gay marriage the issue. This will appeal to the base and get the GOP nomination. Going far right isn't where the electorate is. Doesn't matter, go far right and get the nomination.

The lemmings are walking off a cliff. coffee1.gif

No. It is about her failure to do her job as Secretary of State and the subsequent cover-up, which she has admitted to. Including her infamous line, "what does it matter?" The email investigation and Benghazi cover-up have drug on so long because of Clinton's delays, not Congress dragging its' feet.

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It was this newest hand-me-down Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

It probably has something to do with Hillary refusing to produce her emails for years, because of the Benghazi cover-up.

Ah yes, the Republican party obsessive Benghazi fiction the right recites in its sleep.

The Republicans running for president give us a peek at the Republican rightwingers that run and control the congress in the US House and in the US Senate, from Cruz to Huckabee to Trump and so on. While Republicans running congress have different names and different faces, most of 'em are the same-o same-o clown bus collection of hell-bent teabaggers as the R's running for president.

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It was this newest hand-me-down Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

It probably has something to do with Hillary refusing to produce her emails for years, because of the Benghazi cover-up.

Ah yes, the Republican party obsessive Benghazi fiction the right recites in its sleep.

The Republicans running for president give us a peek at the Republican rightwingers that run and control the congress in the US House and in the US Senate, from Cruz to Huckabee to Trump and so on. While Republicans running congress have different names and different faces, most of 'em are the same-o same-o clown bus collection of hell-bent teabaggers as the R's running for president.

You keep bleating about Republicans this and GOP that... The majority of Americans with an IQ above room temperature no longer identify with either party due to the partisan bullshit they perpetuate, while doing nothing for those that elected them to office in the first place...

The SOP is well established whenever another Democratic scandal pops up in the media... Their reaction is to whip out Alinsky Rule #5, ridicule your opponent as it has no defense and never address the topic...

Who do you think leaked the email server news bite to the media in the first place? Clinton was thrown under the bus by the white house... HRC will not be the next POTUS...

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It was this newest hand-me-down Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

It probably has something to do with Hillary refusing to produce her emails for years, because of the Benghazi cover-up.

Ah yes, the Republican party obsessive Benghazi fiction the right recites in its sleep.

The Republicans running for president give us a peek at the Republican rightwingers that run and control the congress in the US House and in the US Senate, from Cruz to Huckabee to Trump and so on. While Republicans running congress have different names and different faces, most of 'em are the same-o same-o clown bus collection of hell-bent teabaggers as the R's running for president.

You keep bleating about Republicans this and GOP that... The majority of Americans with an IQ above room temperature no longer identify with either party due to the partisan bullshit they perpetuate, while doing nothing for those that elected them to office in the first place...

The SOP is well established whenever another Democratic scandal pops up in the media... Their reaction is to whip out Alinsky Rule #5, ridicule your opponent as it has no defense and never address the topic...

Who do you think leaked the email server news bite to the media in the first place? Clinton was thrown under the bus by the white house... HRC will not be the next POTUS...

You keep bleating about Republicans this and GOP that..

It's where the right gathers and hangs out to stick pins in dolls.

The SOP is well established whenever another Democratic scandal pops up in the media..

The only scandal is the Republican decision to prevail again in an election by hook or by crook.

Who do you think leaked the email server news bite to the media in the first place?

Good thing you had the answer ready already. laugh.png

Pointing the finger at each side implies a reasonable balance or even-handedness that is however not evident in the post. The United States has the two party system as it is. I am opposed to the right sector in politics and government. The further right the right goes, the more I oppose the right. I have that right.

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