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Taxi driver suspended from operating at Suvarnabhumi airport for overcharging passengers


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That is quite a severe punishment for a 100 Baht overcharge considering that the taxi driver may have legitimate reasons for charging the extra 100 Baht

But he doesn't have a legitimate reason - he's already agreed to the terms of providing a taxi at the airport.

So, whether he believes he is justified or not he has attempted to over charge.

Next we'll have taxi's over charging because they are cleaner or have rear seat belts.

Its a simple 50 baht airport surcharge for taxi's, thats it... Plus whatever meter and toll way charges. Any deviation from this is overcharging.

Props to the passengers who refused to use the taxi when he relented.

Unless the AOT staff skim him for 100 baht to be allowed to operate......

That is always on the cards.

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if you guys care to notice something whenever the perps get punished the victims are more often than not fellow thais themselves. The woman air stewardess for example that was overcharged and got the taxi guy arrested. That woman who videoed the thai taxi driver charging at her angrily while being restrained by the hotel bell boys is also a thai. I cannot recall anymore incidents off hand but i am sure a search by any of you will show that whenever the victims are thais hey somehow the perps are brought to justice quicker and suffer stiffer punishment.

It's a wonder that thai crooks have not learnt their lesson by now, Try to rip off non thais. The chances of them getting away is easier. I suppose the economy must be really bad for a taxi driver to rip off 4 thai passengers that openly charging them 3x the taxi queue fare of 50bht.

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Same same but different. A cabbie from Don Meuang to the Four Wings hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 26 had a Swiss/Thai couple. On arriving the cabbie asked for B900, the (Thai) Missus ceiled B500. Without the hotel staff the situation would have turned ugly, bloody and out-of-control.

Look, the AOT does purposely not WANT to do anything about it; yet another government institution overdue for a very, very deep spring cleaning. Enclosed video in Thai, but you'll get the (body) language

actually why would the thai woman agree to a 500bht fare?

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From the airport in Bkk,, I've never had many problems, well if you don't count them trying to chat me up. I know it sounds ridiculous - an old girl like me - but I assure you they do. By this time of course I'm fed up and tired, so they get short shrift. The only time I had a problem was....I was going to Sathon and the driver didn't know the way. He had to stop for directions and was livid with me because I didn't have a telephone. Thank God I didn't understand a word.

Coming from the railway station, they aren't happy that I just want to go to Khao San Rd. Less than 100 baht.

As for CM, I usually take a tuk tuk for 200 at 5.30 in the morning, taxis want more.

Last November when I arrived they had moved the taxi rank from the International exit to the other end of the terminal. I gave my destination and was told 160 baht. I gaped but said nothing.

For those complaining about the politeness of CM taxi drivers, I have only ever had charming ones and always speaking very good English (strange).

For Cardinal Blue

I have never paid either 400 or 350 for the airport.

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Seems a strange story as we all know about the drivers screaming "you pay 500!", not starting meter, and all manner of abusive behaiviour and outrageous rudeness.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I dont know that type of driver but am not in bkk and if he exists I'll just get out and he can pizzzz ovvvv. Edited by Mook23
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they usually take the slip as its handed over, or ask for it while in the vehicle.

always keep your slip. without the paper your in danger and have no evidence you even took the ride.

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