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Tips On Finding A Thai Wife


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since you asked for advice.....will try to give one.....

others have mentioned online dating sites...

you mentioned you know some people here, have lived/are living here. in that situation, better to just take time and make some friends first. if you live in thailand, then socialising with one or 2 people casually and meeting their friends further down the line would be one way to go about it

the other way might be if you took up some language class? Not thai or english...since u wont need english and u wont find thai girls in thai classes (unless it happens to be the teacher...but thats a long shot)

classes like french/spanish/german ...even chinese might be some options? lots of thais are doing these, and they might be a mix of quite young uni students but also older women in their career.


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my word, you are for real..

as someone said earlier.. try an online dating site, and no, this forum is not one.

I am sure the guys in the "general section" can give you plenty of referrals.

Absolutely LaReina, this forum is not a dating site. Try visiting the sponsor instead. :o

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