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Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State


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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Isn't the Clinton Foundation a charity NGO and helping the those in needs? Why the anger for doing good? Just curious. 

Supposed to be but it's a Racketeering Enterprise:






And Crooked Hillary is going to be indicted by all accounts:


Over the weekend, a writer for the liberal Huffington Post reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) will pursue a criminal indictment against Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.



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ABC nails Hillary for pay-to-play with crown prince of Bahrain



ABC News reported Tuesday that the crown prince of Bahrain was unable to secure an audience with Secretary Clinton until a Clinton Foundation executive intervened on his behalf, telling senior aide Huma Abedin that the prince was “a good friend of ours.”

Within 48 hours the prince got his meeting, ABC News chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross reported.

Bahrain had given the foundation between $50,000 and $100,000




Edited by Boon Mee
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4 hours ago, Graemej100 said:

I must confess I'm a bit naive in this 'foundation' thing - not being American - and I suspect a heck of a lot of others are also. Clear this up for me - anyone - because I am confused.

Is the assertion that, for favour given, people, companies etc. gave the Clinton Foundation donations for that favour and that is not the 'right' thing for a S of S to do or accept?

The Clinton Foundation is a registered 501(c)3, charitable foundation.   That designation is given by the IRS.   To be registered as a charity and receive that tax status, there are relatively tight rules about how much money it must distribute and the types of charitable works in which it can be involved.   Those donating money, whether they are corporations or individuals, can deduct the amount from their taxes.  


The Clinton Foundation is involved in a large number of projects world wide, including, Health, Agricultural projects, Women's issues, Children's programs and many more.  Some of the more famous foundations include the Rockefeller foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


In the case of Hillary Clinton, whatever she does is wrong.   The fact that she is involved in a charity that distributes millions of $ to worthwhile causes is apparently wrong.   Of course if she helped in no way, that would be wrong as well.   



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12 minutes ago, Credo said:

The Clinton Foundation is a registered 501(c)3, charitable foundation.   That designation is given by the IRS.   To be registered as a charity and receive that tax status, there are relatively tight rules about how much money it must distribute and the types of charitable works in which it can be involved.   Those donating money, whether they are corporations or individuals, can deduct the amount from their taxes.  


The Clinton Foundation is involved in a large number of projects world wide, including, Health, Agricultural projects, Women's issues, Children's programs and many more.  Some of the more famous foundations include the Rockefeller foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


In the case of Hillary Clinton, whatever she does is wrong.   The fact that she is involved in a charity that distributes millions of $ to worthwhile causes is apparently wrong.   Of course if she helped in no way, that would be wrong as well.   




Every politician will accept a meeting with their campaign donors in before anyone else. I bet if you looked at her calenders of every member of congress and president going back 50 years, you find it full of meeting with donors, not to a charitable foundation,  but their own campaigns.  


What is missing from these article is exactly what law or state dept regulation was violated and to give some perspective,  what the daily calenders of other politicians show in the number of meetings with donors. 


Little chance that will happen. The "never Hillarys "  get to run with this for awhile. Have at it.


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5 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

If they are doing nothing wrong why would they change anything. Blatant hypocrisy.


The only reason they will change anything is that they've been exposed.


It's a sad day for the US and the ROW when someone with such dubious ethics, proven liar, and poor judgement is nominated for the country's highest office. 


It seems honesty, integrity and not breaking laws are no longer considered essential qualities for public office. Just be PC, pretend to be liberal left wing pro minority anti establishment and your in. Once in you can do as you like and simply lie if challenged. 

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Hillary gets out of tax by giving to her own foundation. She's like many others though. The rich of American, Democrats, Republicans, or others, all avoid tax and use the poor. For real change in America for your children (if your not rich) is probably to have a new civil war. History as told by those in power is a lie. History is a story of abuse the powerful. For change, get rid of the wealthy and powerful oppressors by any means necessary or teach your children to say Yeees, Maaasa!

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When someone shows me how she banked donations from the Clinton Foundation, I'll take this rubbish seriously.

Meanwhile, it's more likely that as Sec of State she encouraged the bods she met to donate to the Clinton Foundation.


