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About digger70

  • Birthday 08/20/1946

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  1. A good all round ant and insect killing insecticide will do the trick. Anti Termite service if a good one is a good choice. and Will kill many different pests and good insects as well. Pest control services cost from about thb 4 K up per Yr. depending on Location. I use just the spray cans In /around the house when I go on Ant war. Outside and the Garden /Veg garden and Fence I use some Insecticide . This seems to work pretty good ,But it is asn ongoing problem as the ant/insects coming in from the neighbors and everywhere.
  2. You can try these but poison is the thing that Really works. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-kill-ants#natural-ways-to-eliminate-ants
  3. Everyone knows that this is Cr@p. All those Imported products are Price jacked because of the Greedy Shops /Supermarkets. They take advantage of the people who want sometimes the Taste of their Country food
  4. The Gender Ideology Debate: Keir Starmer and Britain's Changing Landscape There shouldn't be a problem it's straight forwardb. There are Two Sexes . Anything else and Wannabes Will have No access to Female /Male Dressing rooms and toilets. They will have to have their own Dressing room and toilet. There exist only two sexes, which are fundamentally rooted in the binary classification between sperm and ova. Males have the function of producing small gametes (sperm), and females large gametes (ova)
  5. Nah ,it's not a flaw. Corruption and Law ignorance is Bred into the people for as long as people have been living here, This may take an other thousand or more yrs to breed that out of them If this is possible.
  6. Well now why doesn't IMM go and Check All the Foreigners where they live when they come to Thailand . Then after say every 3 Months go visit and check to make sure that they stay/Live at the Address they provided when they came here . That would help everyone and we wouldn't have to do the 90 day Cr@p.
  7. PM Srettha Launches Nationwide Crackdown on Drug Abuse. What a Cracker ain't he, Why doesn't he Crack some more and do something about Corruption and Traffic Violations and the daily Death numbers every day. There's plenty more to Crack up about it for him. Thailand the Hub for Cracker Pm.
  8. He never left. That's if he's here , He makes us believe he is in Los . Khun Bob can post whatever he likes But it will be something pulled out of his Hat.
  9. Thai-ed up: British man’s terrifying prison ordeal in Thailand. Great ,he may have Learned something . Bit of a Fruitcake I think.
  10. They don't wan't them cous some of them Play Both sides . They can fit in with those other Wannabes in their New Change rooms /Toilets
  11. Make them Smell Better if they aren't Washed. Must be a Real tosser hey. 🤪
  12. In Aus the weather forecast is always right ,they say Rain Otherwise fine . 😜
  13. Best types of foreigners in Thailand. The ones you get Along with . Everyone is different so there's no real answer.
  14. 800 baht for a Residence Certificate at Immigration ?? Your lucky you got one , First time I tried years ago Immigration said they Don't Give Cert of Residence . They should but they doin't so We went and got a Yellow book for a Donation at the municipality office . No more trouble since
  15. Thai man arrested for raping niece over 7-year period Why in Satans Name is that maggot Still Breathing. He Will get Looked After in Jail Very good.
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