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  1. That just doesn't make any sense at all, though. Visa validity 5 years, multi entry. If each entry permitted a stay of 180 days, then with border runs you could stay for the full 5 years, so what would be the point of a one time 180 day extension? And on offer for just 10K, it would undermine the LTR and O-X visa types. We have to bear in mind the purpose of this new visa type. Mr. Chai Watcharong, spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, stated; "Add a new type of visa, Destination Thailand Visa (DTV), for foreigners who have skills and work remotely through the digital system (remote worker or digital nomad) who wish to Will be staying in Thailand to work and travel at the same time, with employers and customers abroad It is also a destination for foreigners who want to do cultural activities and use medical services. However, Thailand does not yet have a visa that supports this group of foreigners. This is a group of people who have the potential and will be beneficial to the development of the country." The key wording 'to work and travel at the same time, with employers and customers abroad'. That suggests the visa will allow unlimited entries, but with a limit of staying in Thailand for only 180 days per year. The one time 180 day extension then makes much more sense. Of course, we could be both total incorrect, when the full details are revealed.
  2. The infography specifically states, 1 time extension of stay at Immigration, which I interpret as during the 5-year validity of the visa, not each 180-day period of stay. We really need to wait for further details, rather than speculate.
  3. There is no merger with the O and O-A visa. Both are separately listed as still being available.
  4. That info graph is supposedly from the MFA, but buggered if I can find it. It would be most helpful if @george could post links for verification.
  5. That is how other Thai media outlets are also viewing it. Best to wait for further details than speculate. Let's not forget the new DTV is aimed at digital nomads, remote workers, freelancers, as well as those interested in learning Muay Thai and Thai cuisine," If you're retired or have Thai spouse/family, it changes nothing.
  6. Extensions are permits, not visas. This is about visa categories (Thai Embassies/Consulates).
  7. In other areas of the Thai media, it's claimed we've all got it wrong. They claim the DTV will permit a total stay of 180 days over the 5 year validity of the visa, with a further single extension of 180 days = 20,000BHT for 360 days over 5 years. 🤪 The DTV won't be available until June 2025. See Thai examiner and Pattaya News.
  8. No, extensions are permits, not visas and applied for at Thai Immigration. The DTV will be applied for at Thai Embassies/Consulates and Somchai can't help you with that.
  9. Example, you entered Thailand 1st Jan on the DTV, permitted to stay until 30th June. Depart March, re-enter April, permitted to stay until 30th June. Same as an extension of stay with re-entry permit. It clearly states you can only stay 180 days within a year, with the option of using that one time 180 day extension.
  10. Where exactly does it state each entry permits a stay of a further 180 days. What would be the purpose of the one time 180 day extension if you can simply re-enter to get a further 180 days. My interpretation is you will be granted permission of stay for 180 days in one year. Like extensions, if you re-enter, you will be granted permission of stay until the original POS date.
  11. The O-A must still be available, as they announced a reduction in the mandatory Insurance requirement.
  12. I'm reading that as the Non Imm 0-A visa, often referred to as the 'long stay' (L) visa
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