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Bangkok Gay Accomodations


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I am looking for a mid range place to stay in bangkok. I stayed at the babylon and the malaysia last year and am looking for somewhere different this year. Tartawan, la residence, pinnacle have all been suggested. I am looking for a younger crowd. I am 41 and don't feel part of the senior circuit yet.

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Trav, most of the touristy places have been "discovered" by the WHOLE tourist crowd, old and young. You might try out KSR- some of the gay guys 25-30 who speak English pretty well hang out there looking for the odd younger gay tourist in that area. Otherwise if you can speak some Thai you could look in the Thai-for-Thai scene.

And what's wrong with older guys? I enjoy their company and friendship so much.


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Well, there isn't a lot of age discrimination here on the gay scene compared to English-speaking countries- almost no places I know of that set upper age limits or anything like that.

Your only real option to avoid older tourists is to go to places mainly used only by Thais or other locals, which the older tourists wouldn't know enough Thai to go to and wouldn't have enough time to care about, as a lot of the guys there are not strictly into foreigners- and they don't need hotels so much, do they? So you'll just have to give up on the "young" hotel, unless you don't mind KSR and straight places- cheaper the better, as the older tourists will have enough money to spend on a nice place. Go to the non-English speaking discos, bars, etc., and you can be pretty sure the crowd will be young-ish (with the exception of you, I suppose... :o) Then you'll probably get the pick of the ones there who like foreigners, since 40 is still pretty "young" for a gay foreigner in Thailand- but don't be surprised if you don't get as much attention as you would in Soi 4, say, because a lot of the guys in these all-Thai places will be looking for *Thai* guys largely under *30*, or even under *25*. Isn't age discrimination nasty? :D :D


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Trav, most of the touristy places have been "discovered" by the WHOLE tourist crowd, old and young. You might try out KSR- some of the gay guys 25-30 who speak English pretty well hang out there looking for the odd younger gay tourist in that area. Otherwise if you can speak some Thai you could look in the Thai-for-Thai scene.

And what's wrong with older guys? I enjoy their company and friendship so much.


:o Yes, what's wrong with older guys :D I kinda like them too.

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Well, there isn't a lot of age discrimination here on the gay scene compared to English-speaking countries- almost no places I know of that set upper age limits or anything like that.

Your only real option to avoid older tourists is to go to places mainly used only by Thais or other locals, which the older tourists wouldn't know enough Thai to go to and wouldn't have enough time to care about, as a lot of the guys there are not strictly into foreigners- and they don't need hotels so much, do they? So you'll just have to give up on the "young" hotel, unless you don't mind KSR and straight places- cheaper the better, as the older tourists will have enough money to spend on a nice place. Go to the non-English speaking discos, bars, etc., and you can be pretty sure the crowd will be young-ish (with the exception of you, I suppose... :D) Then you'll probably get the pick of the ones there who like foreigners, since 40 is still pretty "young" for a gay foreigner in Thailand- but don't be surprised if you don't get as much attention as you would in Soi 4, say, because a lot of the guys in these all-Thai places will be looking for *Thai* guys largely under *30*, or even under *25*. Isn't age discrimination nasty? :D :D


I think the op was looking for accomodation recommendations not an opinion :o

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^That's ok- my opinion, like yours, is free of charge. :D :D

Yes but shouldnt one keep it to themselves especially as it is off topic? I'm sure the op didnt need a lecture. He wants to stay around young guys, that's his choice. he didnt ask whether it was ok with you if he did so :o

I've stayed at the tantawan and i thought it was nice. Not really a young crowd though. Now that's an opinion on topic :D

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ive always stayed at the oriental and the sukhothai. nobody old and ugly there, tho can u afford it? my ex liked those places tho sometimes, it gets a bit frou frou.

u want young guys stay at backpacker's hostels. lots of cute young travellers. mmmmm!

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btw, trav are u hot and cute yourself? cos before u expect to meet guys who are hot and cute..its only fair that u have to be one too.

if u go to bed supperclub u will meet lots of young guys, but do they want u there? age is nothing, bro. lots of older guy i meet are in much MUCH better shape than guys in their 20s. i sweat to gawd.

tit for tat, bro. if its ageism u want, its ageism youll get. in certain circles, im considered as old cos im an asian guy who's pushing 30!

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WOW Some of you people have gone insane. I mearly stated that I was looking for a mid-range place because I didn't want to spend a lot and that High class hotels are not my style. As far as the age issue goes I just prefer to be around "young" people my age or younger. Some of you like hairy men some like tall men some short etc.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

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WOW Some of you people have gone insane.

Yeah I was thinking that myself. Too many opinions off topic. You would think those who have thousands of posts would know by now to keep on topic especially as they always preach to others about going off.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

You have nothing to appologize for. You asked a simple question but got aload of BS for replies.

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ive always stayed at the oriental and the sukhothai. nobody old and ugly there

You get young, old fat, thin, tall, short, ugly, beautiful sane and insane staying everywhere, even at the Oriental. No need to make another ridiculous statement. :o

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I don't think you are sorry. Why don't you stick to the mudholes in Khao San and hang out with the ilk that you seem to belong to?

Wow, showing your claws?

Funny how older Asians are so sensitive when a foriegner seeks the company of younger guys. Seems to happen to asian guys as they hit 30 and their shelf life is expiring. Those who are single become all bitter and twisted. I wonder why?

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yes. and unlike many asian guys i know....i stick my tongue up ALL cheeks. dont know why many guys dont do that.

ermmm....how do i make this post relevant? lets see...right ive got one!

ok. i met him at khaosan rd, lots of young types there.

(i guess THAT will do)

//Mod edit - rather too explicit.

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My girlfriend's gay brother, Nong, owns a really cool, gay friendly hotel in Bangkok you might enjoy. I think you can do better than the prices listed on the website if you email them:


stay away from this place!!!! I had a party with my gf, had a camrea stolen a $500 camrea I had jsut bought from the USA, it was an employe of this hotel, and a few months back somone got killed by an electirc exstation cord out side aroudn the pool, man I toought they closed this place.;....DO NOT SAY THIS PLACE IS NOT SAVE. I have been in Thailand for 6 years never had any troulbe untell comming to this place, it reallly bad!!!! do not go!!!

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