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  1. These stories always make me chuckle. I've got mates that have had bad women Thai and Non Thai. My first wife was Anglo Italian and a complete psycho. She even pretended she was dying to get me to go back to her. My next and last English GF was younger than me and followed me everywhere. A totally gorgeous girl it should have been me with the insecurities but nope. It was her with those. Due to this that ends and my long planned thoughts of going to Thailand come true. Helping out a mate in his hotel in Hua Hin seemed the ideal opportunity to dip my toe into the country. First day I meet a 19 year old who worked in the hotel. (I was 37) I was smitten perfect body and something rare for a Thai. She had a curvy backside. We had amazing times her family were lovely and they wanted nothing but their daughter to be loved which I did dearly. Until she robbed money from me only 5,000baht but it was the principle. That soured things and her family tore into her. She left me for a very rich very old Norwegian. And in the end married a geriatric American millionaire who is now dead. She lives in Colorado and is fat but has her wish of being rich. Thirteen years ago met my wife online (10 years younger than me) we spoke for 6 months until I came back to Thailand and life has been amazing. Her family don't expect anything from us we just pay her parents life insurance annually 10,000 baht. She earns much more in the British labs than in Thai hospitals and is happy here. Maybe the fact she is educated helps. She loves earning her own money and pays for our Caravan and is saving up for our Thai house from her wages. We have a 10 year old son who plays top level football for his age group. We still love each other as much if not more than when we got together. The town we live in has a vibrant Thai community we occasionally see a few of them but it's not the centre of our life. In fact we spend more time with the family and they all adore her. There was never any animosity from my parents/siblings. If I lost her I probably wouldn't marry another Thai I don't think I'd get as lucky next time. I would just be an old hansum man having fun. Anyway that's my take on it. Not all stories are bad.
  2. My wife has to wear one at work in the lab but it's really affecting her breathing. Luckily we live in England so apart from work she doesn't wear one. And neither do I because we aren't scared of the scamdemic. I really hope the Thai authorities see sense and make these things non mandatory by the time we come in August.
  3. Ahhhh back when women in the UK used to be ladies. Not the ladettes most are now. Back to the RTP girl very pretty indeed and I expect very wealthy now.
  4. So sad but this happens every day. Every day many Thai families lose a loved one or loved ones. There needs to be a radical change in culture on the roads. They need to realise an amulet or Buddhist writing won't save them. My wife didn't drive in Thailand she was too scared to. So she learnt in England and is now a great safe driver. So Thai's have it in them to be good drivers they just need the right guidance and training. And they need to want to improve as well. When I drive there I am so defensive I treat everyone around me like a brain dead fool. I expect people to come out at traffic lights. I expect someone to drive the wrong way towards me. I expect a lorry to pull out in front of me at a U turn point. And I watch the races from the lights where they all have to be first.
  5. We found that hotel excellent and couldn't believe some of the comments from the reviewer. We think there was more to that story all along.
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