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Ministry of Public Health heeds WHO's warning about antimicrobial resistance


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Ministry of Public Health heeds WHO's warning about antimicrobial resistance


BANGKOK, 21 November 2016 2016 (NNT) - The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the world will enter the age in which people will die of bacterial infections if the problem of antimicrobial resistance is not addressed. 

Minister of Public Health M.D. Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn said WHO launched the World Antibiotic Week in November of every year to raise awareness of antimicrobial resistance and campaign for prudent use antibiotics. This year, the World Antibiotic Week is observed on 14-20 November. The minister said that the campaign also sought to promote effective control of infections and prevention of antimicrobial resistance in a hospital. 

The minister said antimicrobial resistance was now a global public health concern. There is a prediction that 10 million people worldwide will die of antimicrobial resistance by the year 2050. 4.7 million of them will be in Asia. 

M.D. Piyasakol therefore suggested that antibiotics should be taken only when necessary and patients should complete their prescribed antibiotic courses. They should not stop taking the medicines by themselves and should not take too strong antibiotics.

-- nnt 2016-11-21
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the scary thing is :  you can take care of yourself, your family, but you might still get infected by a sick person that carries & spreads the super bug...


Thailand is not really known for people covering their mouth when they sneeze or cough ....



so sad to use antibiotics for everything and nothing, while you can get natural antibiotics like garlic in many dishes

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