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  1. This video is very poor journalism. He was never "hiding out" anywhere. He was fully employed, on a visa, living with his kids in Thailand. Despite him being the obvious suspect, there has never been a shred of evidence linking him to a murder. The body showed no signs of trauma or bruising or historic abuse. No phone calls, letters or suspicious arrangements have ever been traced. No one saw the two of them walking in the hills, despite that being a popular trail. No one witnessed arguments or fighting around the time of her disappearance. No one saw him acting suspiciously, moving a large object late at night, hiring a van, et. The logistics of carrying her and dumping her there would present a very difficult task, and one where someone would likely to see or suspect something. The fact is, the police have nothing and never have. Indeed, the police have been so focussed on him as the suspect that they may have overlooked other potential avenues of enquiries such as the involvement of other men (a clandestine life in the UK), a mental health episode, and even the possibility of her death being linked to two similar murders of women in the same area. If she was murdered, I really hope they do catch the perpetrator, and if he did it I hope they prove it. I hope her kids get the closure they deserve and that she can rest in peace. However, I fear that while his move to Thailand looks suspicious, in context of their unhappy marriage at the time it may not be. We don't know what their conversations and plans were at the time, or what was going in the relationship (affairs, money demands for family, etc). This write up has some additional information: https://truecrimediva.com/lamduan-armitage/
  2. Many are holiday hookers who no longer work the bars. Their sponsors visit them at different times of the year. They have a schedule: Hans from Germany for two weeks, Gordon from UK for 3 weeks, etc. In between they hang out in Pattaya or visit back home.
  3. Childish, narcissistic, inauthentic, money-driven – and that's just the good ones. What's not to like? 🙂
  4. "The courtroom on Ratchadaphisek Road was electric...." Stop with the AI generated copy for just a day. It wasn't a rock concert!
  5. One theory could be that, given his drunken state, they saw an opportunity to either rob or bum him. He fought back.
  6. There for the grace of God go I.
  7. Eating rat meat is very "Baan Nock", as is eating frogs. Some proper out in the sticks, money very tight business. It is not commonplace.
  8. Any update on the man's condition, and an arrest?
  9. 65% occupancy rate is still some way off fully booked. I wonder what level of occupancy a 4 or 5 star hotel needs to be profitable?
  10. YouTube is useless for stuff like this. Just confusing. I didn't bother with the pink ID card in the end, couldn't be bothered for the few benefits. Found some other people's experiences here: https://www.thethailandlife.com/pink-id-card and the Yellow Book requirements there too: https://www.thethailandlife.com/tabien-baan
  11. Oh come on! I can't believe they plan to bring it back anyway. Manually filling out an arrival card? It's not 1980.
  12. They must be quite well off if they can afford that weekly rent in Phuket. It seems quite a waste of money. Buying off plan is a huge risk in Thailand given so many dodgy developers. What about schools for her son? Health insurance? The new tax rules? It doesn't seem that it will be much cheaper than Aus, based on the lifestyle they want. If she bought a house in Australia her son could fully inherit. In Thailand he will be left with a house worth next to nothing because of the short lease (by then), and the fact that old properties don't fare well in the Thai market. It's the land that's worth the money. I hope it all works out for them but wish people were better advised before making the move.
  13. They let in thousand of Russians escaping conscription thinking what? That they are all rich oligarchs who will spend their fortunes in Thailand? The majority of these people will need to work. They will need to make money to stay.
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