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Cyber Cafe

Little Black Duck

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Ladies please forgive me for posting here BUT !!!!

I feel you being Mothers or potential Mothers this may concern you..

Nearby where I live there is a little den of inequity called a Cyber Cafe..

Where they have those internet games..

It is packed every afternoon with young children..

Out of curiosity I took a peek inside, those games are horrific, blood thirsty killing games..

is it any wonder that violence and killing comes naturally to these kids today..

just occurred to me the hypocrisy of the authorities trying to

clean up the sex industry, when this is much, much worse..

Any comments ??

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Hubby is from a small town in Khon Kaen province & there is one internet cafe there that does a roaring trade once the schools finish for the day. There are packs of little boys & girls waiting their turn to play the games & the owner of the cafe makes a good income from them. Each kid pays 10 baht a game & they have a 2 game limit as there are so many of them waiting to play. Before I made hubby buy a computer for his mums place, I used to use it but the racket these games & the kids made meant that I couldn't think let alone form a sentence. On a side note, the cafe also makes a lot of money selling crappy snacks to these kids as well & there were a fair few obese kids goggle eyed to the computer screen stuffing crisps & sweeties in their already fat gobs :D About the violence, I agree, over the top & not even my hubby, who is an avid gamer, plays games that graphic. But then, why aren't the parents of these kids monitoring what they are doing? Should the net cafe owner take responsibility or should the parents have a bit more involvement on where their kids are & what they are doing? :o

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Which horrific, blood thirsty killing games are you talking about? Last time I checked it looked like it was still mostly football/soccer games.

Here's an idea: pick up a few games at the shopping center and donate them to the shop. (Or better, set an example and go inside and play them.) May I suggest "Super Monkey Ball Deluxe"; or "Guitar Hero II" -- although it's probably too much to ask you to shell out for the controller. (It's a shame but "Cooking Mama" and "Loco Roco" are not available for the consoles.)

Good luck!

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guitar hero is a great game, i just ordered it after playing it for hours at MBK :o... i agree, in the arcades or cafes i have been to most of the kids were playing football! there are games like house of the dead which are gory, but you are killing monsters which is quite different to people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry GirlsX, I have to disagree with you. Killing monstors is no different from killing people. Killingis killing whether it is fantasy or realistic. There is no way that my girls are going to be doing that. I had to stop them watching cartoon network because of the violence.

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