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  1. Thanx for that slick,, my question to you is when did you last get a year long, multi-entry Non-O visa from Savannakhet I was there last Wednesday ????
  2. With the exception of Monday traffic your post couldn't have been more wrong. The Thai consulate has zero interest in seeing your wife nor do they require any letter from her. Also Wednesdays are as easy as they come.
  3. This is an old scam. They also target westerners, especially the elderly, and when they know they got you hooked they'll ask to come and see you up close and personal cuz they're sure you're the one. Only problem they can't leave the base. Out of the question. But boy are you lucky. Their base commander is corrupt enough to accept bribes, so, with just USD 4,000 deposited in his account they can come and see you wherever you are. Not sure how many fell for that but there's one born every minute, or so they say. I suggest Only the Animals (2021) "an effectively convincing slow burn thriller" that also showcases how exactly these scams work.
  4. Go for it. Wireless earbuds is a rip off. You can pay up to USD 500 and 18 months later the battery life will drop to 40 minutes max. And then you realise you need a new pair.
  5. FYI, THB 1,000 is the highest they can charge for licence and is only for foreigners. For the same offence Thais get a ticket as low as THB 300.
  6. How come so many of you are so stupid? What does cannabis have to do with meth? You need to get out more and live a little.
  7. If you went for a border run obtaining a reentry permit to keep your current extension of stay alive, you can't get a 60 day to visit wife because you won't be on a new visa?
  8. Look at all the snails coming out of their holes to celebrate what exactly? That they didn't get vaxxed!!! All you can do is feel sorry for such individuals.
  9. Increasing the severity of punishment will never deter crime. When someone breaks the law the only thing in their mind is that they'll never get caught.
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