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US to probe Russian funding of EU parties


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US to probe Russian funding of EU parties
Peter Foster

London: American intelligence agencies are to conduct a major investigation into how the Kremlin is infiltrating political parties in Europe.

James Clapper, the US head of national intelligence, has been instructed by Congress to conduct a major review of clandestine Russian funding of European parties over the past decade.

The review reflects mounting concerns in Washington over Moscow's determination to exploit European disunity to undermine NATO, block US missile defence programmes and revoke punitive economic sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/world/us-to-probe-russian-funding-of-eu-parties-20160117-gm7znz

-- Sydney Morning Herald 2016-01-18

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The US should maybe take care of their own lobbies and how they buy the presidency, before looking at how the Russia is infaltrating the Europe political parties..

They maybe also invest how the infiltration of CIA in middle east, South american and eastern europe created so many troubles worldwidecoffee1.gif

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It's well known Putin has for years been providing funds to rightwing political parties throughout the European Union. Putin for instance "loaned" a million to the fascist Marine Le Pen who nonetheless got beat back just months ago in France.

Putin and Russia are the Number One strategic adversary of the United States to include Nato which includes EU.

It is in fact long past time this occurred. Allied intelligence and national security agencies already had been monitoring these subversions. It looks as if a serious integrated allied response is in the making.

In dealing with the Chekist Putin,the more serious the better.

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The US should maybe take care of their own lobbies and how they buy the presidency, before looking at how the Russia is infaltrating the Europe political parties..

They maybe also invest how the infiltration of CIA in middle east, South american and eastern europe created so many troubles worldwidecoffee1.gif

Oh font of all knowledge, please do tell us what country you are from so we can all glow in your country's wisdom and perfection.

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It's well known Putin has for years been providing funds to rightwing political parties throughout the European Union. Putin for instance "loaned" a million to the fascist Marine Le Pen who nonetheless got beat back just months ago in France.

Putin and Russia are the Number One strategic adversary of the United States to include Nato which includes EU.

It is in fact long past time this occurred. Allied intelligence and national security agencies already had been monitoring these subversions. It looks as if a serious integrated allied response is in the making.

In dealing with the Chekist Putin,the more serious the better.

Of course US banks, multinationals, lobbyists and financiers would never try the same. No sir, as defenders of democracy and the rule of law, they never would wink.png

And what will the US do with the information following this probe? Quite frankly, it f/all to do with them. Unless they want to take their bat and ball and go home.

Wonder if they'll probe the Muslim infiltration of Britain's Labor Party?

Edited by Baerboxer
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It's well known Putin has for years been providing funds to rightwing political parties throughout the European Union. Putin for instance "loaned" a million to the fascist Marine Le Pen who nonetheless got beat back just months ago in France.

Putin and Russia are the Number One strategic adversary of the United States to include Nato which includes EU.

It is in fact long past time this occurred. Allied intelligence and national security agencies already had been monitoring these subversions. It looks as if a serious integrated allied response is in the making.

In dealing with the Chekist Putin,the more serious the better.

Of course US banks, multinationals, lobbyists and financiers would never try the same. No sir, as defenders of democracy and the rule of law, they never would wink.png

And what will the US do with the information following this probe? Quite frankly, it f/all to do with them. Unless they want to take their bat and ball and go home.

Wonder if they'll probe the Muslim infiltration of Britain's Labor Party?

I don't think he's saying they don't. Sure they do. Just that the US isn't the only nation that does this. And it has a lot to do with the US. We're now a global economy. What happens in one part of the world can have a severe impact on another. Impossible to take your bat and ball and go home. Impossible for any country to do this.

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The US should maybe take care of their own lobbies and how they buy the presidency, before looking at how the Russia is infaltrating the Europe political parties..

They maybe also invest how the infiltration of CIA in middle east, South american and eastern europe created so many troubles worldwidecoffee1.gif

Oh font of all knowledge, please do tell us what country you are from so we can all glow in your country's wisdom and perfection.

Bhutan, anything else?

I presume you are from USA...

It is funny to see that you can't now even compare the Russia and USA in term of hegemony... Please tell me I am wrong and USA is an isolationist country which never interfere in Foreign affairs and government, never appoint any government or support any insurrection in south america, africa, or middle east, please tell me i am wrong and there is no irony to see the US complain and investigate Russia actions in foreign countries

What a joke seriously....

