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About laislica

  • Birthday 01/23/1942

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  • Location
    Almeria, now in Spain or West of Bangkok

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    Almeria when in Spain

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  1. Thai's had better brace themselves for dramatic price rises. Under Franko, only Spanish could own property and prices were stable. After Franko, foreigners could own property. Prices rose to the point that the locals could hardly afford to get on the property ladder.
  2. IMPORTANT Do what you can to Stop the spread of Omicron. Otherwise herd immunity may stop the pandemic!!!!
  3. Interesting, the double tax agreement, at least with Spain, states that income from pensions will be taxed in the country of residence. HMRC demanded self assessment from me knowing I was resident in Spain with income from pensions. I ended up paying 4 years back tax plus interest and penalties to Spain. HMRC refuse to repay more than the tax they illegally took from me. They spend more by staff writing emails etc than doing the right thing. This has dragged on almost 4 years so far If the double tax agreement for Spain is pay where you are resident, why not the same for Thailand? Pity we're not the super rich, no tax to pay!
  4. What's new? It's said to have mild symptoms. Therefore, why not let it spread. Then we will have natural immunity at low risk?
  5. Such BAD PEOPLE! Public hanging, a suitable message to encourage the masses to stop rocking the boat? If not, drawn and quartered? Head on a spike? <deleted>, on one hand they want to open the cuntry to win the tourists money, but on the other hand they want total control of the masses, especially those dirty foreigners who have lodsa cash which they must be liberated from. Ya can't have your cake and eat it? Oh, sorry, I forgot, even Thailand electricity is different to Farang electricity.
  6. Here in Spain, the southern region of Andalusia is currently at level zero. PCR testing is a joke, for fully vaccinated, a short test, don't want to see any break through cases. For the unvaccinated a long test, want to soo false positives to force vaccinations. Can pcr discriminate between a current infection and a previous infection from which you are fully recovered? I've never been tested but have had mega chest infection. Was it covid? I've no idea.
  7. Total BS. What has the vaccine to do with anything. After being fully vaccinated you can still contract and transmit the virus! Why follow the Americans, one of the leaders in corruption. They are interested in money and control and not the health of their citizens.
  8. It's a few years back when I did it but it was easy online. Cheers
  9. Kasikorn let you create a virtual credit card, you set the max total of payments it can make.
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