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Attacked On The Street By Farang


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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

Depends how u look at it.........

Wrong to do it? I guess so, afterall it is wrong to try to cause physical damage to another.

However I would say it was justified. He did throw the first punch and for no good reason.

You could say it was self defence, if you hadn't hit him back perhaps in his drunken state he could have really tried to let you have it, he could have lost control and done something real nasty, who knows but your punch ended the situation that he started.

I wouldn't beat yourself up over it.......... sounds like he deserved it

excuse the pun

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I think the deciding factor here is 'Did you spill your beer?'.

LOL, so funny you should mention that because I left out a detail. After I nailed him with a blow, I took what was left of my bottle of beer (bottom inch dregs), and heaved it squarely (liquid only) into his eyes, face, nose and mouth. It was quite a sight. Then I walked away

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

You did this while he was seated? he wasn't seated was he? how can you hit someone who is seated? hahaha :o

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From the sound of this guy he probably wont be remember it the next day. So i wouldn't worry, if you're feeling really cheeky go over to his place and innocently ask "Where did you get that black eye", see if i does remember :o

This guy is the kind of a drinker that gets drunk right up to the point where he would not remember what happened. At least I think he stops short of that point but I could be wrong.

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

You did this while he was seated? he wasn't seated was he? how can you hit someone who is seated? hahaha :o

Good pickup on your part and good question. Let me ask you this, if you are standing talking to someone who has been your friend in the past and he kicks you in the balls from a seated position, how do you respond? Do you request that he stand? Do you wait for him to get up? Do you pop the guy while he is seated?

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

You did this while he was seated? he wasn't seated was he? how can you hit someone who is seated? hahaha :o

Good pickup on your part and good question. Let me ask you this, if you are standing talking to someone who has been your friend in the past and he kicks you in the balls from a seated position, how do you respond? Do you request that he stand? Do you wait for him to get up? Do you pop the guy while he is seated?

if you were standing and he was seated, and he kicked you in the balls, it means he either has very long legs and is a karate expert (I doubt it), or you are a very short man (unlikely), or you have testes that dangle 50cm from your groin.

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Well I do not understand that you are even thinking you did wrong.Sometimes the wrong people come over,and they just need to remembered sometimes in a hard way.You should have kicked him another time for mistreaten you ans disrespect you,cause you know what you did wrong or good,nothing else,so don't worrie about it.normally a intelligent person just avoids it,the next time be more aware of this kind of personalities and just look away.hope you got some adrenaline out from this,at least you woke up.

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were the words Chang and 7/11 involved in the scenario?


Wouldnt it be interesting to hear the 'other' side of the story!!!!

This type of drunken behaviour by BOTH parties is what creates problems for you both short term and long term.

Particularly not recommended if you have been doing 30 day visa runs for the past 15 yrs and do not plan on conforming to the rules.

My guess is the OP probably wont be around in Thailand for too long :D:D:o:D

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

You did this while he was seated? he wasn't seated was he? how can you hit someone who is seated? hahaha :o

Good pickup on your part and good question. Let me ask you this, if you are standing talking to someone who has been your friend in the past and he kicks you in the balls from a seated position, how do you respond? Do you request that he stand? Do you wait for him to get up? Do you pop the guy while he is seated?

if you were standing and he was seated, and he kicked you in the balls, it means he either has very long legs and is a karate expert (I doubt it), or you are a very short man (unlikely), or you have testes that dangle 50cm from your groin.

He was seated on a chair a step high off the sidewalk. raised position. Oh and thanks to everyone supporting me on this headache scenario. Some really good posts

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I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

You did this while he was seated? he wasn't seated was he? how can you hit someone who is seated? hahaha :o

Good pickup on your part and good question. Let me ask you this, if you are standing talking to someone who has been your friend in the past and he kicks you in the balls from a seated position, how do you respond? Do you request that he stand? Do you wait for him to get up? Do you pop the guy while he is seated?

This all seems a bit strange to me, you had a row with someone, a few blows were exchanged, just leave it at that, I don't know why you are making a song and dance about it. Next time you see the guy in the street just avoid him.........thats if he exsisted in the first place!! haha

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