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  1. That would make her opinion biased I would say. You can clearly see/hear on the Facebook video's what was going on. They even joke that the neighbours are "enjoying" their music aswell.
  2. I know right. On the other hand no reason to get murdered obviously. Sad sad story for all involved ????
  3. For everyone wondering..Yes, the guys in the back of the picture do shoot reporters that ask bad questions.
  4. Prostitution and not wearing a helmet is also forbidden in Thailand...
  5. Wire the money. Depending on the amount they might ask for the source of the income, which would just be you showing the money entering the country. Also, you can sent the money in parts through Deemoney. This doesn't have to even be in your name.
  6. Than the pond will just keep overflowing. They other ground is higher, so it will be a constant overflow of water. They either need to up their own land, or have a pump. Questions is, who is paying for that.
  7. Haha, a Thai bank showing transparancy in regards to their fees. The latter ????
  8. Well, in my case it's 1%, which also doesn't exceed 2.5%. I'm paying for a game subscription in the Netherlands, and 2.5% is charged there.
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