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  1. Thai education at position 54...out of 67! Staggering that this situation is allowed year after year..... Why do they want dumb ass kids? The country is screaming for talent.... eg: engineering is a sophisticated, complex and necessary occupation....but even they are suspect in Thailand, of not being professional.
  2. And we have to wonder...in the past 40 years, never was there a prostitute that has walked the streets....such an amazing police record...medals all round please....oh..and throw a few parachute badges in also!
  3. Oh my goodness......seems the automatic sprinkler system didn't work!.....Oh...they didn't have one? Thats odd! Anyway...a nice insurance claim!
  4. An old chestnut that keep surfacing every couple of years.....meaningless of course, but it does fill content space I guess!
  5. These clowns in authority here continue to give projects to the best payer....and usually, the worst performer! This mayor is trying to save face big time.....he gave the contract....he's responsible!
  6. What a load....and people reading the BP are supposed to believe this nonsense?
  7. Not sure what he's doing or done, but I have several friends on boats in all places globally.....all have Starlink and all are very happy with the service
  8. Archaic practices prevail in Thailand....much of the country has not and probably never will, come into the modern era. Education is useless here sometimes!
  9. What an absolute nonsense! They already had the taxi plate number....the rest is pure slap stick comedy! Ham actors pretending to be cops!
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