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  1. Sucker punches like that are cowardly. She (yes, I know) could have smacked her head on the floor and died, or caused brain damage. He was under no threat and could have just run off or called for assistance.
  2. Yes. If he can prove infidelity and the gambling issues = toxic environment = get a good lawyer and he could win custody. The family problems are ironically his ticket out of this.
  3. Depends which type of western woman and which type of Thai woman you come across. There are some real cavewoman-like ogres in Thailand, as there are loud-mouthed chavs in the west. Generally speaking, the mannerisms of Thai women, particularly in Bangkok, are what one would class as very feminine. But go up country and you'll see plenty of gruff-voiced shrek types.
  4. Would love to see someone a little handy with their fists give both those guys a few jabs. Assaulting a woman and then pulling out a knife; absolute pussies
  5. So much unnecessary speculation when it's actually quite simple. TTL has done an excellent job of staying on top of this and getting the correct information out. See here: https://www.thethailandlife.com/expat-tax-thailand
  6. Are You Reading AI-created Fake News? Not necessarily fake news but certainly AI generated by Thaiger and reposted on AseanNow. At least Tim Newton is calling it out. Standards need to be drastically improved.
  7. Still no one has stepped into help this poor woman. Instead, news outlets continue to exploit her for clicks. Shameful. It would take just one embassy official to step in, have her sectioned, assessed, medicated and a flight arranged to get her back for treatment in Portugal.
  8. "Unique content"? That made me chuckle. Thaiger just churns out re-spun ChatGTP (AI) dribble. It's awful. I'm surprised a younger, more innovative company hasn't moved into this space to dominate; it's ripe for the picking.
  9. Exactly. This has been going on for two weeks. Why hasn't someone taken action?
  10. Why has this woman not been given the help she needs? She is clearly suffering from mental illness and needs treatment. Why is her naked picture being plastered all over news outlets to be ridiculed. A situation like this says a lot about society . Imagine if that was your mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend or wife. Shame on the police, immigration, the embassy, the media, bystanders and those who make fun on forums.
  11. Because it is the principle. They are ripping people off. It's fraud. What if a poor person had worked months to save up for a decent phone, and they did this to them? These people need to understand that in a civilized, adult society you don't carry out such deceptive behaviour at the expense of others.
  12. Let him be with his dignity in tact. I couldn't think of anything worse than my last hurrah spent in the Pattaya cesspit.
  13. Experienced this for years, usually in 7-Eleven, nearly always Thai men, and usually motorbike taxi drivers and alike. Staff would often point out I was first, but not always. Quite often the Thai was bemused, finding it strange that the foreigner should be given such a status. Now I speak enough Thai to politely state my case. Foreigners are second class citizens.
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