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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The US should maybe take care of their own lobbies and how they buy the presidency, before looking at how the Russia is infaltrating the Europe political parties..

They maybe also invest how the infiltration of CIA in middle east, South american and eastern europe created so many troubles worldwidecoffee1.gif

Oh font of all knowledge, please do tell us what country you are from so we can all glow in your country's wisdom and perfection.

Bhutan, anything else?

I presume you are from USA...

It is funny to see that you can't now even compare the Russia and USA in term of hegemony... Please tell me I am wrong and USA is an isolationist country which never interfere in Foreign affairs and government, never appoint any government or support any insurrection in south america, africa, or middle east, please tell me i am wrong and there is no irony to see the US complain and investigate Russia actions in foreign countries

What a joke seriously....



Bhutan’s Human Rights Record Defies ‘Happiness’ Claim

Russia complains about the West all the time. Please tell me I'm wrong and Russia is an isolationist country which never....blah, blah, blah....

The US has many problems. They are not perfect with regards to foreign relations. But I'm not sure there's a country on earth who is perfect. Each country has it's own set of issues.

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It's well known Putin has for years been providing funds to rightwing political parties throughout the European Union. Putin for instance "loaned" a million to the fascist Marine Le Pen who nonetheless got beat back just months ago in France.

Putin and Russia are the Number One strategic adversary of the United States to include Nato which includes EU.

It is in fact long past time this occurred. Allied intelligence and national security agencies already had been monitoring these subversions. It looks as if a serious integrated allied response is in the making.

In dealing with the Chekist Putin,the more serious the better.

Of course US banks, multinationals, lobbyists and financiers would never try the same. No sir, as defenders of democracy and the rule of law, they never would wink.png

And what will the US do with the information following this probe? Quite frankly, it f/all to do with them. Unless they want to take their bat and ball and go home.

Wonder if they'll probe the Muslim infiltration of Britain's Labor Party?

Putin is a Chekist, he is irredentist and, among many other reactionary and surreptitous aspects, Putin is revanchist.

After Ashton Carter became SecDef (almost 12 months ago) the United States ended some 15 years of strategic ambiguity to identify Russia as the Number One country-threat to the USA. Until then the US foreign policy and defense communities had been uncertain, between CCP China or Putin's Russia, with Iran next in view. So now we are confident it is Russia behind Door Number One. Again. Czarist-CCCP Russia.

Putin fanboyz had already long recognised which country is Number One on Putin's list of enemies. From Putin's miserable days in the KGB to Putin's time since as a Chekist, it has always been the United States.

That Congress is at long last on the case too is a positive development of the first order because Nato and EU are combining to counter Putin's Chekist espionage. Which points out Putin has learned nothing during his squandered lifetime and that Putin's fanboyz have learned even less.

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The Russians are not chess masters for nothing. They (and the Brits for that matter) can run rings round those Washington dummies.

That's why Russia lost the Cold War.

John Kennedy was tougher than the klutzes in Moscow were when they had to turn around hands on the wall to get frisked. Their wall over there got knocked down btw.

Ronald Reagan sold 'em the store and a bill of goods to leave 'em broke. laugh.png The Polish pope prayed the Moscow Maulers straight into hell and with a decisive dispatch.

Those in the hundred year parade over there on that side do forever underestimate USA. The idiot Trump as POTUS would probably sell Putin a new icemaker.

I'd pointed out many times, Putin never played chess with anyone he couldn't put in jail. Or in a gulag. Or have shot right outside the Kremlin walls in Blood Red Square.

Russia to its detriment stopped learning from Europe 200 years ago and it is still in for another lesson or two from the United States. Got it coming they do. That's cause they don't know when to quit, how or why.

Edited by Publicus
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The Russians are not chess masters for nothing. They (and the Brits for that matter) can run rings round those Washington dummies.

Considering there's only one super power left in the world (militarily and economically), I'd say the Washington dummies have done pretty good! LOL

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The ebb and flow of economies and political unions...like a good soap opera...the Russians are the villains and the US is the jealous suitor...the EU the damsel in distress...

Who will write the screen-play to this international thriller?

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Perhaps before they do that, they should work closer to home and investigate foreign contributions to SuperPACs and 'foundations' such as the Clinton Foundation.

My Mom always said to clean up your own back yard before worrying about the neighbor's. dry.png

Edited by connda
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The Russians are not chess masters for nothing. They (and the Brits for that matter) can run rings round those Washington dummies.

