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Wanna Go Home?


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Sometimes the topics in this section make me homesick... not so often, but occasionally - is there anything that makes you homesick or calls to you - occasionally from home - that makes you feel like you are missing something? Even if momentarily ... or if a quick-fix visit would do the trick - what is it? :o

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Clothes shops with clothes to fit always make me miss home when I'm trying to find something nice (but cheap) to fit here. Also, chocolate and sweets that are uniquely new zealand (e.g. pineapple lumps, jaffas, moro bars ... most kiwis would agree with this, I think!).

More seriously, the think the thing that makes me miss home the most is when there is some sort of event onthat I am unable to attend ... e.g. a wedding or a milestone birthday party, etc. One of my best mates is about to have her second child any day soon which makes me wish I could be there, especially as I wasn't there for her first baby either. Also, if something goes wrong or if I'm feeling a bit down about something, I can't run away to my mum's house and have her make my favourite meal as I would be able to do if I was home. The only other thing is not having my immediate family around to enjoy my son as he grows up.

In saying that, all the good things about being here keep me staying year after year and I'm not about to rush home anytime soon. Just have to be contented with holidays, I guess!

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I am back with the parents right now, but I do know I have greatly missed milestones (as sylvafern mentions) and Christmas! My sister's son is still young enough to make Christmas a joy and I miss that family feeling.

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Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

Squirt: It is a grapefruit soda.

Grapefruit... not som-oh

Good pears

Good peaches

Dry air

Driving on the other side of the road

Having Thai waitresses look at me aghast when I speak to them in Thai

My grandmother's house of 40+ years -- My aunt borrowed and borrowed against it and lost it to the bank recently.

Heavy bread with nuts and raisins and the like

A good health food store

Wendy's frosty

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:D Now I know the reason I asked... I had no real idea when I posted this thread, just had a feeling of missing my family!

Mother dear sent me a message today that she had an accident mid-last week, tearing the ligaments in her foot and is on crutches :D ... with dear old dad mumbling & grumbling at her beck and call :o

Mother dear was sending me subliminals and I picked up on it... wish I was there to help her!!!!!

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:D Now I know the reason I asked... I had no real idea when I posted this thread, just had a feeling of missing my family!

Mother dear sent me a message today that she had an accident mid-last week, tearing the ligaments in her foot and is on crutches :D ... with dear old dad mumbling & grumbling at her beck and call :o

Mother dear was sending me subliminals and I picked up on it... wish I was there to help her!!!!!

khall, that is why I am home now.My mother is quite ill and my father is not well enough to care for her either. My sister owns her own small business and lives an hour drives north. She can get down but it isn't really enough to help mom like she needed. So, I used my frequent flyer miles and came home for the second time this year. Miss my husband, my cat and my dogs but I am glad I can help.

But, I have to say that life in the US is nice, its so comfortable (dishwasher! hot showers! dryer!) and it is so fun to go shopping and have such selection. (even tho I don't have much money for it :D) Bagels for breakfast, english muffins, yummy steaks :D. And it is good to be able to spend time with my parents (who are aging) and to be of help. Its nice to be appreciated for just being me and not feeling like I have to live up to an image or prove myself or watch what I say or do that might offend. (not talking about my husband here, just everyone else around me where I live in Thailand, small community life is just that, very small).

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it's all about food. i miss so much food from home. :o last night i dreamt of fresh gingerbread with cream cheese frosting. might have to take a trip home for christmas.

LOL I remember when pregnant in Thailand I used to wake up dreaming of potatoes...I virtually lived in Delaneys on Silom eating their leek and potato soup...

