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  1. Love to see the faces of the team that did this in Soi 6 the night before any operation
  2. I'd wait and see if it's not a spilt tin of purple paint or something first.
  3. Sorry, but you are not allowing for Thai ingenuity in having a car accident !
  4. 100% , if Biden still runs - after not going blank in the debates or wandering off and falling off the stage - he will declare a bird flu pandemic and hide in the democrat bunker again
  5. Just wait until they have a high speed mail train to supply Thailand with more Chinese junk in 24 hours delivery ! That high speed line could be the death of even more Thai industry !
  6. Anyone one step towards the middle on the far left is a far right extremist to the idiot left these days - even if they are still left leaning !! I am right, always been a right, but at least I could understand the left argument of their position in the past even if I could not agree with it. Far left in the USA in power now and some of the nutters in my own UK now are so extreme as to be close to insane.
  7. Anyone know the difference between the amount of vehicles and bike hitting trains in Laos as compared to Thailand ? Does Laos have less suicidal drivers ?
  8. At 2am ? I would imagine that any prostitute still available at 2 am is either 70KG up, related to Cinderella, or is back for a refill and the cops felt sorry for them
  9. 'Biden tries to appease muslim voters that have abandoned him' would be a more appropriate headline
  10. Maybe they could take a leaf out of the Python book and become the Party Move Forward or the Forward move party ?
  11. Agreed, Thailand is actually promoting the destruction of the planet by trying to increase tourism and more carbon emitting planes ! Take my hat off to the people in the pic though, but that is probably 1% of 1 arriving jumbo of the hundres arriving daily !
  12. The T.A.T. will probably put up 24 million of that for lost tourism (just add another 50 baht to the proposed tourist tax)
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