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The Holidays Are Done


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It is strange living in Thailand during the holidays, seeing the Xmas displays, the xmas music, the decorations, the costumes worn by the bar girls, my students handing out candy, Xmas cards with the right music but with hearts and roses (looks more valentine than Xmas to me)

This was my 7th Xmas in Thailand, I remember being somewhat sad the first xmas I spent here, especially xmas eve, on the beach in Samui hearing the music and missing family. I was fine the next day spending Christmas day at a restaurant on the beach where the owner's friends came year after year to celebrate that day, I have become one of those people too after 7 years.

On Christmas day this year, I had lunch at the Islander, turkey with all the fixings, I hadn't had turkey in years and I got all teary eyed after eating my lovely lunch. I guess it just made me miss my mom and brother, and past family get togethers.

It is difficult to explain the meaning of Xmas to my Thai family and friends, of course the commercial aspect is what is most obvious, and, don't get me wrong I love presents :o but really, it's being with family that counts. I have my family here but my husband doesn't really get it, and he isn't much of a sentimental guy (he says every day is special)

Dear fellow ladies, did you find it difficult too?

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We are here in the UK & hubby spent his 3rd christmas with my family but he still doesn't get it!!! He finds it all a lot of effort over nothing although he likes getting the gifts :D I spent a few Christmas' in Thailand & although enjoyable, were just not the same & I too missed my family more than at any other time I was away.

We are now on the verge of making the final decision to come back to LOS or not in a couple of years & one of my main requirements is that I spend one month every december with our (soon to be born) child with my family in the UK doing the christmas thing as I don't want my child to miss out on such a wonderful & magical time & to be able to spend this part of it's western culture with my family who love having children around to allow them to go overboard with the decorations & gifts too. So I know what you mean.

Why not arrange a trip home next year. 7 years is just too long to miss out on all the magic :o

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So glad I'm not alone it missing Xmas!! This is my 4th Xmas away from home and I swear they don't get any easier! My mom joined me in Thailand for one of them and it was so great having her and her friends around not to mention the fact that we were involved in the Tsunami so it was fate I think that she was with me. She said she was so happy to leave North American Xmas madness behind and wished she could do it every year ... blah blah but I still miss it, even the madness. This year when I started getting emotional about missing another one she told me that she hates Xmas so busy etc etc but then when all her work was done, presents bought and time for family she was sobbing on the phone to me. Not to metion the box she sent us with all our presents that got lost and didnt make it here by Xmas. This caused her to totally lose it saying I have stop living in Asia etc etc. And she is always so supportive. So it shows how Xmas can drive people mad as well. For me it comes down to all of the traditions that have stayed the same since I was young, how it is all about family and friends and the feeling in the air, like the peace and quiet of Xmas day, knowing most people are inside their houses with their families.

My bf is with me in Korea right now and he also doesn't understand Christmas but he made an effort to decorate our bamboo plant as a Xmas tree at least!

I'm with you Boo! I have also expressed to my bf that it is really important that once we have children ( we're getting married this year) that we return home for Xmas. I also plan to start fitting that in in the next couple of years just for myself!

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gisele, I haven't had Xmas at home since 1991 and I do miss it :o My sister came out a few years ago with her son who was 6 at the time and it was the best Christmas I've ever had here. I know exactly how you feel. I guess the only advice I can give is to enjoy the times you do get to spend with your family, even if it isn't Christmas.

BTW, my husband loved his one Christmas. He loves the gift giving (but then he is a very good gift giver :D ), loves the family get-togethers. He also loves the gift receiving part too :D

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I must admit I was quite glad of the lack of hullabaloo. It was my first Christmas without my boyfriend & littl'un's father & now my Mum is in HK too, it was just me & little boy. I couldn't have faced all of the build-up. As it was, Christmas Eve was spent wrapping my son's presents & bawling my eyes out when watching an excerpt of Guns'n'Roses in concert when they played the song BF always used to play for me (hence my username!) Anyway, it was nicer being quiet & understated. Little boy loved his pressies & then the 2 of us went to a pub for Christmas lunch, so it was OK. :o

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oh god. i have not had xmas at 'home' since 1998. this year it has hit me like a ton of bricks. i am SO home sick at the moment. this is not helped by the fact that i am breaking up with my boyfriend AND going through menopause! so its all rolled into one explosive parcel at the moment.

i am craving home at the moment. its been two years since ive seen my family. i have nieces and nephews i have not seen, my family is getting older, and so am i. i spoke to the family briefly on xmas day but got all teary so it wasnt fun. ive not spoken to them since as i fear i will just break down and not be able to control myself.

i have had a few xmas in bkk which have been fun as ive been with friends. we have had chicken and champagne on my balcony a few times in the morning and then headed off to a hotel for lunch, then off to a park with a big esky. those xmas's were great fun.

i have spent one in the jungle in khao sok which was very special as it was spent with my best friends in thailand. we even had roast pork, ham, cheese and xmas pudding (i had been home not long before and smuggled it all back in). that was probably the best xmas i have had here.

this year i ran away to a girlfriends place and had it with her and her son. we ate chocolate for breakfast, watched her son open his presents, made roast veggies and then i came home.

whilst i dont really like all the hoohaa at home, i do like to spend it with people who love me unconditionally. its getting harder each year.

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BA HUMBUG! This year I didn’t miss it at all! Never heard a Christmas carol -didn’t step foot into a tesco's (its 3 hours away!) - Bar girls- none here -no gifts- didn’t have my annual Xmas party - but we did spend it with some old and new friends. Haven’t had the guts to cook a turkey since the tsunami and I haven’t gotten to enjoy any left overs since that day in 2004 Coz it went bad in my fridge when we lost the house! Hubby and I joke now that Santa brought the wave... so there ya go. But New years.. well we had a ball- all my neighbors families have been home - eating- drinking- singing- LOVE IT! Everybody wishing us a happy new year.

So, happy new year to you Ladies! HH :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
I must admit I was quite glad of the lack of hullabaloo. It was my first Christmas without my boyfriend & littl'un's father & now my Mum is in HK too, it was just me & little boy. I couldn't have faced all of the build-up. As it was, Christmas Eve was spent wrapping my son's presents & bawling my eyes out when watching an excerpt of Guns'n'Roses in concert when they played the song BF always used to play for me (hence my username!) Anyway, it was nicer being quiet & understated. Little boy loved his pressies & then the 2 of us went to a pub for Christmas lunch, so it was OK. :D

:o was the song Civil War?

:bah::D :D :D :D :o:bah:

Happy days Ladies. I wish you all well for this coming year! ;)

Edited by kayo
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