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About Dan747

  • Birthday December 18

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    Ubon Ratchathani & Orlando, FL USA

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    Ubon Ratchathani, Thaila

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  1. "OMG"-Move her to another school while taking Legal Action!
  2. I will do "NOTHING" but wait and see even though I am spending less than 180 days in Thailand. However, I am a little apprehensive that the Thai government will get the Banks involved, since I have well over 1 million baht there and try and tax anyway. "Happy Travels and Good Luck to All."
  3. Most Doctors in Thailand are against the legal use of cannabis especially where the younger generation can acquire-Experts are still trying to fully understand the long-term effects of using cannabis. There’s lots of conflicting research on this topic, and many of the existing studies have only looked at animals. Many more large, long-term studies in humans are needed to fully understand the lasting effects of cannabis use. "FACTS" on using Cannabis: Brain development-Research highlights the potential impact of cannabis on brain development when used during adolescence. Dependence-According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse a Trusted Source, people who start using cannabis before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a cannabis use disorder than those who start using it later in life. Respiratory problems-Cannabis has been associated with bronchitis, and it may be a risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and Cancer. Sure the Thai Government Flip-Flopped on this, but in my opinion (I'm sure to get "BS" attacks-But remember this is "MY OPINION") is they did this to protect their youth and younger generations to openly acquiring Cannabis. More to come on this issue where it will probably will Flip the other way due to $$$$$$$.
  4. Pretty Sad, Karma in with all the Russia free visa and more Russian gangs coming in-There will be more incidents.
  5. Lightweight-OMG-Heart Attack Coming with more Russian "BS" in Phuket.
  6. Excogitator Member 85 Posted 2 hours ago (edited) Could those same people name a single (factual) thing Biden had done that they did not approve of? If you listen to fox, newsmax and other rightwing propaganda-outlets, they love to criticise Biden, but there is very little of substance or even truth to their claims, and it mostly boils down to slander, lies and insults.. Meanwhile, in the realm of reality, we have consistently strong jobs growth, rising GDP, and markets at record highs. They have even managed to tame inflation, which has been trending down for over a year now. Pray tell, what is so wrong with that? Edited 2 hours ago by Excogitator Facts: How about the Border. Inflation-Just go to the Grocery store or buy gas for your car all up 25+%. Job growth-Parttime workers and Illegal aliens. Excogitator-Thanks for the Gaslighting!!
  7. Not a "TRUMPER"-Just 41% of those asked approve of the way Biden is handling his job. His approval rating on the economy has dropped to 37% – down 8 points since early December alone. Only 45% approve of his handling of the pandemic he was elected to end. When those who disdain Biden’s overall performance were asked to name a single thing he’d done that they approved of, 56% had nothing positive to say. “I’m hard pressed to think of a single thing he has done that benefits the country,” so I will be voting for "TRUMP!"
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