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About Rookiescot

  • Birthday 05/09/1967

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    Nong Khai

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  1. China is not the only market open to those countries either. Those markets would be faced with an option. China or the rest of the world. Guess which way they are going to jump given they are democracies and China is not.
  2. Of course they would. All those countries would side with the US. Its a democracy after all not a country ruled by a dictator.
  3. Really? So why is China having a hissy fit about Australia getting nuclear powered subs? I will say it again. Its because it demonstrates a hardening of attitudes in the west towards Chinas aggression. And if you believe those growth figures do tell us why Chinas house selling market has dropped by 20% in one year and why credit is so hard to come by now in China? Evergrande? Yeah signs of a healthy growing economy that is.
  4. Your domestic economy is not big enough to support itself. You need foreign markets. Trade embargo by the west mean economic collapse.
  5. Now there's a thing. Within an hour of China trying to invade Taiwan (in their fishing boats) the western countries would immediately impose an embargo of ALL Chinese goods. Chinas economy collapses. Now your military are getting pumped and your economy is pumped. Go for it China. Give us all a laugh.
  6. Who makes Intels chips? Heres a clue. Its not Intel.
  7. That is the best laugh I have had in a long time. An invasion by fishing boats? Swarms of hypersonic missiles? Absolute fantasy.
  8. Not armed with nukes. Please be less selective with your quotes.
  9. Do you honestly think China is a military match for the United States? Good grief you would be lucky to even successfully invade Taiwan. It is no easy matter. You might take a couple of islands but that would be it.
  10. Ah so you call western nations white English speaking aggressors? Bit racist that aint it? China can have its own system. It just needs to cut out the aggressive policies it has towards everyone else.
  11. So why is China having such a hissy fit about it if it does not matter? No it demonstrates a hardening of attitudes in the west towards China. Something the Chinese are not used to. Countries pushing back against its aggression. Brace yourself. More will be coming.
  12. Not sure poor rural Thais could handle 5 baht on fuel price hike.
  13. How about they put 5 baht on everyones road tax and then the government pays the companies a set amount every year and they get rid of the tolls altogether?
  14. Its still ongoing because of Chinese aggression and building fake islands in other countries territorial waters.
  15. Why not just say "We were on a jolly and we used the companies van. We are human after all and we just wanted a break".
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