Whoop dee doo, she was going to meet them anyway.

The CP of Bahrain is #2 in the country of one of America's allies,  so there is really nothing that surprising about him using a personal contact to get a last minute appointment time.

Just the usual GOP overexcited fairy tales.

I mean seriously:




In each case, according to emails released Monday from Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, the requests were directed to Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and confidante, Huma Abedin, who engaged with other top aides and sometimes Clinton herself about how to respond.



Why is it so surprising the a state leader of an ally  has contact with her staff?

I bet any previous Sec of State had staff and contacts like this for their friends - I'd think they were remiss if they didn't.


Just a whole lot of pathetic hollerin' over nothing.


The whole Republican campaign seems to be "whinge whinge whinge about anything, but we haven't got anything of our own to offer".




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For any other politician and officer of the state, this exposure would end their career and likely result in jail time.  Not so for Hillary, cause as everyone has been conditioned to believe, it is just another Right Wing Nut conspiracy, nothing to see here folks, move along please.


Obama administration has done irreparable damage to the value of the Rule of Law and Justice System by protecting their political cronies at the expense of US citizens losing confidence in the system. 

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

When someone shows me how she banked donations from the Clinton Foundation, I'll take this rubbish seriously.

Meanwhile, it's more likely that as Sec of State she encouraged the bods she met to donate to the Clinton Foundation.


Whoop dee doo, she was going to meet them anyway.

The CP of Bahrain is #2 in the country of one of America's allies,  so there is really nothing that surprising about him using a personal contact to get a last minute appointment time.

Just the usual GOP overexcited fairy tales.

I mean seriously:



Why is it so surprising the a state leader of an ally  has contact with her staff?

I bet any previous Sec of State had staff and contacts like this for their friends - I'd think they were remiss if they didn't.


Just a whole lot of pathetic hollerin' over nothing.


The whole Republican campaign seems to be "whinge whinge whinge about anything, but we haven't got anything of our own to offer".



The Clinton's claimed they we're "dead broke" when they left the WH. 

They now have a net worth approaching 200Million USD 

Where do you think that money came from? 

And do you think the generous Prince didn't get anything in return for a 32million dollar donation? 


The "Clinton Cash" documentary on YouTube explains it in great detail. 


I highly recommend it, especially to those in denial... 

Edited by ThaiByNight
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It seems that some of the Clinton apologists just don't get it.  It is NOT whether she broke the law or broke rules, it is about the matter of ethics. Most people in government get that. Most people on TV are always complaining about the corrupt Thai police accepting favors for this or that.  It's the same in this case except it is not some low level bureaucrat doing a favor in exchange for basketball tickets.  It is the Sec of State and this goes way beyond meeting with donors to a campaign fund.  The list of foreign governments and entities that have given money to the Clinton Foundation is to say the least disconcerting. The people involved, the deals made, the countries Bill Clinton went to to speak just don't seem to be what an ethical couple would do.  I won't belabor the subject but the Clintons are the best example of what we don't need in government that I can think of at the moment.  

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39 minutes ago, Trouble said:

It seems that some of the Clinton apologists just don't get it.  It is NOT whether she broke the law or broke rules, it is about the matter of ethics. Most people in government get that. Most people on TV are always complaining about the corrupt Thai police accepting favors for this or that.  It's the same in this case except it is not some low level bureaucrat doing a favor in exchange for basketball tickets.  It is the Sec of State and this goes way beyond meeting with donors to a campaign fund.  The list of foreign governments and entities that have given money to the Clinton Foundation is to say the least disconcerting. The people involved, the deals made, the countries Bill Clinton went to to speak just don't seem to be what an ethical couple would do.  I won't belabor the subject but the Clintons are the best example of what we don't need in government that I can think of at the moment.  


Rubbish, every politician has probably returned favours in for money; just in the form of campaign contributions.


The Republicans do it all the time with the Kochs, the NRA, the Health insurers. I'm willing to bet you call that "ethical".

At least in this case she did something useful with other people's money.


Just our usual Republican double standards: do as I say, not as I do.




