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    ___ I Live With the GREEN openSUSE GECKO !

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  1. OK. I have not read your comment. But, if I should read it, then I think I might well take your advice. Thank you. (Where to buy one, I wonder?) (I have no access to a Pro Shop where I live.)
  2. I don't fly commercial. So, OK. I will not use AGODA, and never have.
  3. Here is a thought: Some of the best umbrellas I have used in Thailand are those similar/identical to the ones that most monks carry. They are quite decent in quality. So then, is there some sort of monk shop for outfitting? Or, would one just need to order an umbrella through the temple? Or, if you made a donation to the temple, ...then....maybe they would just give you one? I don't actually need one that is completely new.
  4. Yes. Good point. I know the issues involved, fairly well. But, I have not used a VPN in China for quite some time. Perhaps, and I really do not know.... VPNs, such as ExpressVPN, based outside China....might not work well. I have ZERO personal experience.....during the past 7 years, having been outside China since that time.
  5. Based on my experience in East Asia, over 40 years, the brand does matter. Some umbrellas will not even last through a typical thunderstorm. And, I know this to be absolutely true. I need something good, but not very expensive.
  6. Hi Folks, Beginning this July, I will need the best VPN for China. In the past, quite some time ago, I used ExpressVPN, and it worked fairly well in SiChuan, but much better in GuangDong. Now, I need the best VPN for ChengDu. Has ExpressVPN gotten any better during the past few years? Of course, I realize that the gov there can turn on, or turn off, usage of VPNs. So, therefore, these days, what might be the best VPN for use in SiChuan which will be good for video conferencing using Google, as well as all things Google. I have no need for anything other than Google products while in China. Thanks for any suggestions. Regards, Gamma Note: As you may know, there are many VPNs available once one enters China, from local agents. But, I wonder if ExpressVPN might still be best. For one thing, you can easily pay be credit card. And, ExpressVPN does provide, or used to provide, rather good support from it's support center, in English or Chinese, too, I think. Well, maybe not Chinese, so much. If you do not know what I am referring to: https://www.expressvpn.com/ Note2: Years ago, I got good support. But, I have not used a VPN, for any reason, for quite a number of years. Therefore, anyone here able to report about either this VPN provider or any better alternative?
  7. Hi Folks, As you know, during the past 24 hours, we have, thankfully, been experiencing our first, long-lasting, and soaking, rain this year, and for many, many months. For some reason, I seem to have misplaced my umbrella, which has been becoming less waterproof as the years have dragged by, since just before the Pandemic began. The umbrella I used before was one of those sturdy brown ones you often see carried by monks. This type is not bad. I would like to, this time, buy an even sturdier and more resilient umbrella, if I can have any recommendations here. I don't care, in the least, concerning the color or the design. I am old, and so fashion is not my top priority. What I care about is a very sturdy umbrella which I can carry along with me. I would never buy those foldable/collapsible types. There is no need. Therefore: a. What brands are the best which are available in Chiang Mai? b. From what I have seen, so far, maybe the monk umbrellas are best? c. Where to buy? d. If not a brown monk umbrella, then what might be better than those? I can easily pay Bt.500 for a dynamite umbrella. But, as you might know if you have lived a long time in Asia, when buying an umbrella, some last a long time, and some only last SHORT TIME. So then... Brand is important to me. Also, where to buy in Chiang Mai. I can have a friend pick one up for me, if only someone here can provide the brand and a photo. This year, I have a feeling that we will see a LOT of rain, just due to the increased water vapor in the atmosphere, due to the heat this past April. I need a dynamite umbrella to use for one or two years. Tks. Gamma Note: Although my umbrella, lost now, was quite decent, I think I would like to pay a bit more for a better one, this time. Note2: Naturally, I am NOT talking about any high-tech carbon-fiber umbrella. I am always on a budget when living in Thailand.
  8. The thing I like most about writing a Blue Book Exam on TV is that... TV is always gracious enough to allow the student to choose his/her own exam questions....
  9. Of course, in my case, almost invariably, after finishing our frequent Blue Book exams... My prof never even read mine. He just tossed in the can.... And gave me a C Minus. Reading my Blue Book, he said, gave him a big headache. I was OK with that!
  10. My approach, which works best for me, in writing Topics and posts on TV, is similar to writing a Blue Book Exam: a. You have your Topic. b. You know the correct answer. c. You have your Blue Book and a pen. d. Normally, one is not allowed to scratch-out or revise what one has written. e. The exam is timed, and there is never enough time. d. This is the way that I post on TV. c. This is why posting on TV, at least for me, is normally so stressful. b. Sometimes, I do wonder why I so willingly subject myself. a. I am used to this. I have been doing it most of my life.
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