Yes, food, people, cold weather wearing a coat and boots, washing machines, significant events, not having mozzie bites, no sand in my bed were what I missed...Now we are tied to the UK I miss...street food, sunshine, beaches, going barefoot all the time.....ah the grass is always greener for me!

hope respective moms get well soon :D

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Well, I'm not Seonai, but I hope I will do as a stand-in until she arrives on the scene :D

I've been back less than 2 weeks, and have barely recovered from my jet lag, but I am already experiencing huge sensory overloads about being home. There are obvious things that I will miss about Thailand, both in the short term and long term (the former: cheap manicure and pedicures, and the price of overall girl services; clean public toliets, ready-made bidets).

But, I cannot even begin to express to you at this early point how great it feels for me to be home. I thought I would go crazy for the pizza and the chocolate (ok, I did go crazy with the chocolate the first week), but it goes way beyond the food; I just feel alive and happy again. Besides seeing my family and friends again, everything clicks. Admittedly, I am a New Yorker, and we are notoriously protective of our city, but, the City really is a great place. There's a genuine warmth and concern for others here, especially after 9/11. In a way, I am experiencing my city like an oldhand, and as a newbie. Here are my observations as a "newbie" (or i.e. as someone who's been away a long time):

I can blissfully shop for hours on end without anyone breathing down my neck or following me around and staring at me for no good reason.

People acutally go OUT OF THEIR WAY to hold the doors for others, and when they don't, actually APOLOGIZE :o

The diversity of people and beauty - black, white, short, tall, skinny, fat, chubby, thin, voloptuous, flat, curly, straight - is overwhelming.

I was dazed and confused on my third day on the subway due to jet lag, and this lady in the 125th street train station just got off of the line and went and showed me how to use the new metro card machine - without me saying or asking anything :D

I walk around in awe at all the interesting and intelligent voices I hear all around me in the City, every day.

And GUESS WHAT!!! I found clothing stores that would rival the prices of clothing I bought in LOS!!!

But one of the biggest differences I've noticed so far, is that there seems to be an inversion of hostile glances from men to friendly, interested, warm glances from men, who are actually attractive and interesting and men I want to meet who are not my grandfather's age!!!!

I've been too preoccupied with sleep and seeing family, shopping for a coat and opening a bank account to research this further, but I'll keep you fully informed from time to time.

Oh, and of course, once I'm fully set up, you ladies are more than welcome to come and check it out for yourselves :D

Impressions from the other side.

adios for now,


*edit: one other thing - my friends have all really grown and progressed in their professional lives. I have a lot of catching up to do.

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Reading Kat's latest from NY made me realise just how much I miss western fashion, good bookshops, excellent coffee, and conversation with friends about eclectic topics.

Reading Khall & SBK's posts reminded me that there are many of us out there with ageing or terminally ill parents in our home countries: I do hope yours are comfortable. It is always a dilemma: to stay & hope they are OK or to go back at considerable expense and help out for the duration.

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I miss quite a few things.. but that is not to say that I do not enjoy thailand.. But these are the things that I miss...

I miss Lent. Okay he might not like me imposing my catholic views of no meat on Fridays on him, but still there was fat Tuesday and the dreams of going to New Orleans just once to experience it. A bigger dream would be to go to Rio De Janeiro.

I miss Easter (and if you don’t realize lent has begun, it is very easy to miss when Easter arrives). All the Easter eggs in the grocery stores.. and the pink and purple Easter colors every where. Having someone drag you to the park to watch the little kids with their faces all painted hunting for easter eggs.

I miss Halloween, and seeing all the kids dressed up and excited about their costumes. Hearing the doorbell ring and seeing the little trick-or-treaters at your door step as they chime in unison “treat-or-treat” and seeing the shadowy figures of their parents in the background as they protectively follow their kids from house to house. Then there is all the left over candy you guiltily yet happily eat the rest of the week. In some cases when the guilt is to great you bring the rest to work, so that others can share in your sinful ways.

I miss Thanksgiving. The shopping for the perfect turkey, that will fit in your oven as you wonder how many people you will have over, and just how much left-over turkey you want for the turkey sandwiches and salads and pot pies. And when invited to a friends house for thanksgiving dinner, asking just “how they made their perfect stuffing” which was just fantastic.