Considering there's only one super power left in the world (militarily and economically), I'd say the Washington dummies have done pretty good! LOL

Russia might disagree. China certainly would.

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Nato is a formal treaty alliance without which the Chekist Putin would be Czar of Russia and Europe. His fanboyz wet dream. The United States will never allow it. Putin can't do it anyway.

The rise in European far-right parties is largely tied to Russian policies first developed during the Cold War. These policies, called "special war," attempt to conduct foreign policy through a combination of espionage and dark money rather than traditional warfare. Russia expert John Schindler explains that while the Soviet Union backed communist-leaning parties to influence politics, Russia is now financing far-right parties in an attempt to steer European politics.



Putin is anyway sending money to rightwing European political parties while the rubble ruble is tanking more each day, month, year.

Now it's begun in the CCP China too which is another one whose currency is speeding downhill.

Let no one doubt Nato long ago decided it had had it with Putin. The fanboyz who'd predicted a grouping of Germany-Russia-China against the United States are still trying to recover from that laffer from 'em.

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Bunch of bloody ingrates…without the russkies, the nazis would have had pretty much free reign.

Anyway if the usa interferes in another countries politics it is 'in the national interest'

If the russkies do it, they are scum.

Ridiculous….fact is, all countries do this (in varying degrees)….but they try not to get caught.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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Considering there's only one super power left in the world (militarily and economically), I'd say the Washington dummies have done pretty good! LOL

Russia might disagree. China certainly would.

Agreed. But they're not.


Presently, only the United States fulfills the criteria to be considered a superpower.%5B1%5D


However, when looking at the world from the first perspective, there is only one country that can impose its will – the global superpower, the US – and five other powerful nations: Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China. The first four nations view China a competitive force, despite growing relations and cooperation with them, while they view Russia as a hostile power.

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It's well known Putin has for years been providing funds to rightwing political parties throughout the European Union. Putin for instance "loaned" a million to the fascist Marine Le Pen who nonetheless got beat back just months ago in France.

Putin and Russia are the Number One strategic adversary of the United States to include Nato which includes EU.

It is in fact long past time this occurred. Allied intelligence and national security agencies already had been monitoring these subversions. It looks as if a serious integrated allied response is in the making.

In dealing with the Chekist Putin,the more serious the better.

Please do not confuse NATO with EU : Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden are EU countries but not NATO countries

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Bhutan, anything else?

I presume you are from USA...

It is funny to see that you can't now even compare the Russia and USA in term of hegemony... Please tell me I am wrong and USA is an isolationist country which never interfere in Foreign affairs and government, never appoint any government or support any insurrection in south america, africa, or middle east, please tell me i am wrong and there is no irony to see the US complain and investigate Russia actions in foreign countries

What a joke seriously....



Bhutan’s Human Rights Record Defies ‘Happiness’ Claim

Russia complains about the West all the time. Please tell me I'm wrong and Russia is an isolationist country which never....blah, blah, blah....

The US has many problems. They are not perfect with regards to foreign relations. But I'm not sure there's a country on earth who is perfect. Each country has it's own set of issues.


Did I say only USA had bad habits,

I just notice that USA make those habits look like it is perfectly normal to speak about it and nearly say " take care, we will have serious look at your fundings..."

Then what? Adjustment to the political parties who take funds from Russia?

Every country spy at other countries, no big news here.....

Just think of another news :

Europe will probe US funding in Russia and middle east countries.

Venezuela will probe US states political parties fundings...

Worse : Russia will probe EU funding in political parties in USA

I am quite sure if the words USA and Russia were switched, the USA would be irked at this news and would call it a nose picking...

But as it is good old USA who stick its nose in every other country, it is ok...

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Putin is a leftover has been Chekist from the CCCP dayze that itself succeeded a long line of Czars.

Russia has a long history of losing so you'd think they'd have learned something by now if not before present times and circumstances. Nope. Not a chance.

So now comes Putin to close the circle. He's gone from KGB funding communist parties in Nato countries during the Cold War to his dellusionary new Russia funding far right and other fascist parties in Nato countries in the present.

Putin took himself so far over to the left he's now gone around full circle and is coming back at us again this time from the far right.

Russia can only envy Europe for its standard of living and its quality of life among many other vital factors. Nato was formed in 1949 to prevent Soviet Russian tanks rolling across the plains of Europe. The world has turned over many times since then. But the Russian threat still does not change nor does it stop. So it must be stopped. Again.

Edited by Publicus
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