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  1. Cannabis alone will not cause people to be aggressive
  2. Will they X-ray the poor child’s lungs for damage already caused by vaping and will he be treated and rehabilitated for damage already possibly caused? Will the mother get drug & alcohol education?
  3. Why did you give a one night stand your mobile? Wrong move
  4. I am always horrified that people "kick" when people are on the ground, why?
  5. It is adults who compound, cook and distribute the <deleted>
  6. Always wonder why people travel without travel insurance
  7. Never wanted nor fantasised about "fame" of any description I am similar about "success" as that is measured in many different ways I always aimed and hopefully achieved to be a "person of value", I trust I have achieved this by supporting family, colleagues, students and clients to reach their goals.
  8. Quality detritus, attacking another human with a golf club Mental Health Assessment , treatment, trial and deportation seems to be in order
  9. Sometimes an honest look at the society can have positive outcomes It is not a perfect paradise and does have warts as well amazingly beautiful components
  10. They fail to understand the irony of this it seems Sounds like something that Putin regime would do or perhaps Nth Korea if they had a tourist industry
  11. Police negotiating a compensation pay off? How much were they paid by the perpetrator to allow him walk away?
  12. Disrespecting a scupture really?? Not the body type to be seen naked anywhere
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