I miss Christmas and the whole Christmas spirit. How during this one time of the year, even the grouchiest of the grouchiest people have their harden facial lines softened when they can’t help but mutter back a “Merry Christmas reply” to your joyful “it’s the most wonderful time of the year” Christmas smile and attitude. The Christmas music, the Christmas lights down town. That whole hustle and bustle of the season.

The little things that you are accustomed to, and never really appreciate them, until you realize that in other countries some things, are just not celebrated.

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Hey Khall: We're just on the same wavelength :o I also forgot to mention you as one of the people I will miss. You'll just have to come out here and visit. LOTS of Latin men :D

Reading Kat's latest from NY made me realise just how much I miss western fashion, good bookshops, excellent coffee, and conversation with friends about eclectic topics.

Reading Khall & SBK's posts reminded me that there are many of us out there with ageing or terminally ill parents in our home countries: I do hope yours are comfortable. It is always a dilemma: to stay & hope they are OK or to go back at considerable expense and help out for the duration.

You hit the nail right on the head, as usual, FB. One of the major reasons for my return is aging family, and relationships that I couldn't neglect any longer. I wanted to be back while they were still healthy, before everything changes.

I miss quite a few things.. but that is not to say that I do not enjoy thailand.. But these are the things that I miss...

I miss Lent. Okay he might not like me imposing my catholic views of no meat on Fridays on him, but still there was fat Tuesday and the dreams of going to New Orleans just once to experience it. A bigger dream would be to go to Rio De Janeiro.

I miss Easter (and if you don’t realize lent has begun, it is very easy to miss when Easter arrives). All the Easter eggs in the grocery stores.. and the pink and purple Easter colors every where. Having someone drag you to the park to watch the little kids with their faces all painted hunting for easter eggs.

I miss Halloween, and seeing all the kids dressed up and excited about their costumes. Hearing the doorbell ring and seeing the little trick-or-treaters at your door step as they chime in unison “treat-or-treat” and seeing the shadowy figures of their parents in the background as they protectively follow their kids from house to house. Then there is all the left over candy you guiltily yet happily eat the rest of the week. In some cases when the guilt is to great you bring the rest to work, so that others can share in your sinful ways.

I miss Thanksgiving. The shopping for the perfect turkey, that will fit in your oven as you wonder how many people you will have over, and just how much left-over turkey you want for the turkey sandwiches and salads and pot pies. And when invited to a friends house for thanksgiving dinner, asking just “how they made their perfect stuffing” which was just fantastic.

I miss Christmas and the whole Christmas spirit. How during this one time of the year, even the grouchiest of the grouchiest people have their harden facial lines softened when they can’t help but mutter back a “Merry Christmas reply” to your joyful “it’s the most wonderful time of the year” Christmas smile and attitude. The Christmas music, the Christmas lights down town. That whole hustle and bustle of the season.

The little things that you are accustomed to, and never really appreciate them, until you realize that in other countries some things, are just not celebrated.

Yes, yes, yes! Halloween!!!! ... Christmas ........ can't wait!

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Hey Kat, glad to hear you are enjoying your return to the Big Apple :D Try to keep in touch with the forum from time to time, we will miss you otherwise!

Halloween is my absolute favorite and I will be in the US for it, will miss Thanksgiving tho but it wouldn't be as much without my husband :o

Looks like snow in a couple of days tho. I CERTAINLY do not miss that!

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Thanks SBK. And I wish you and your family all the best, and to be as comfortable or strong as you need to be in a difficult situation.

Please PM me or email me if you need to talk about being back.

Good luck!

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a good and brave decision on your part to enjoy family and friends while they are still well and active. Enjoy your reports from NY. Makes me appreciate both worlds: the exciting cosmopolitan cities like London & NY, with their galleries, multi-cultural milieu, shops, people, AND the relatively quiet pace of life here in provincial Thailand.

