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  1. Britain is brainwashed with propaganda lies , any news that is deemed unfavourable to Ukraine or promoting Russia is banned . Living in Thailand where one is free to read all the news and have one's own opinion , it is best not to mention Ukraine with family and friends in Britain .
  2. For me and I believe many Ex Pat retirees living in Thailand , it is the need to apply for visa extension every year and report every 90 days . I'm British , before coming to live in Thailand I lived in Italy . After the first 3 months one has to apply for residency , if granted one is given 5 years before reporting again to extend . All being well one will be granted permission to stay in perpetuity . It is a pity the same doesn't apply in Thailand .
  3. " It Takes Two To Tango " ! It is easy to criticize men as not being good performers , not pressing the right buttons . I am elderly now , but in younger years have enjoyed very good sex and intensely loving relations with my former American wife , English and Italian lovers , all of whom were sexually passionate . I am married to a beautiful educated Thai , now middle aged and retired former head teacher . We have been together 18 years and have a loving relationship on a practical day to day basis . In younger years our sex life was OK , but one sided , without any hot desire on the part of my wife . I am of the opinion that to many Thai women sex is just a function like going to the toilet , quick quick I must take shower to clean up afterwards .
  4. This is not an uncommon occurrence in Thailand . Further I believe it is not a crime in Thailand for a 14 year old girl and a 14 yr old boy to have sex . The fact that she came back to him a couple of times more suggests that it was consensual .
  5. It would appear that any stranger could also enter the property ,if the dog is loose at home , clearly it is a guard dog and not a pet , people should NOT be able to enter without prior request of the owners . The owners of this Pit Bull should realize they will risk serious prosecution if a member of the public gets savaged .
  6. The " Colonel " sold vintage clothes, it would appear that he had dressed himself in a military uniform of a Colonel to go out for the evening.
  7. I cannot see the significance of the name change relative to the land registry office . As I understand foreigners are not allowed to own land , so purchase of land would be only in your wife's name .
  8. I would not recommend bringing antique furniture to Thailand , because the heat and climatic conditions ruin the joints . To bring a lot of household furniture would be very expensive and antique furniture of style inappropriate in Thailand . In Thailand you need far less furniture than in one's own country . There are some very good furniture shops and workshops that make beautiful sofas and chairs and classic wooden furniture of every kind at not vast expense . I brought only my artists studio easel , books , video tapes and dvds , lightweight clothing and flat bed sheets . Domestic appliances such as fridges and washing machines are best bought in Thailand .
  9. For all the Thai government urging wealthy foreigners to retire in Thailand , truth is they don't want foreigners at all , only their money brought from abroad .
  10. Many Men retire to Thailand for all the wrong reasons . I have been living in rural Thailand for 16 years , Thailand has good points and bad points . Thailand is trying to promote itself to top end retirees , but if I were one I can think of places I'd rather be . Thailand doesn't really want foreigners retiring to Thailand , but can't wait to get its hands on their money or their make a large investment . The scrutiny of immigration lasts for as long as you stay and can be a real pain in the ass , having to report every three months . A probationary period of say five years with residency given thereafter would male us feel more welcome and secure . The warm climate is good and a low overall cost of living is good . I would advise anybody thinking to retire in Thailand to visit for several years to suss the place out . Don't get mixed up with the women , thinking to marry and settle down , they only want you for your money and some will rob you until you have nothing left .
  11. First , Motorcyclists are not properly trained , where I live youngsters 12 to 14 year old's race along the road past our house in a totally residential part of the village . Many motorcyclists see no need to obey the rules of the road . It is no excuse blaming the roads even it they are in bad repair , many motorcyclists are what I call Death On Two Wheels .
  12. I'm British and lived in Italy before moving to Thailand . In Britain or Italy , having a good doctor is very helpful to getting the best medical services , I have been fortunate in both countries . In Thailand I'm fortunate to have health insurance that covers everything . I have had a heart attack 6 years ago and three keyhole operations at a government hospital , I had the good fortune to spend a week in intensive care , where the nursing is second to none . Prior to discharge I spent a night in a passage outside an intensely overcrowded regular ward , where desperate family members were doing the basic nursing . My regular doctor at the hospital is the same one who does the rounds in the intensive care unit , I am prescribe the very best medicines . With the danger of COVID-19 I am advised to stay away from the hospital , where outpatients is very crowded . I haven't seen my doctor since January 2021 , the hospital mails me my medicines COD at next appointment time . For minor ailments I can walk into our village hospital any time , the doctors and nurses are excellent , it has a laboratory , XRay , Pharmacy and emergency room . I hear from friends in Britain having to wait 5 days for a local doctor appointment , patients unable to have operations until months ahead . When I first came to Thailand I didn't have insurance and paid for my medicines that were not too expensive and to last three months . My recollection of Britain is that doctors can be very casual and under prescribe .
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