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  1. Just to update, I flew back from Samui this morning. Was in CW at 9am and out by 9.40am with a 12 month extension in hand. Very easy process all the way through thanks to some helpful advice on this thread (and also by PM). I can confirm I did not receive a home visit. Now to fly back to Samui and finish my holiday.
  2. Not sure if that is a serious question or not. I guess not.
  3. Honestly this is really interesting for people who don't understand the unbelievable capacity these batteries have and how little impact things like AC have on them in the overall scheme of things. It is hard to compute for most people. Luckily most people refrain from making silly blanket statements....
  4. As an update, I am now in Samui. I came on the 16th and am here till the 26th with my immigration appointment at CW on the 23rd (under consideration, report back on 23rd). I didn't get any home visit before I left and my wife's niece is staying in our house while we're away and there has been no visit, so I guess there won't be one as my appointment is on Tuesday. I did check with my friend who has a contact at CW and they said there is an investigation team and they usually do home visits. Whether my documents and history (28 years in Thailand and always squeaky clean but usually on non B extensions based on employment, this is my first non O extension application) means they don't need a home visit, who knows.....unless there is one planned for Monday. Anyway, I am leaving my family here to enjoy the holiday, flying back on 23rd morning to meet my appointment at CW then flying back here in the evening. Question: I forgot to pack long trousers. Is this an issue? I will wear smart shorts, trainers, and a polo shirt. I have searched but get mixed information. Does anyone know? I still have time to go and buy a pair of jeans or trousers if need be.
  5. I know you are just reporting what you find and so I'm not shooting the messenger. There are no middle eastern airlines in there at all. Emirates posted a record $4.7 billion profit last year, so pretty sure their margins must be decent. Other ME airlines too.
  6. Of course it can. But that enormous set of curved buildings is slightly different to a flat bench in a park in a shaded area. No?
  7. Nah, you'll find that most of the bashers rarely fly at all. People that do will know they are not that bad. I did have a period of about ten years or more not using them at all then I went back and I can say they are much improved. I've said it many times on here before, but I travel fairly frequently and Thai are my choice for regional travel and I would say they are one of the best regional airlines. Usually fairly modern planes (with the odd clunker on certain lower priority routes), perfectly acceptable food and decent service - nothing to complain about at all. Their ground services are also decent, check-in is always well manned at Suvarnabhumi. For long haul, no, definitely not as their IFE is poor and they are not a patch on the Middle Eastern carriers. If flying business class long haul then it is a double no. When I worked for a Thai public company many years ago the CEO always flew Thai business. I had to do a trip to the UK with him and I persuaded him to come with me on Emirates. He was astonished, he couldn't believe the difference - and that started in the lounge and the chauffeur service - his eyes were opened. Having said that I still see him on Facebook flying everywhere on Thai. Anyway, the bashers can bash, regionally they are one of the best.
  8. You had your post deleted in a different thread where you fantasied I ran a factory in the UK. I don't. I never have. Now you're fantasising again. I'll say it once again, I left the UK when I was 21, I have worked here ever since for various companies (including two of my own), I have never had a factory in the UK or anywhere else as you claimed in another thread before it got deleted. I have never claimed I run a multi million dollar empire as I don't. I haven't claimed I am 28 years old as I am actually 50. You are deluded and I honestly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about at all. If you are deliberately trolling then please stop as it is tiresome you continually repeating this nonsense across multiple threads. You need to stop this fantasy and I don't why know I am taking the time to respond as it is delusional nonsense. Repeat this nonsense in another thread and I'll just report you for trolling. .....says the man with a far far higher posting average than me. I would say I am probably one of the most infrequent posters out of all the regulars. 4,800-something posts in over 15 years of being an active member: an average of less than one post per day. It isn't difficult to fit that in, and it wouldn't be even if I was running a multi million dollar factory in the UK. I won't be responding to you any more, only reporting, unless you admit you are continually and deliberately confusing me with someone else (although I can't think of any other poster who has made the claims you come out with, but then I only skim through 3-4 threads a day at best). Can we drop the fantasies now please.
  9. Do you have a link for that? It's crazy that the thing is built but not operating due to no signalling system or trains (I believe). Really really poor. Is 2028 official???
  10. That's a funny satirical video, thanks for sharing!
  11. You literally just made all of that up. Boring!
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