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Jeremy Corbyn labels conditions at France's refugee camps 'a disgrace'


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When Corbyn was made Labour leader, I said "great, an actual old-style principled Labour man at last". However, he seems to have forgotten that putting the UK first is part of the job.

It would appear that some have little or no idea what 'old-style principled Labour man' actually means other than some strange concoction in their minds.

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Be fair. France was only ever run efficiently once - between 1940-1945.

Now, they daren't do anything to upset Merkel and the EU bureaucrats, like enforcing the law and protecting their country and citizens.

This is hilarious.

Maybe hilarious to old school supporters of Le Pen the father, pining for the past.

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As a rule, I don't usually circulate these "please add your name to show
support" appeals that appear in emails, BUT this one is very important.

It has been circulating for months and has been sent to over 20 million

Please keep it going!

To show your support for Jeremy Corbyn, just go to the end of the list and
add your name.

1. Mrs. Corbyn.

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Well surely it is France's mess to clean up. Or the states they pass through to reach France.

I like Corbyn. But there's plenty inside the UK he should be tending to first up

That's the nature of the Bleeding heart Liberals,they hate their own people! and given half a chance would give our Country away to the Economic Migrants,at the expence of our own people!

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