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Sooooooooooo great to hear your impressions Kat... :D and so bizarre that I proposed to Seonai, who recently left LOS, to write a column in London - titled "The Other Side"... :o


"Last Active 2006-09-23 17:27:13"

She hasn't access (in her present location) to the net I believe.


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I also miss my family and friends. :D

I went back in April, my mom had to have laser surgery on her eye, she is already blind on one eye and the other is going too. She has to go back again but I can't be there, and she has other health problems too but others are helping my mom not her daughter who loves her.

I miss my brother.

I miss my friends.

I miss going to the theatre/museums/movies/galleries and I miss intellectual conversations.

Last place I lived in Canada was London Ontario and there is a place called Sebastian's where you eat the best gourmet food and deserts but served cafeteria style, informal and at a fraction of the price. classical music or jazz playing in the background. I miss Sebastian's. :o

I miss the Montreal Jazz Fastival.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I miss mostly higher speed ADSL, more reliable ADSL, cable modems and definitely 3G.

I miss not being able to buy some essential health foods like Quark, low fat cottage cheese, oatcakes, Mackerel in brine cans, favorite brands of protein powders.

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i miss christmas (not that im that religious) because i miss the get togethers with my family. i have a niece who i have never seen, and a GREAT NEPHEW (god how OLD am i) who i have never seen also.

i miss birthdays.

i miss my friends.

and i am missing them so much more that the moment as im going through a bit of a hard time with a relationship and i just want someone to hug!

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i miss christmas (not that im that religious) because i miss the get togethers with my family. i have a niece who i have never seen, and a GREAT NEPHEW (god how OLD am i) who i have never seen also.

i miss birthdays.

i miss my friends.

and i am missing them so much more that the moment as im going through a bit of a hard time with a relationship and i just want someone to hug!

I understand you,

not the same but here's the best I can offer right now,


Take care


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Sometimes the topics in this section make me homesick... not so often, but occasionally - is there anything that makes you homesick or calls to you - occasionally from home - that makes you feel like you are missing something? Even if momentarily ... or if a quick-fix visit would do the trick - what is it? :D

Homesick?? According to that other thread you are from Phuket, that is your home. :o

People acutally go OUT OF THEIR WAY to hold the doors for others, and when they don't, actually APOLOGIZE :D

In NYC???? Really???? I can't believe that one! :D

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New Yorkers are very polite. The idea that they aren't I think comes from their fast pace, which to people from slopwer paced places (i.e. anywhere else) seems abrupt.

I miss NYC abve all. I watch every TV show set there and the skyline always brings a pain of nostalgia. And NY Pizza! Cannollis! Bagels! The sound of a NY accent....

My parents as well as an aunt & uncle who were almost parents to me are also aging. My family is highly dysfunctional and then some (a good incentive to stay on the other side of the globe) so I can't say I want to be there but there is that gnawing guilt that maybe I should be...so I compromise by visiting more often...

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Sometimes the topics in this section make me homesick... not so often, but occasionally - is there anything that makes you homesick or calls to you - occasionally from home - that makes you feel like you are missing something? Even if momentarily ... or if a quick-fix visit would do the trick - what is it? :D

Homesick?? According to that other thread you are from Phuket, that is your home. :o


People acutally go OUT OF THEIR WAY to hold the doors for others, and when they don't, actually APOLOGIZE :D

In NYC???? Really???? I can't believe that one! :D

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Sometimes the topics in this section make me homesick... not so often, but occasionally - is there anything that makes you homesick or calls to you - occasionally from home - that makes you feel like you are missing something? Even if momentarily ... or if a quick-fix visit would do the trick - what is it? :D

Homesick?? According to that other thread you are from Phuket, that is your home. :o


So then when people ask you were you are from, you should tell them you are from wherever it is that your mom lives. :D

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