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Detained Angolan rapper blames president for his hunger strike


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Detained Angolan rapper blames president for his hunger strike


The Angolan rapper and activist Luaty Beirao who has been on hunger strike since September 21 in protest at his arrest is said to be deteriorating and has been moved to a private clinic.

Beirao – who is an outspoken critic of the government – and 14 others were detained in June for allegedly plotting to oust President Jose Eduardo dos Santos.

Their arrests triggered international protests.

Beirao has written an open letter blaming the president for his ‘drastic decision’ to stage a hunger strike.

Beirao and his 14 colleagues have been held for more than the 90 day legal limit allowed without trial.

According to his wife the other 14 activists have been moved to the prison hospital without explanation.
If they are convicted they face up to 12 years in jail if convicted.

Last week in Lisbon and London there were protests calling for the release of all jailed political prisoners in Angola.

The detained activists have previously held demonstrations calling for President dos Santos to quit.
He’s been in power for 36 years.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-19

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white rapper is one of those plotting coup d'etait?!

Angola is a funny country...

I don't respect such a way of fighting as hunger strike. It's pure manipulation of public opinion: "look, I am starving. It's mean I am right!"

if he wants to die of starvation - government should give him this opportunity.

Edited by TimmyT
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While a president who has been in power for 36 years really needs to go, no one can be blamed for a person's decision to stop eating. To eat or not to eat, only the person who says "NO" makes that decision. This rapper can start eating again anytime he wants to. No one is stopping him from eating. coffee1.gif

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by the way, Luaty Beirao is an ancestor of Portuguese colonizers who killed and tortured millions of Africans, stole there land and natural resources, sold them as slaves all over the World, used them as dumb brute on fields.

Finally Portuguese sucked Angola dry and throw it away. Angola endured in disastrous civil war (orchestrated by colonial superpowers USA and USSR) were able to restore peace, rebuild economy, elect a president. Now Angola is one of the fastest growing country in Africa.

and he wants to topple a black president, elected by a majority of voters? the father of Angolan economic miracle?

does he have any shame at all?!

go back to Portugal, senior in pith helmet!

Edited by TimmyT
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