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  1. Most likely a completely useless workshop.....all will be forgotten as they walk out the door...hop on their bikes and ride on the wrong side!
  2. She should have got some guys to go and touch the boyfriend up somewhat....not much...busted leg...or 2 The cops won't do anything.....unless payment is upfront!
  3. They would lie to their mothers! No-one has ever heard of living expenses being deducted from conscripts.....unless of course, it's being shared amongst the high ranks!
  4. Cha Am has a no umbrella day on Wednesdays.....it's a pleasure to go to the beach, even though it's a rotten beach, but without the ugly and dirty umbrella mafia, it's a far better place.
  5. This entire "market" is a dreadful tinder box and has never improved. It's a claustrophobic place...and if I was there and fire broke out, I would have no idea which way to go...the rabbits had no chance!
  6. "In a shocking turn of events".....proxy voting has never left any parliament. It's been going on for decades....a bit of noise is made, after which, the media simply forget everything.
  7. A Ball Pein hammer would solve this rotten animals future!
  8. As usual.....never do due diligence at the outset....wait until bad press!
  9. And now??...Well, he a national hero....front page news....a slimy ex politician, who will likely get his old job back!
  10. And that is exactly how the system works here......however...removing cops that don't do their job has rarely happened.....if it did happen when it should, half the force would be planting rice!
  11. What a beautiful sight! Umbrella mafia rule in Cha Am.....tyre slashing for non customer parking ......and the beach sucks!
  12. Just how often does this happen? This is not the first time, but there have been multiple paedophilia cases such as this. Poor families that have trouble getting by and not being able to finance a proper investigation.....and IMO, the cops won't act for free!
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