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About mushroomdave

  • Birthday 05/01/1965

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  1. "Bancha Kullavanit, Executive Director of Ocean Sky Boat Tours, revealed the extent of the damage, stating that Chinese New Year 2025 saw a staggering 30% drop in Chinese tourists compared to 2024." This "Executive Director" is an idiot. I have lived in Taiwan for 23 years and know the actual holiday started Tuesday / 28th, which is Chinese New Year's Eve, and then there are 3 more government official days off days plus this coming weekend. This article was released Wednesday so the only numbers they know are day 1. It is still ongoing so this whole article is BS talking in the past tense. There is no way they know the final numbers yet, especially this Exec. Director Mr. Kullavanit!!
  2. I always love these "be on the lookout" stories........then they blur their faces! 🤣😶‍🌫️🤣😶‍🌫️🤣😶‍🌫️🤣
  3. Exactly!.....Thought I had heard everything! Poor kid! Well enjoy Thai prison food....and the atmosphere you idiot POS!! RIP Lukas!
  4. "to determine the circumstances leading to the accident." My guess: idiocy
  5. You may want to google "some" as I stated.
  6. Easy for me. Will back home with assets (bank account mostly) ready for the nieces/nephews to divvy up. And a will here for what I want my "significant other" here to get all on my passing. Nothing too hard about that. (And I increase the one here annually just enough to make sure I am taken care of so there is motivation to keep me "in good health"....🤣🤣🤣)
  7. Taiwan. Lived there 23 years and did my run there last year and going next month again to see friends. I stay almost 2 weeks though but Taipei is actually pretty cheap and a lot to see in a few days. My recomendation would be CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei 101, and for all the fun/nightlife/bars/shopping head to Ximenting...their "Times Square" LOL!!!!
  8. Posted not till DEC/11 though.....then it took time for the word to spread so the kids could do the BIB's job!!
  9. 12 hours ago, snoop1130 said: The incident, which occurred on October 3 Looking to fill up space in AN. ======================= Well TBH, it never says they did it live.........plus watching the video by Arman Kremer, it says he posted it December 11......when they were long gone!!
  10. Well if that's him in the blurred image, he doen't look too bald to me...................
  11. Isn't the gold tested? What's the scam? (that he isn't good at?) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  12. Had one of those 2 floor units you can have a shop in below (I didn't) and live above in Lam Plai Mat a few yrs ago. Saw some wires coming into mine from the next door "vacant" unit's rollup door and the landlord avoided my questions if I was somehow paying for power from there? She only responded "nobody there, nobody there". So I had her go with me and showed her I unplugged everything there was running and made her look at the meter which of course was still going. (I was going to say it must be the ghost next door but thought better LOL) She had a guy there to take all those wires out an hour later!! TIT !!!
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