It's the usual GOP/Fox hot air designed to get another stupid sound bite, this time "pay for play".





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3 hours ago, Chicog said:


Rubbish, every politician has probably returned favours in for money; just in the form of campaign contributions.


The Republicans do it all the time with the Kochs, the NRA, the Health insurers. I'm willing to bet you call that "ethical".

At least in this case she did something useful with other people's money.


Just our usual Republican double standards: do as I say, not as I do.




It's the usual GOP/Fox hot air designed to get another stupid sound bite, this time "pay for play".





Nothing to do with Fox. 

The AP filed a FOIA which they had to wait 3 years for the Foundation yto release the info. 

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10 hours ago, ThaiByNight said:


The Clinton's claimed they we're "dead broke" when they left the WH. 

They now have a net worth approaching 200Million USD 

Where do you think that money came from? 

And do you think the generous Prince didn't get anything in return for a 32million dollar donation? 


The "Clinton Cash" documentary on YouTube explains it in great detail. 


I highly recommend it, especially to those in denial... 


8 hours ago, adhd said:



active corruption


should never be allowed to even be a candidate

You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink.


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Well, here we are with another smoking gun:



Information on Clinton server too sensitive even for Congress


Of the 725 pages, more than 250 pages were 100 percent redacted, many with “PAGE DENIED” stamped in bold.

Judicial Watch said the new cache includes previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Abedin “provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state.”



Seems like with every passing day we see more evidence of wrong doing...:facepalm:

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:



Seems like with every passing day we see more evidence of wrong doing...:facepalm:


You need to explain how a meeting between someone that is funding a major effort to, say get medications to babies with AIDs in Africa, and the US Secretary of State is evidence of "wrongdoing". You keep making this sound like Hillary benefited by the donations to the foundation when this is totally false. 




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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, here we are with another smoking gun:



Information on Clinton server too sensitive even for Congress


Of the 725 pages, more than 250 pages were 100 percent redacted, many with “PAGE DENIED” stamped in bold.

Judicial Watch said the new cache includes previously unreleased email exchanges in which former Abedin “provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state.”



Seems like with every passing day we see more evidence of wrong doing...:facepalm:


Is not a 'smoking gun' observable? How can you see any 'smoking gun' when all of those pages are redacted? You are not making any sense.


I suspect that the only smoke here is emanating from this device:



Seems to be a trend these days with this poster.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

I would take Judicial Watch seriously if they just admitted that they exist for one reason: To smear the Left.

They're simply a privately funded version of the Gowdy kangaroo court.



And you take CNN et. al as Gospel, right?  :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

And you take CNN et. al as Gospel, right?  :thumbsup:


What does CNN have to do with a privately funded smear group?

For example, I would have liked to have seen Judicial Watch expose Dennis Hastert, the former Republican speaker and paedophile who tried to pay off his victims. Or even Mark Folery, the other Republican pervert that he protected.

Now *that* would have been worth investigating, don't you think?




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4 hours ago, Chicog said:


What does CNN have to do with a privately funded smear group?

For example, I would have liked to have seen Judicial Watch expose Dennis Hastert, the former Republican speaker and paedophile who tried to pay off his victims. Or even Mark Folery, the other Republican pervert that he protected.

Now *that* would have been worth investigating, don't you think?





You're that fool who'd poo poo'd my telling you msm was bought right? *Duh*

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9 hours ago, thaihome said:


You need to explain how a meeting between someone that is funding a major effort to, say get medications to babies with AIDs in Africa, and the US Secretary of State is evidence of "wrongdoing". You keep making this sound like Hillary benefited by the donations to the foundation when this is totally false. 





  Of course she benefited.  The entire purpose of the Clinton Foundation is to launder money to support the Clintons' lifestyle.  Charities are permitted operating expenses and many pay out less than 50% in donations received because of high admin expenses.  No doubt the Clinton Foundation funds offices, travel, accomodations, publicity, etc. for the entire Clinton family and salaries for loyal cronies.  It's not illegal to do that but saying she didn't benefit from these donations is absurdly naive.

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